17–23 Sept 2023
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The E332 experiment at FACET-II: Towards solid density beams and intense gamma-ray beams

20 Sept 2023, 18:05
Aula Bonaparte 2 (Hotel Hermitage)

Aula Bonaparte 2

Hotel Hermitage

Oral contribution WG5: Applications WG5: Applications


Max GILLJOHANN (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France)


The passage of an electron bunch through a conducting foil has a focusing effect from the Near-Field Coherent Transition Radiation (NF-CTR) generated on the surfaces. Passing through multiple foils may allow to focus bunches down to solid densities and generate collimated gamma-rays with micrometer source sizes and conversion efficiencies exceeding 10%. The possibility offered by this scheme to self-focus high-energy beams and generate extremely dense gamma-ray beams calls for an experimental demonstration.

We present the E332 experiment at FACET-II (SLAC) where this mechanism can be studied with unprecedented electron beam parameters. Initial measurements were investigating the presence of NF-CTR focusing on single foils and the beam-induced heat damage, and are now followed by the first experimental tests with multiple foils. We furthermore report on simulations of realistic electron beam and target configurations for FACET-II that give rise to focusing of electron bunches from 5 μm down to 1.5 μm (rms) and conversion efficiencies from electron beam to gamma rays in the few-percent range. The relative simplicity, unique properties, and high efficiency of this gamma-ray source open up new opportunities for both applied and fundamental research including laserless investigations of strong-field QED processes with a single electron beam.

Primary author

Max GILLJOHANN (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France)


Aimé Matheron Alexander Knetsch (LOA, ENSTA Paris, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91762 Palaiseau, France) Brendan O'Shea (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Christoph H. Keitel (MaxPlanck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany) Doug Storey (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) Frederico Fiuza (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) Henrik Ekerfelt (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) J. Ryan Peterson (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) Laurent Gremillet (CEA, DAM, DIF, 91297 Arpajon, France) Mark J. Hogan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) Matteo Tamburini (MaxPlanck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany) Mike Litos (Department of Physics, Center for Integrated Plasma Studies, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.) Pablo San Miguel Claveria (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee, ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, IP Paris) Robert Ariniello (Department of Physics, Center for Integrated Plasma Studies, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, USA) Samuele Montefiori (MaxPlanck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany.) Spencer Gessner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) Sébastien Corde (LOA, ENSTA Paris, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91762 Palaiseau, France) Viktoriia Zakharova (LOA, ENSTA Paris, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91762 Palaiseau, France) Xavier Davoine (CEA, DAM, DIF, 91297 Arpajon, France) Xinlu Xu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA) Yipeng Wu (University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA) Yuliia Mankovska (LOA, ENSTA Paris, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91762 Palaiseau, France) Zan Nie (University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA)

Presentation materials