Yvonne Pachmayer
(University of Heidelberg)
9/14/11, 9:45 AM
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the dedicated heavy-ion experiment at the LHC. It is believed that in nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC energies a Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) is formed. ALICE is designed to measure a large set of observables in order to study the properties of the QGP.
The Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) provides electron identification in the ALICE central...
Christoph Blume
(University of Heidelberg)
9/14/11, 10:20 AM
The Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) of ALICE at the CERN-LHC
is designed to provide electron identification and an online trigger
on high-pt tracks of electron candidates. It consists of 6 layers of
drift chambers, covering a pseudo-rapidity range of |eta| < 0.9. In
its current configuration, 10 out of 18 sectors in azimuth are
installed. The completion of the detector is planned...
Xianguo Lu
(University of Heidelberg)
9/14/11, 11:15 AM
The ALICE experiment is one of the four major experiments at the LHC at CERN.
The ALICE TRD is a cylindrical detector system located in radius between 2.9 and 3.7 meters from the beamline and segmented in 6 layers. Each layer consists of a radiator and a drift chamber with pad readout of very good granularity, optimized for Pb-Pb operation. Employing a cosmic-ray trigger and taking...
Johannes Stiller
(Physikalisches Institut Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
9/14/11, 11:40 AM
The TRD is an important subsystem of the ALICE experiment at the
LHC at CERN. Segmented into 18 super modules, each consisting of 30
readout drift chambers filled with Xe-CO2 [85-15], the ALICE TRD is
designed to be an effective tool in terms of separation of electrons and pi-
ons, reconstruction of tracks of charged particles and fast trigger capabilities.
Each readout chamber consists...
Domenico Di Bari
9/14/11, 12:05 PM
Alexander Borissov
9/14/11, 3:55 PM
Alexandre Vaniachine
9/14/11, 4:30 PM
Razmick Mirzoyan
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
9/14/11, 5:25 PM
Anatoli Romaniouk
9/14/11, 6:00 PM
Overview of the R&D work related to the development of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is presented. Significant part of the report will be dedicated to the ideas and aside R&D work, which were not necessary realised in the final TRT design, but were directed to find appropriate solutions and might still be interesting for the developments of the transition radiation detectors and...
Elizabeth Hines
9/15/11, 10:00 AM
Michael cherry
9/15/11, 11:20 AM
Thomas Kirn
(RWTH Aachen University, I. Physikalisches Institut B)
9/15/11, 11:55 AM
The PERDaix (Proton Electron Radiation Detector Aix-la-Chapelle) detector is designed to measure charged
particles in cosmic rays. It can distinguish particle species up to 5 GV rigidity. PERDaix was flown on the BEXUS-11 balloon on 23rd November 2010. The detector dimensions are 60 x 60 x 85 cm3, the weight is 40 kg, the power consumption 65 W and the geometrical acceptance 32 cm2sr. ...
Leszek Ropelewski
9/15/11, 4:30 PM
John Penwell
9/15/11, 5:05 PM
Vladimir Tikhomirov
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science)
9/15/11, 5:30 PM
Detector based on the usage of thin scintillators is proposed for particle identification by TRD. Such type of TRD may be especially interesting for space experiments because of no gas. The detector is based on the thin transparent films with incorporated micro-granules of LuBO3:Ce scintillator. Scintillation signal produced by absorbed gammas is registered by vacuum PMT or by SiPM connected...
Sergey Furletov
(University of Bonn)
9/15/11, 5:55 PM
Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD) have the attractive features of being able to separate particles by their gamma factor. Replacing the Xenon based gaseous detectors by modern silicon detectors is complicated by the large energy losses of charged particles in 300-700 um of silicon. A silicon pixel detector - DEPFET - has features which allows to overcome the existing limitation on...
Jochen Klein
(Physikalisches Institut, University of Heidelberg)
9/16/11, 9:15 AM
The Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) in A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) at the LHC consists of 6 layers of tracking chambers and covers a pseudo-rapidity range of eta < 0.9. At the moment 10 out of 18 azimuthal sectors are installed. The completion is planned during the long LHC shutdown in 2013/14.
We will discuss how a hardware Level-1 trigger, about 7 us after an interaction,...
Peter Krizan
(Ljubljana Univ. and J. Stefan Institute)
9/16/11, 9:55 AM
Weilin Yu
(University Frankfurt (main))
9/16/11, 11:20 AM
Jean-François Marchand
9/16/11, 11:45 AM
Anatoli Romaniouk
9/16/11, 12:10 PM
F. Hartjes, M.Fransen, W. Koppert, S.Konovalov, S.Morozov, N. Hessey, A.Romaniouk, M. Rogers, H. van der Graaf.
A combination of a pixel chip and a gas chamber opens new opportunities for particle detectors. These “GasPix” detectors have vector tracking features offering at the same time L1 track trigger and particle identification using transition radiation and dE/dX measurements.
Esben Klinkby
9/16/11, 2:30 PM
Peter Wagner
9/16/11, 2:55 PM
Sergei Smirnov
(Moscow Engineering and Physics Instirute)
9/16/11, 3:45 PM