14–16 Sept 2011
Bari (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
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Bulletin n. 2


TRDs for the third millennium

4th Workshop on Advanced Transition Radiation Detectors for Accelerator and Space Applications

Bulletin n. 2

This is the second announcement of the 2011 Workshop on Advanced Transition Radiation Detectors that will take place on September 14-16, 2011 at the Physics Department of University of Bari, Italy. This workshop is sponsored by the CERN, the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), the Politecnico di Bari and the Università di Bari "Aldo Moro".

1. Programme

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the applications of Transition Radiation Detectors in current and future accelerator and astroparticle physics experiments as well as to give an overview of the modern trends of advanced particle detector developments.
The programme will include sessions on TRDs in accelerator experiments, TRDs in space experiments, an overview of up-to-date particle identification methods, new approaches in the development of TRDs and an open discussion on the evolution of TRDs for future experiments. A special session will be dedicated to the latest trends of the detector developments and their possible applications for TRDs including X-ray detectors, as well as electronics for signal processing.
A session will be devoted to the memory of Boris Dolgoshein, who passed away in Dec. 2010. It will contain a retrospective of his many fascinating achievements and addres new challenging ideas.

2. Attendance and registration 

To register for the workshop please fill in the registration form or send an e-mail to the workshop secretariat: trd2011@ba.infn.it, indicating the dates of arrival and departure.
The deadline for registration is September 5, 2011.
Due to the summer closing of the Bari Physics Department, the workshop secretariat will not be available from August 11 to August 22.

3. Workshop timetable

The workshop will start on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 9:00 and end on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 18:30.
Two daily plenary sessions are scheduled, from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 18:30.

4. Abstracts

Participants who wish to contribute to the workshop are invited to submit their abstracts before July 18, 2011, by filling in the abstract section. The workshop secretariat will notify before July 29, 2011 if the contribution has been accepted. The average allocated time for presentations is expected to be 25 minutes including 5 minutes of discussion. Contributors are requested to provide, upon arrival, an electronic version of their presentation. Invited and contributed talks will be published in the proceedings of the workshop.

5. Proceedings

The proceedings of the workshop will be issued in 2012 on Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research.

6. Accommodation

All participants should book their accommodation in one of the hotels in Bari. All details can be found in the hotel list. It is recommended to book the room as soon as possible, since there is an important trade exhibition (“Fiera del Levante”) scheduled in Bari at the same time.

7. Conference fee

The conference fee is € 150,00 and includes the cost of the proceedings, of coffee breaks, lunches and social dinner and can be paid upon arrival at the registration desk in one of the following ways:

  • cash;
  • cheque (only for Italian participants);
  • credit card;

The fee can also be paid with a money transfer to the following bank account:

IBAN: IT 10 O 01030 01661 000001293616
SWIFT (only for transfers from abroad): PASCITM1645

Participants who opt for the money transfer must make sure that the full amount in Euros is transferred (without bank charges) and should send a print of the payment by fax to +39 0805219475 or by email.

8. Social activities

The social activities will include a social dinner, a concert. A guided tour on Saturday September 17, 2011 could be arranged upon request (not included in the fee).  

9. Summary of important dates

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: July 18, 2011

Deadline for registration: September 5, 2011

Workshop: September 14-16, 2011

10. Web site

TRDs for the third Millennium