14–16 Sept 2011
Bari (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
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Test beam studies of the GasPixel Transition Radiation detector prototype.

16 Sept 2011, 12:10
Bari (Italy)

Bari (Italy)

Università degli studi di Bari


Dr Anatoli Romaniouk (MEPHI/CERN)


F. Hartjes, M.Fransen, W. Koppert, S.Konovalov, S.Morozov, N. Hessey, A.Romaniouk, M. Rogers, H. van der Graaf. A combination of a pixel chip and a gas chamber opens new opportunities for particle detectors. These “GasPix” detectors have vector tracking features offering at the same time L1 track trigger and particle identification using transition radiation and dE/dX measurements. Test beam and MC studies of tracking and particle identification properties have been performed with a GridPix prototype. The properties of the detector very much depend on the gas mixture. For one layer of the GasPix detector one can obtain a special accuracy down to 11 μm and a vector angular accuracy of about 10 mrad for a beam incident angle of 10o. For particle identification studies the detector was filled with a Xe/CO2(70/30) mixture. A block of transition radiation radiator of 18 cm was installed in front of the detector. The pion rejection power using both cluster counting and full dE/dX methods was studied. It was shown that for 5 GeV particles a single layer of the detector gives a pion suppression by about a factor of 7 at an electron efficiency of 90%. Two layers of this detector provide a pion rejection factor of 50 at 90% electron efficiency. A detailed comparison with MC is presented.

Primary author

Dr Anatoli Romaniouk (MEPHI/CERN)

Presentation materials