17–23 Sept 2023
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Observation of resonant wakefield excitation by pulse trains guided in long plasma channels

18 Sept 2023, 17:05
Maria Luisa (Hotel Hermitage)

Maria Luisa

Hotel Hermitage

Oral contribution WG1: Plasma-based accelerators and ancillary components WG1:Plasma-based accelerators and ancillary components


Linus Feder


The plasma-modulated plasma accelerator (P-MoPA) scheme [1, 2] provides a route for GeV-scale accelerators operating at kilohertz-repetition-rates driven by picosecond-duration laser pulses. In P-MoPa, trains of pulses are generated from a long, high-energy drive pulse via the spectral modulation caused by a low amplitude wakefield driven by a leading short, low-energy seed pulse. Our simulations, discussed elsewhere in this conference, show that temporal compression of the modulated drive pulse yields a pulse train that can resonantly drive a wakefield, allowing for acceleration of a test electron bunch to 1.5 GeV in a 100 mm long plasma channel [2,3].
We present the results of recent experiments with Astra-Gemini at the Central Laser Facility, UK for parameters relevant to the accelerator stage of the P-MoPA scheme. We demonstrate guiding of 2.5 J pulse trains in a 100 mm long plasma channel. Measurements of the spectrum of the transmitted laser pulse train show that a wakefield was resonantly excited in the plasma channel. We compare these experimental results with numerical simulations.
[1] S.M. Hooker et al., J. Phys. B, 47, 234003 (2014)
[2] O. Jakobsson et al., PRL, 127, 184801 (2021)
[3] J. J. van de Wetering et al., Phys E., 108,015204 (2023)

Primary author

Aimee J. Ross (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science and Department of Physics)


Linus Feder Emily Archer (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science and Department of Physics) Nicolas Bourgeois (Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,) Dr James Chappell (Oxford) James Cowley (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science and Department of Physics) Alex Picksley (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Roman Walczak (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science and Department of Physics) Mr Wei-Ting Wang (Oxford) Johannes van de Wetering (University of Oxford) Simon Hooker (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science and Department of Physics)

Presentation materials