Sep 17 – 23, 2023
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Grants for Students - General information and Poster Sessions

A number of grants will be offered to students in the field of accelerator science and related areas to attend EAAC 2023. The student grant is offered through the European Network for Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAc) in WP6.1 of the I.FAST project.

One student grant and three poster prizes will be sponsored by Amplitude.

Master and PhD students are eligible for these grants.

If you want to apply for a grant you have to pre-register (through the dedicated registration form Student Grant) no later than 18th June 2023. While pre-registering, you will also be able to upload the requested documents (CV and cover letter signed by your tutor). Once the pre-registration is closed, students will be selected.

Conditions of the grant:
1) Students granted attend ALL the meeting sessions and discussions. It is mandatory to present a poster on his/her work during the EAAC 2023 Workshop poster sessions and upload the abstract on Indico. 
Poster format information will be available in due time.
2) An open-access PDF version of the poster file has to be prepared for the upload to the INDICO website of the meeting (poster content can be modified in case of confidential material).

3) The support from EU and IFAST has to be properly acknowledged by including the IFAST/EuroNNAc logos (available for download on the event indico page) on the poster and by putting the following acknowledgement: 

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - This poster presentation has received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101004730.

The student grant covers:

  • Hotel costs for students staying from 17 to 23.09.2023 (6 nights) in double rooms. NO extra nights will be covered. Students with additional nights are requested to pay them directly to the Hotel Reception desk during check out.
  • Conference Fee (including food and drinks in the Hotel Hermitage)
  • Travel costs up to 500 EUR

Travel reimbursement:

For the travel reimbursement, students are requested to buy travel tickets by themselves in advance and provide a copy of the invoice addressed to them. The invoice is mandatory to get the reimbursement.

Procedure: For students’ travel reimbursement, the student in person must come to the Conference secretariat office at the EAAC 2023 and fill out a form sheet. Office hours will be the same of the conference. The reimbursement will be processed by the Conference Secretariat and the amount will be transferred to the student’s bank account in due time (around 4-6 weeks for the internal official procedure).

Students need to provide for us:

  • Original travel tickets (Bus, Ferry, Flight, etc.) and the invoice for purchase addressed to the student (for flights - with the student’s name on it)
  • Taxi costs are covered only if departure/arrival time is before 6:00 am. or after 23:00 pm.
  • Visa receipts (if needed)
  • For students from countries outside the Euro Monetary Union, we will need to take a copy of ID with home address if available (it is a mandatory request by the bank).