In recent years an indirect approach for classifying solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation has emerged, based on the Sutherland equations and the so-called boost operator. We describe this method, and show how it can be used to classify all regular solutions of size 4$\times$4. Beyond the usual 6- and 8-vertex type solutions, we find several new R-matrices of non-difference form. All of these...
In this talk, we will study two dimensional conformal interfaces through the holographic duality. Many works in the literature identify some of their bulk duals as two AdS$_3$ glued together through a thin brane that meets the boundary of the (AdS) bulk at the interface.
After introducing the setup, we focus our attention mainly on two-point correlation functions of heavy operators, which...
The sine-Gordon model is a well-known integrable field theory which provides an effective description for systems such as Josephson-coupled one-dimensional bosonic quasi-condensates. The model can be interpreted as a quantum pendulum coupled to a phononic bath of interacting oscillators. A key question is the energy transfer dynamics between these modes when the system is out of equilibrium...
In recent decades, the study of entanglement has attracted interest in several areas. In particular, in conformal field theories, the entanglement entropy of an interval is known to grow logarithmically with the size of the system, proportional to the central charge of the CFT.
On the other hand, CFTs describe the fixed points of the renormalization group flow. It is therefore interesting to...
The simple symmetric exclusion process (SSEP) is a well studied interacting particle system that consists of a random walk with an additional exclusion constraint that allows at most one particle per site. The system can be put out of equilibrium via interaction with reservoirs. An interesting question (also for applications like statistical mechanics) is to characterize the non-equilibrium...
In this talk I will to present a novel approach to solve the (Euler scale) GHD equation. It consists of mapping the GHD equation onto an equivalent fixed point problem. This fixed point problem is remarkable in the sense that it completely decouples in space and time. Thus, given an arbitrary time t and a space point x, the fixed point equation determines the solution of the GHD equation...
When a theory possesses an additive global internal symmetry, its spatial entanglement spectrum for the states with fixed a global charge may be resolved into the local charge sectors corresponding to the subsystem. This has been termed symmetry-resolved entanglement. Free compact bosons possess a global U(1) symmetry due to invariance under translations in the target space. I will discuss the...