Sep 14 – 16, 2011
Bari (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
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Contribution List

41 / 41
9/14/11, 8:45 AM
9/14/11, 9:30 AM
Alexandre Vaniachine (Argonne)
9/14/11, 3:20 PM
Alexandre Vaniachine (Argonne)
9/14/11, 4:30 PM
Dr Razmick Mirzoyan (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
9/14/11, 5:25 PM
Christoph Rembser
9/15/11, 9:00 AM
Prof. Dietrich Muller
9/15/11, 12:20 PM
Dr Thomas Kirn (RWTH Aachen, I. Physikalisches Institut B)
9/15/11, 12:55 PM
Leszek Ropelewski (CERN)
9/15/11, 4:30 PM
Prof. Peter Krizan (Ljubljana Univ. and J. Stefan Institute)
9/16/11, 9:55 AM
Dr Weilin Yu (University Frankfurt (main))
9/16/11, 11:20 AM
Oliver Busch
9/16/11, 3:20 PM
Mr Sergei Smirnov (Moscow Engineering and Physics Instirute)
9/16/11, 3:45 PM
Prof. Michael CHerry
9/16/11, 4:30 PM