14–16 Sept 2011
Bari (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
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TRDs for the third Millennium

4th Workshop on Advanced Transition Radiation Detectors

for Accelerator and Space Applications

Bari, Italy, September 14-16, 2011

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the applications of Transition Radiation Detectors in current and future accelerator and astroparticle physics experiments as well as to give an overview of the modern trends of advanced particle detector developments. 

Conference Topics

TRDs in accelerator experiments
TRDs in space experiments
New approaches in TRDs development
Up-to-date particle identification methods
Latest trends in detector developments
Progress in advanced detectors simulation
Electronics for signal processing

Special Topic
Homage to Boris Dolgoshein (1930-2010) (invited speakers)

International Advisory Committee Organising Committee
A. Andronic (GSI Darmstadt) C. Favuzzi (Politecnico of Bari)
R. Battiston (University of Perugia) P. Fusco (University of Bari) 
M. L. Cherry (Louisiana State University) N. Giglietto (Politecnico of Bari)           
C. W. Fabjan (Vienna University of Technology and M. N. Mazziotta (INFN Bari) 
                       HEPHY, Austrian Academy of Sciences) A. Rainò (University of Bari) 
F. Gianotti (CERN)  P. Spinelli (chair, University of Bari) 
P. Jenni (CERN)   
R. Klanner (Hamburg University)  Secretariat  
K. Lübelsmeyer (RWTH Aachen University)  M. Brigida (University of Bari) 
D. Muller (University of Chicago)  F. de Palma (University of Bari) 
C. Rembser (CERN)  F. Gargano (INFN Bari)
A. Romaniouk (MEPHI/CERN)  F. Giordano (University of Bari) 
J. Va'vra (SLAC)  F. Loparco (University of Bari) 
J. Wessels (University of Münster)  C. Monte (University of Bari) 
  S. Rainò (University of Bari) 
email: trd2011@ba.infn.it    
web: http://www.ba.infn.it/trd2011  


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