Sep 17 – 23, 2023
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Only invited speakers, pre-registered participants and students granted (mandatory to upload an abstract for a poster contribution) can upload an abstract. It is required to have an INFN Indico account to submit an abstract. If not, please create your personal account by following the link "External Users" available on the Submission Form.

The abstract form limits your abstract to 200 words. Please fill in the form in all required fields.

Here are instructions for the poster presentations:

  • Poster size: portrait, width 70 cm, height 100 cm. ID, title, author will appear in each panel to easily identify where to hang up the poster.
  • Bring your poster already printed. The conference organizers will provide supplies necessary for mounting it.
  • Student grant poster: The support from EU and IFAST has to be properly acknowledged by including on the poster the IFAST/EuroNNAc logos (available for download on the event indico home page) and by putting the following acknowledgement:
    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - This poster presentation has received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101004730.
The call for abstracts is closed.