XVI SuperB Workshop (LNF)

<B>Aula B. Touschek, Bldg 36</B> (Plenary Sessions) (INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->)

<B>Aula B. Touschek, Bldg 36</B> (Plenary Sessions)

INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
The SuperB Workshop will be held at INFN-LNF, Frascati from 4th April to 7th April 2011. The sessions will start in the afternoon of Monday, April 4th and finish in the evening of Thursday, April 7th, 2011.

The workshop is organized in plenary and parallel working sessions covering the most important points of the TDR study like Physics, Detectors, Computing and Simulation.


REGISTRATION: 29 March 2011

Bus timetable
Frascati map
  • Abolhassan Jawahery
  • Achille Stocchi
  • Adrian Bevan
  • Ahmed Ali
  • Alberto Aloisio
  • Alberto Cervelli
  • Alberto Lusiani
  • Alessandro Calcaterra
  • Alessandro Rossi
  • Alexey Drutskoy
  • Andrea Di Simone
  • Anna Di Ciaccio
  • Antimo Palano
  • Antonio Budano
  • Antonio Passeri
  • Armando Fella
  • Blair Ratcliff
  • Christophe Beigbeder
  • Christopher Hearty
  • Claudia Cecchi
  • Crisostomo Sciacca
  • Dana Lindemann
  • Daniel Charlet
  • David Hitlin
  • David Leith
  • David MacFarlane
  • Davide Pinci
  • Diego Gamba
  • Domenico Del Prete
  • Dominique Breton
  • Eleonora Luppi
  • Eleuterio Spiriti
  • Elisa Manoni
  • Eugenio Paoloni
  • Evgeniy Kravchenko
  • Fabio Gargano
  • Fabrizio Bianchi
  • Fabrizio Raffaelli
  • Fernando Martinez-Vidal
  • Fernando Palombo
  • Filimon Roukoutakis
  • Filippo Bosi
  • Filippo Maria Giorgi
  • Flavio Dal Corso
  • Francesco Forti
  • Francesco Giacomini
  • Francesco Giordano
  • Frank Porter
  • Gabriele Simi
  • Gianluigi Cibinetto
  • Giuliana Rizzo
  • Giulietto Felici
  • Giuseppe Finocchiaro
  • Giuseppe Grella
  • Graziano Venanzoni
  • Guglielmo De Nardo
  • Guido Russo
  • guy wormser
  • Ida Marena Peruzzi
  • Jean-Francois Caron
  • Jean-Pierre Martin
  • Jerry Vavra
  • Jihane Maalmi
  • John Seeman
  • John Walsh
  • leonid Burmistrov
  • Livio Lanceri
  • Lorenzo Vitale
  • Luca Tomassetti
  • Lucia Lilli
  • Luis Alejandro Perez Perez
  • M. Nicola Mazziotta
  • Marcello Giorgi
  • Marcello Piccolo
  • marcello rotondo
  • Marco Bellato
  • Marco Ciuchini
  • Marco Corvo
  • Maria Cristina D'Amato
  • Maria Rita Ferrazza
  • Mario Posocco
  • Massimo Benettoni
  • Matteo Cardinali
  • Matteo Manzali
  • Matteo Rama
  • Mauro Citterio
  • Mauro Morandin
  • Mauro Villa
  • Michael Roney
  • Michael Sokoloff
  • Nanni Crosetti
  • Nicola Gagliardi
  • Nicola Neri
  • Paolo Branchini
  • Peter Lukin
  • Piero Patteri
  • Raffaele Giordano
  • Regina Rescigno
  • Roberto Calabrese
  • Roberto Stroili
  • Ruggero Pengo
  • Silvio Pardi
  • Stefano Bellucci
  • Stefano Bettarini
  • Stefano Germani
  • Stefano Longo
  • Steffen Luitz
  • Tadeusz Lesiak
  • Umberto Marconi
  • Valentino Liberali
  • Valerio Re
  • Vanessa TOCUT
  • Walter Scandale
  • Wander Baldini
  • William Wisniewski
  • Yuriy Tikhonov
    • 10:00 11:00
      Registration 1O T-75, Bldg 36

      T-75, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 11:30 13:30
      Technical Board Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      Agenda (protected)
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m ENEA canteen

      ENEA canteen

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 15:00 16:30
      PID Barrel Room B-1, Bldg 36

      Room B-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1553

      • 15:00
        Experience with MAPMTs by Hamamatsu 20m
        Relatore: Silvia Dalla Torre (TS)
      • 15:20
        FDIRC status & list of tasks 30m
        Relatore: Dr. Jerry Vavra (SLAC)
      • 15:50
        FDIRC Mechanics status 20m
        Relatore: Massimo Benettoni (PD)
      • 16:10
        Bari activities 20m
        Relatore: Mario Nicola Mazziotta (BA)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 1 - Comp R&D + TDR Room Conversi, Bldg 57

      Room Conversi, Bldg 57

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1555

      • 15:00
        Distributed Storage 25m
        Relatore: Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
      • 15:25
        The Naples' testbed for the SuperB computing model: first tests. 20m
        Relatore: Guido Russo (NA)
      • 15:45
        Review of R&D projects 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Peter Elmer (Princeton University)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 1 - DCH Room Calcolo, Bldg 14

      Room Calcolo, Bldg 14

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1554

      • 15:00
        FEA Analysis and optimization of a drift chamber structure in composite materials 20m
        Relatore: Fabio Rossetti
      • 15:20
        Front-end, Read-out and Pre-processing electronics for a cluster timing drift chamber 20m
        Relatori: Luigi Cappelli, Stefano D'Amico
      • 15:40
        FPGA implementation of a multi-channel, 1-ns time resolution, multi-hit TDC 20m
        Relatore: Lorenzo Iafolla (LNF)
      • 16:00
        Update on 28 chs DCH prototype FEE & DCH readout chain 20m
        Relatore: Giulietto Felici (LNF)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 1 - EMC Room A-1, Bldg 36

      Room A-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1552

      • 15:00
        Electronics and Trigger Plans 20m
        Relatore: Valerio Bocci (ROMA1)
      • 15:20
        Simulation Background, Fwd PID study 20m
        Relatore: Stefano Germani (PG)
      • 15:40
        Backward EMC 20m
        Relatore: Prof. Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen)
      • 16:00
        Energy smearing in Fastsim 20m
        Relatore: Elisa Manoni (PG)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 1 - IFR tbd


      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 15:00
        General Overview 10m
        Relatore: Gianluigi Cibinetto (FE)
      • 15:15
        Prototype installation in Ferrara and plan for cosmic run 15m
        Relatore: Wander Baldini (FE)
      • 15:35
        Test of neutron damage in Legnaro 15m
        Relatore: Flavio Dal Corso (PD)
      • 15:55
        Discussion about plan for TDR 35m
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 1 - SVT Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 15:00
        Introduction 10m
        Relatore: Giuliana Rizzo (PI)
      • 15:10
        Update on activities in Pavia 20m
        Relatore: Valerio Re (PV)
      • 15:30
        First characterization of Chartered/Tezzaron MAPS 20m
        Relatore: Stefano Bettarini (PI)
      • 15:50
        HDI and peripheral electronics 20m
        Relatore: Mauro Citterio (MI)
    • 16:30 17:00
      Coffee Break 30m Touschek Foyer

      Touschek Foyer

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 17:00 18:30
      PID forward Room B-1, Bldg 36

      Room B-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1553

      • 17:00
        LYSO+SiPMT status 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Jerry Vavra (SLAC)
      • 17:20
        Status of FARICH 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Evgeniy Kravchenko (Budker INP)
      • 17:40
        FTOF test in the SLAC CRT 20m
        Relatore: Sig. leonid Burmistrov (LaL)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 2 - DCH Room Calcolo, Bldg 14

      Room Calcolo, Bldg 14

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1554

      • 17:00
        Update on DCH occupancy studies with Bruno 20m
        Relatore: Sig.na Dana Lindemann (McGill University)
      • 17:20
        Update on background FullSim studies 20m
        Relatore: Riccardo Cenci (PI)
      • 17:40
        Update on DCH FastSim studies 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Darren Swersky (McGill University)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 2 - Distributed Comp Tools Room Conversi, Bldg 57

      Room Conversi, Bldg 57

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1555

      • 17:00
        Production Tools status 15m
        Relatore: Sig. Matteo Manzali (INFN)
      • 17:15
        Distributed System update 15m
        Relatore: Armando Fella (PI)
      • 17:30
        rDBMS and script language future plans 15m
        Relatore: Luca Tomassetti (FE)
    • 17:00 18:40
      Parallel 2 - EMC Room A-1, Bldg 36

      Room A-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1552

      • 17:00
        Backward EMC study B to tau nu 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Alexander Rakitin (Caltech)
      • 17:20
        Time Resolution 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Matteo Cardinali (INFN-Pg)
      • 17:40
        Crystals 20m
        Relatore: Dr. Ren-yuan Zhu (Caltech)
      • 18:00
        Considerations on possible alternatives to LYSO 20m
        Relatore: Davide Pinci (ROMA1)
      • 18:20
        Lower cost alternatives 20m
        Relatore: Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 2 - IFR Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 17:00
        Mechanics for the Flux Return 20m
        Relatore: Massimo Benettoni (PD)
      • 17:25
        Plans for detector mechanics 20m
        Relatore: Wander Baldini (FE)
      • 17:50
        Update about IFR electronics 15m
        Relatore: Angelo Cotta Ramusino (FE)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 2 - SVT Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 17:00
        SVT Mechanics 20m
        Relatore: Filippo Bosi (PI)
      • 17:20
        Update on activities in Torino 20m
        Relatore: Diego Gamba (TO)
      • 17:40
        Requirements on FE analog resolution 15m
        Relatore: Dr. Nicola Neri (Milano)
    • 09:00 10:00
      Plenary - Introduction and Status Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 09:00
        Welcome 10m
        Relatore: Umberto Dosselli (PD)
      • 09:10
        Project Status 20m
        Relatore: Marcello Giorgi (PI)
      • 09:30
        Physics 30m
        Relatore: Dr. Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary)
    • 10:00 11:00
      Theory Seminar Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 10:00
        Spectroscopy and Physics of the Beautiful Tetraquarks 1O Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Ahmed Ali (DESY)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee Break 30m Touschek Foyer

      Touschek Foyer

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 11:30 13:30
      Plenary Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 11:30
        Accelerator 30m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Maria Enrica Biagini (LNF)
      • 12:00
        Detector 30m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Francesco Forti (PI)
      • 12:30
        Computing 30m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Sig. Marco Corvo (PD)
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m ENEA canteen

      ENEA canteen

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 3 - Computing: Collaborative & Software Management Tools Room B-1, Bldg 36

      Room B-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1553

      • 15:00
        Alfresco Share 15m
        Relatore: Dr. Stefano Longo
      • 15:15
        SuperB document repository status 15m
        presentation + discussion about organization of Alfresco for the Computing Group
        Relatore: Dr. Stefano Longo (INFN Padova)
      • 15:30
        Building Tools Status 15m
        Relatore: Dr. Marco Corvo (CNRS/Infn Padova)
      • 15:45
        New architectures support (discussion) 15m
        Relatore: Prof. Roberto Stroili (Universita' degli Studi di Padova & INFN Sezione di Padova)
      • 16:00
        SuperB WEB portal: status and prospectives 20m
        Relatore: Prof. Fabrizio Bianchi (Universita' di Torino & INFN Sezione di Torino)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 3 - Det: ETD 1 - Common items Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 15:00
        Summary of the CERN ETD workshop 20m
        Relatori: Sig. Dominqiue BRETON, Dr. Steffen LUITZ (SLAC), Dr. Umberto MARCONI (INFN Bologna)
      • 15:20
        Rad Tolerance tests of TLK2711A SerDes 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Raffaele GIORDANO (Napoli)
      • 15:40
        First simulations of the front-end derandomizer 15m
        Relatori: Sig.na Jihane MAALMI, Dr. Steffen LUITZ (SLAC)
      • 15:55
        Status of FCTS design 15m
        Relatore: Sig. Daniel CHARLET
      • 16:10
        Using PCs for the ROM: status of the project 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Marco BELLATO (INFN PAdova)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 3 - Detector: Background Room A-1, Bldg 36

      Room A-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1552

      • 15:00
        SVT & Radiation map in the detector hall 20m
        - Pairs Production at the charm threshold - a first look at the radiation dose and particle fluxes in the detector hall
        Relatore: Riccardo Cenci (PI)
      • 15:20
        DCH rates from Radiative Bhabha in the latest simulations 15m
        Relatore: Sig.na Dana Lindemann (McGill University)
      • 15:35
        TOF & DIRC status of the model & analysis plan 15m
        Relatore: Sig. leonid Burmistrov (LaL)
      • 15:50
        EMC background report 15m
        Relatore: Stefano Germani (PG)
      • 16:05
        IFR background report 15m
        Relatore: Gianluigi Cibinetto (FE)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 3: Physics Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 15:00
        Lepton Flavour Violation Decays using polarisation 30m
        Relatore: Sig. Alberto Cervelli (PI)
      • 15:30
        Charm threshold running backgrounds 20m
        Relatore: All
    • 16:40 17:00
      Coffee Break 20m <B>Aula B. Touschek, Bldg 36</B> (Plenary Sessions)

      <B>Aula B. Touschek, Bldg 36</B> (Plenary Sessions)

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 17:00 18:35
      Parallel 4 - Det + Comp + Physics: FastSim + detector geometry WG Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 17:00
        recent developments in fastsim 15m
        Relatore: Dr. David Brown (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
      • 17:15
        updated study of B->K(*)nunubar vs bwd EMC 15m
        Relatore: Elisa Manoni (PG)
      • 17:30
        updated study of B->K(*)nunubar and B->tau nu vs bwd EMC 10m
        Relatore: Dr. Alejandro Perez (INFN-Pisa)
      • 17:40
        Impact of fTOF material on the calorimeter 15m
        Relatore: Stefano Germani (PG)
      • 17:55
        Physics tools discussion (TBC) 25m
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 4 - Det: ETD 2 - Subdetector front-end electronics Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 17:00
        Status of SVT front-end electronics 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Mauro VILLA (INFN Pisa)
      • 17:20
        Status of DCH front-end electronics 20m
        Relatore: Giulietto Felici (LNF)
      • 17:40
        Status of PID front-end electronics 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Christophe Beigbeder (LAL)
      • 18:00
        Status of EMC front-end electronics 20m
        Relatore: Valerio Bocci (ROMA1)
    • 20:00 22:00
      Standing Cocktail Reception 2O Villa Grazioli (Villa Grazioli)

      Villa Grazioli

      Villa Grazioli

    • 09:00 11:00
      Parallel 5 - Computing: Planning Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 09:00
        Status of Pon Grisu' 20m
      • 09:20
        Data example: CMS experience 20m
    • 09:00 11:00
      Parallel 5 - Detector Geometry Task Force (open) Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
      • 09:00
        Update on physics studies 20m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Matteo Rama (LNF)
      • 09:20
        Update on FTOF 30m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Prof. Achille Stocchi (LAL - Université Paris Sud and IN2p3/CNRS)
      • 09:50
        Update on FARICH 15m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Dr. Evgeniy Kravchenko (Budker INP)
      • 10:05
        Update on Pixalated TOF 15m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Dr. Jerry Vavra (SLAC)
    • 11:00 11:30
      coffee break 30m Touschek Foyer

      Touschek Foyer

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 11:30 13:30
      Parallel 6 - DG Task Force (closed) Room B-1, Bldg 36

      Room B-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1553

    • 11:30 13:30
      Parallel 6 - Det + Comp: BG + FullSim Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 11:30
        The Bruno Beam Pipe modeling: status and prospects 15m
        Relatore: Dr. Alejandro Perez
      • 11:45
        Bruno GDML packaging: a pragmatic approach 15m
        Relatore: Eugenio Paoloni (PI)
      • 12:00
        EMC simulation progresses 15m
        Relatore: Stefano Germani (PG)
      • 12:15
        The latest "Optical" extensions in Bruno 15m
        Relatore: Dr. Andrea Di Simone (ROMA2)
      • 12:30
        Additional disk space required for truth informations in the Final Focus volume 10m
        Relatore: Sig.na Dana Lindemann (McGill University)
      • 12:40
        Bruno packaging 15m
      • 12:55
        Next background production: goals & schedule 20m
    • 11:30 13:30
      Parallel 6 - Physics: Other Experiments Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 11:30
        Prospects for Y(5S) and B_s studies at Super B-factories 30m
        A discussion of the Belle II physics programme with some emphasis on 5S running.
        Relatore: Dr. Alexey Drutskoy (ITEP, Moscow)
      • 12:00
        Brief overview of CERN experimental plans 20m
        Unfortunately we were not able to get speakers from LHCb, the upgrade or NA62 for this meeting, so in order to understand the context we are aiming for in terms of the TDR planning session we will briefly discuss these experiments. We expect experts from those experiments to be present at Elba.
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m ENEA canteen

      ENEA canteen

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 15:00 16:45
      Parallel 7 - Det: ETD 3 - Trigger & TDR Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 15:00
        Progress on EMC trigger primitives 15m
        Relatore: Sig. Antonio Budano
      • 15:15
        Discussion on the progress on trigger since CERN workshop 45m
      • 16:00
        Preparing the TDR: status of R&D and tentative guideline 30m
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 7 - Det: Integration + MDI Room B-1, Bldg 36

      Room B-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1553

      • 15:00
        SuperB Machine Detector Interface: constraints, requirements, first sketches of the solutions 30m
        Relatore: Eugenio Paoloni (PI)
      • 15:30
        SVT L0 (tbc) 15m
        Relatore: Filippo Bosi (PI)
      • 15:45
        The BaBar integration as a prototype for SuperB 20m
        Relatore: Dr. William Wisniewski (SLAC)
    • 15:00 16:30
      Parallel 7 - Physics: TDR Organization Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 15:00
        Planning for the TDR 30m
        Discussion to guide the initial organization of work toward the TDR: See the following wiki page for current details http://mailman.fe.infn.it/superbwiki/index.php/SuperB_Physics_TDR
        Relatore: All
      • 15:30
        Organisation of the Elba physics programme 30m
        The Elba meeting will mark the next phase in the refinement of the SuperB physics programme. We aim to incorporate any relevant issues raised within the TDR planning session into a more general discussion of topics at Elba. We expect that conveners will participate in person/remotely to both this discussion and the Elba meeting.
        Relatore: All
    • 16:30 17:00
      Coffee Break 30m Touschek Foyer

      Touschek Foyer

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 17:00 18:30
      PID barrel & forward Room B-1, Bldg 36

      Room B-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1553

      • 17:00
        PID analog front end status 20m
        Relatori: Sig.na Vanessa TOCUT (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS), Sig. hervé lebbolo (LPNHE IN2P3 CNRS)
      • 17:20
        Barrel electronics status 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Christophe Beigbeder (LAL)
      • 17:40
        SiPM characterisations and irradiations status report 20m
        Relatore: Flavio Dal Corso (PD)
      • 18:00
        A possible FDIRC option 10m
        Relatore: Dr. Alexey Drutskoy (ITEP, Moscow)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 8 - DCH Room Calcolo, Bldg 14

      Room Calcolo, Bldg 14

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1554

      • 17:00
        Update on Activities at TRIUMF 10m
        Relatore: Dr. Christopher Hearty (University of British Columbia/IPP)
      • 17:10
        Update on new prototype(s) at LNF 15m
        Relatore: Giuseppe Finocchiaro (LNF)
      • 17:30
        Update on cluster counting studies (experimental) 20m
        Relatore: Marcello Piccolo (LNF)
      • 17:50
        Update on cluster counting studies (simulation) 20m
        Relatore: Sig. Jean-Francois Caron (The University of British Columbia)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 8 - EMC Room A-1, Bldg 36

      Room A-1, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1552

      • 17:00
        Test beam analysis 20m
        Relatore: Elisa Manoni (PG)
      • 17:20
        Test beam analysis 20m
        Relatore: Stefano Germani (PG)
      • 17:40
        Intercalibration by optimizing resolution 20m
        Relatore: Bertrand Echenard (California Institute of Technology)
      • 18:00
        Test beam paper 20m
        Relatore: Riccardo Faccini (ROMA1)
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 8 - IFR Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      Room Seminari, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1551

      • 17:00
        Results from beam test: detector performances 20m
        Relatore: Gianluigi Cibinetto (FE)
      • 17:25
        Results from beam test: reconstruction and muon identification 20m
        Relatore: Nicola Gagliardi (PD)
      • 17:50
        Update about background simulation 15m
        Relatore: Gianluigi Cibinetto (FE)
      • 18:10
        Discussion about next beam test 20m
    • 17:00 18:30
      Parallel 8 - SVT Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 17:00
        Update on activities in Trieste 20m
        Relatore: Lorenzo Vitale (TS)
      • 17:20
        Update on activities in Bologna 20m
        Relatore: Filippo Maria Giorgi (BO)
    • 09:00 11:00
      Plenary Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 09:00
        MDI 15m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: eugenio paoloni
      • 09:15
        SVT 15m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Stefano Bettarini (PI)
      • 09:30
        DCH 15m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Giuseppe Finocchiaro (LNF)
      • 09:45
        PID 15m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Dr. Jerry Vavra (SLAC)
      • 10:00
        EMC 15m tbd


        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Claudia Cecchi (PG)
      • 10:15
        IFR 15m tbd


        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Gianluigi Cibinetto (FE)
      • 10:30
        ETD 15m tbd


        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Sig. Dominique Breton (LAL ORSAY)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee Break 30m Touschek Foyer

      Touschek Foyer

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 11:30 13:30
      Plenary Touschek, Bldg 36

      Touschek, Bldg 36

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

      Phone number: +39 06 6228 8548
      or http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers
      Meeting ID: 1550

      • 11:30
        Computing 20m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Fabrizio Bianchi (TO)
      • 11:50
        Collaborative Tools 20m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Stefano Longo (PD)
      • 12:10
        Physics 20m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: Dr. Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary)
      • 12:30
        Closing Remarks 20m Touschek, Bldg 36

        Touschek, Bldg 36

        INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

        Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
        Relatore: David Leith (SLAC)
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m ENEA canteen

      ENEA canteen

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 15:00 16:30
      Detector Technical Board Aula Direzione, bldg 1

      Aula Direzione, bldg 1

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 16:30 17:00
      Coffee Break 30m Touschek Foyer

      Touschek Foyer

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy
    • 17:00 18:30
      Steering Committee and Project Board Aula Direzione, bldg 1

      Aula Direzione, bldg 1

      INFN-LNF <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via E. Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy