John Oertel Oertel
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
11/28/11, 9:00 AM
Tutorial lecture
From NIF to Dark Matter: Extreme Measurements
John A. Oertel
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87544
One of the major advantages of working at a National Laboratory is the opportunity to contribute to a diverse collection of physics experiments and the unique diagnostic technologies to make the measurements. It seems that the most interesting physics and...
Mihai Datcu
(German Aerospace Center DLR)
11/28/11, 9:45 AM
Tutorial lecture
Abstract During the past years, our capability to store, organize, and access large volumes of data has greatly exceeded our capability to extract information from the data. This has led to an enormous problem in accessing the data content, to extract the meaningful and useful information and knowledge. Thus, there have been developed new concepts and methods to deal with large data sets as:...
Simone Atzori
(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
11/28/11, 11:00 AM
Invited oral presentation
The investigation and the understanding of the reasons underlying an earthquake have been greatly improved thanks to the exploitation of radar images acquired from satellite. Following the pioneer applications in the eighties, Interferometry from Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) gained a prominent role as source of geodetic data; the capability of measuring small deformations of few...
Andrea Torre
(ThalesAlenia Space),
Giuseppe Angino
(ThalesAlenia Space)
11/28/11, 11:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The potentiality of multichannel SAR, to provide wideswath and high resolution at the same time, has been described in many papers in the last past years. The scope of this paper is to address some of the architectural and technological aspects related to the implementation of a multichannel receiver for a multibeam SAR, with the objective to provide some solutions for different configurations...
Alexander Oraevsky
(TomoWave Laboratories, Inc.),
Angelo Ferrario
(Quanta System S.p.A.,)
11/28/11, 12:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
In 1880 Alexander Bell heard “a pure musical tone” in a closed gas volume that had absorbed a modulated sunlight beam. Later discoveries revealed that detection of ultrasound resulting from the optical absorption of modulated laser energy represents a very sensitive means for detection of various molecules in gases and liquids. Biomedical applications of laser optoacoustics exploded after...
Piero Fossati
(Fondazione CNAO)
11/28/11, 12:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
Over the past years radiotherapy has undergone a substantial development that has led to improved outcome (both in terms of survival and toxicity) and widening of indications. This is mainly due to more advanced dose delivery techniques that allow performing curative treatments without exceeding normal tissues tolerance limits. These new developments cannot be fully exploited without an...
Didier Mazon
(CEA Cadarache)
11/28/11, 1:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
D. Mazon1, D. Vezinet1, D. Pacella2, D. Moreau1, L. Gabelieri2, A. Romano2, P. Malard1
1) Association EURATOM-CEA, CEA Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
2) Associazione Euratom-ENEA, C.R. Frascati, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati, (Roma)
This paper is focused on the X-ray tomography system set-up at Tore Supra and the recent developments made to get precise...
Piergiorgio Picozza
11/28/11, 2:30 PM
Tutorial lecture
Cosmological observations are giving us a coherent picture of the Universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy. There are increasingly convincing evidences that non-baryonic dark matter is the building block of all structures in the Universe. The favorite candidates for the non-baryonic component are neutral weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP’s) with a mass in the range between...
marco tardocchi
11/28/11, 3:15 PM
Tutorial lecture
In magnetically confined plasmas suprathermal ions can drive instability associated to the shear Alfvén wave. These instabilities have been observed in several machines worldwide and are the subject of dedicated theoretical and experimental investigations because of the threat they constitute for the confinement of α particles in a burning deuterium-tritium plasma. Alfvén waves have a peculiar...
Göran Ericsson
(Uppsala University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy)
11/28/11, 4:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
Neutron spectroscopy has proven to be a versatile method for probing the state of plasmas (fuel) used in fusion energy research. Therefore, it is likely that the next generation fusion experimental reactors, like ITER, will be equipped with a suit of neutron spectrometers. Parameters like fuel ion temperature, fuel ion non-thermal energy distribution, fuel ion density, fusion power, etc. can...
Bruno Guerard
11/28/11, 5:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
3He is often used as the neutron convertor for detectors in neutron scattering science, but this gas has become rare and very expensive since 2008. The growing lack of Large Area Neutron Detectors becoming a major concern in most of the research neutron institutes, the development of techniques based on alternative convertors is of the highest priority. 10B is another popular neutron convertor...
Richard Hall-Wilton
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
11/28/11, 5:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
Beam monitoring is vital for current particle accelerators. High currents and/or energy of the beams transported means that they have a high potential for damage from several mechanisms: radiation dose, single event upsets, electronic or even physical damage. Examples of the various aspects that this might take on are the subject of this contribution. Throughout this presentation, a few of...
Danilo Pacella
(EFDA, Garching)
11/28/11, 6:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
A triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector has been built and characterized, in a collaboration between ENEA, INFN and CEA to develop a soft X ray imaging diagnostic for magnetic fusion plasmas. It has an active area of 10x10 cm2, 128 pixels and electronics in counting mode. Since burning plasma experiments will have a very large background of radiation, this prototype has been tested...
Jean-Éric Ducret
(IRFU/Service d'Astrophysique & CELIA)
11/28/11, 6:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
A new era of plasma science started with the first experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in the US and will be soon followed by the Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) in France.
Such facilities, whose one of the objectives is to reach the ignition by imploding deuterium-tritium targets using high-energy laser beams, will provide a unique tool not only for ICF physics but also for basic...
Fons Rademaker
11/29/11, 9:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The ROOT system has become the de facto standard in High Energy and
Nuclear Physics for the experiment independent software. ROOT provides
a powerful object data store that supports vertical data storage for
highly efficient data access during data mining. In addition the system
comes with a rich set of mathematical and statistical tools and a full
set of 2D and 3D graphical data...
Peter Elmer
(Princeton University)
11/29/11, 10:00 AM
Invited oral presentation
High Energy Physics (HEP) has a long tradition of pushing scientific
computing to its limits. In particular the use of very large datasets has
always been required in order to search for the rare phenomonen of interest
in the field. This presentation will describe the manner in which large
datesets are acquired, processed, managed and analyzed in HEP, using the Large
Hadron Collider...
Giuseppe Longo
11/29/11, 11:00 AM
The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth in both size and quality of scientific data sets. The exploitation of the useful information in these Massive Data Sets (MDS) has triggered the birth of new disciplines, the so called X-informatics, which are at the crossroads of domain expertise, computer science, mathematics and statistics. X-informatics is being recognized as the "fourth...
Alexander Gammerman
(University of London (Royal Holloway College))
11/29/11, 11:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The application of traditional machine-learning algorithms to modern
high-throughput and high-dimensional (with many thousands of features)
data sets often leads to serious computational diculties. Several new
algorithms, foremost support vector machines (SVM) and other kernel
methods, have been developed recently with the goal of tackling highdimensional
problems. However, a typical...
11/29/11, 12:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
J. Vega, A. Murari*, S. González, A. Pereira, I. Pastor
Asociación EURATOM/CIEMAT para Fusión. Madrid (Spain)
*Associazione EURATOM/ENEA per la Fusione, Consorzio RFX. Padova (Italy)
Conformal predictors (CP) are a particular case of machine learning methods. Two important characteristics of conformal predictors should be mentioned. On the one hand, a unique hypothesis about the samples...
John Howard
(The Australian National University)
11/29/11, 1:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
Motional Stark effect polarimetry of D-alpha emission from heating neutral beams is a standard diagnostic for inferring the internal magnetic field pitch angle in toroidal confinement devices. Due to technical limitations, the measurement is restricted to a modest number of independent measurement channels viewing across the machine mid-plane.
We have developed a simple and compact spatial...
Patric Muggli
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (MPP), Munich, Germany)
11/29/11, 2:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
Particle accelerators at the energy frontier are getting ever larger. Plasma-based particle accelerators operate at gradients in the 1-100GeV/m and could become a new, more compact and therefore cheaper accelerator technology. In the plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) the accelerating gradient is driven by a short particle bunch. PWFA experiments have already demonstrated energy gain by...
Domenico Doria
(Queens University of Belfast, Belfast, UK)
11/29/11, 2:32 PM
A wide range of detectors has been developed to reveal the different existing types of radiation. Among those detectors, scintillators are a broadly used option. The Image Plate (IP) is a type of scintillator and is made of phosphors with phosphorescent properties which can release the store energy in a long-lasting de-excitation (typically few hours). The energy stored in the IP can be...
Darya Ivanova
(Alfvén Laboratory, KTH, Association EURATOM-VR, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden)
11/29/11, 2:33 PM
Metallic mirrors will be essential components of all optical systems for plasma diagnosis in a reactor-class device. First Mirror Test (FMT) has been carried out at JET on the request of the ITER Design Team. Up to date two exposures have been performed in JET with carbon walls: 35 h of plasma operation (Step 1 in 2005-2007) and recently accomplished Step 2 (2008-2009): 45 h exposure with 32.7...
Adrien Rousseau
(CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France)
11/29/11, 2:35 PM
The Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) facility will host inertial confinement fusion experiments in order to achieve ignition by imploding a Deuterium-Tritium target. In order to understand reasons for failures, a X-ray imager is necessary to diagnose the core size and the shape of the DT-microballoon in the 10-100 keV band in complement of neutron imaging system. Such a diagnostic will be composed of two...
Maria Richetta
(University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
11/29/11, 2:36 PM
In 2007 Betti et al. [1] proposed a novel approach to ICF. It consists of igniting the target by a very strong converging shock (P≈ several hundreds of Mbar), produced by intense laser spikes (1e16W/cm2). The shock must hit the target at the end of the compression phase and before the stagnation of the target center. The scheme represents a very attractive solution for HiPER high repetition...
Khaled AYADI
(IOMP Université FERHAT Abbas)
11/29/11, 2:37 PM
The applied studies based on the resonance of the surface Plasmon’s are particularly interesting for different stains; notably the utilization as sensors. Indeed, several studies carried, with the aide of the numeric simulations, on the optimization of the performances of the static and dynamic sensors thus that on some bio-sensors.
Some works on the process of realization of the midget...
Seung Hun LEE
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
11/29/11, 2:40 PM
The soft X-ray tomography is one of powerful tokamak diagnostics to investigate plasma shape or physical activities in the core region. It is possible to detect the core plasma behavior transparently, since the optical thickness of soft X-ray is thin. Therefore, the magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) instability and transport phenomena in the core plasma can be observed clearly. According to the...
Diagnostics improvement in the ABC facility and preliminary tests on a laser-cluster experiment
Fabrizio Consoli
(ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati)
11/29/11, 2:43 PM
The research on Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is mainly developed using high power laser facilities. In this context the diagnostics of particle flows is a delicate issue, due to the fast timescales and to the strong electromagnetic and radiative contributions. The discrimination of the different particles emitted by the plasma is therefore not trivial, and it requires the use of several...
11/29/11, 2:45 PM
We developed a three-dimentional electron bunch charge distribution (3D-BCD) monitor with single-shot detection. The monitor adopts a spectral decoding based Electro-Optic (EO) sampling technique that is non-invasive and enables real-time reconstruction of the 3D-BCD with 30- to 40-fs (FWHM) of noble temporal resolution. These goals are realized by simultaneously probing a number of Pockels EO...
Sergey Polosatkin
(Novosibirsk State Technical University)
11/29/11, 2:46 PM
Analysis of the energy distribution of charge-exchange neutrals is an informative diagnostic for fusion plasmas. Both passive and active (beam-assisted) diagnostics of charge-exchange particles are widely used and different types of neutral particle analyzers based on electric or magnetic field for particle separation have been designed. With the recent achievements in electronics and particle...
Pasquale Gaudio
(Associazione EURATOM ENEA per la Fusione University of Rome Tor Vergata)
11/29/11, 2:48 PM
Various empirical models are available to determine the power threshold between the L and H mode of confinement. They are typically the results of regression analysis of the data collected in different machines and they are presented in terms of equations in power law monomial form. Even if the positive effects of the plasma shape on the confinement time have been clearly documented, the...
Geert Verdoolaege
(Ghent University)
11/29/11, 2:49 PM
Any measurement process involves the sampling from a latent probability distribution. This distribution contains all information about the quantity of interest and learning algorithms can benefit considerably from the inclusion of probabilistic information. The field of information geometry, which is well-established from the theoretical point of view, describes probability distribution...
Nadejda Drenska
("Sapienza" univ. di Roma)
11/29/11, 2:50 PM
The design, construction and commissioning of the magnetic spectrometer for the self-injection experiments with the Flame laser at LNF has demostrated extremely challenging: the characteristics of the detector are highly non conventional for laser-plasma physicists (high energy electrons), accelerator physicists (large angular divergence, energy spread) and particle phycisists (huge number of...
Tadzio Levato
(CNR INO Pisa & Univ. Tor Vergata)
11/29/11, 2:51 PM
A new era of laser based plasma accelerators is emerging following the commissioning of many high power laser facilities around the world. Extremely short laser pulses with energy of few or multi-joule level are available with these newly built facilities.
Preliminary results obtained last year at LNF with the sub-PetaWatt FLAME facility during the first phase of the self-injection test...
Jacek Rzadkiewicz
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
11/29/11, 2:52 PM
ITER-oriented JET research program imposes new requirements on the high-resolution X-ray diagnostics instrumentation (KX1) for the impurity monitoring. Therefore, in addition to the upgrade of the Ni monitoring diagnostics system, one has to design and construct a new diagnostic instrument implemented in the same KX1 spectrometer for W impurity monitoring. Both, Ni and W characteristic X-ray...
Alberto Milocco
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
11/29/11, 2:53 PM
The accurate simulation of fusion neutronics experiments is required for the development of the techniques aiming at monitoring the neutron flux and performing spectral analyses in the forthcoming ITER reactor. The interplay between experimental activity and simulation is the mean for proving and generalising the assumptions on ITER neutronics until it will be built. The work is carried out in...
Roger Hutton
(Fudan University)
11/29/11, 2:55 PM
Using the Shanghai permanent magnet electron beam ion trap, Shanghai-PermEBIT, we have established a program on the spectroscopy of low to medium charge states of Tungsten. The motivation of this program is to provide spectroscopic data for Tungsten of interest to Tokamak fusion plasma diagnostics. Due to thermal and mechanical properties, Tungsten has been chosen as one of the materials...
Sergei Popov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
11/29/11, 2:56 PM
At the GOL-3 set up in BINP experiments on studying the relaxation mechanism of a powerful relativistic electron beam, and plasma confinement in multimirror magnetic field are carried out. At present, the mechanisms of generation of microwave radiation in plasma with Langmuir turbulence are investigated. An important place in these studies is the observation of the dynamics of plasma density...
Fabio Frassetto
(National Research Council of Italy-Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies, via Trasea 7, 35131 Padova, Italy)
11/29/11, 2:57 PM
We present the design and characterization of a compact and portable spectrometer especially realized to analyse in real time the high-order harmonic contents of the FEL beam at FLASH.
The instrument can be installed behind a generic experiment, at the end of a FEL beam line. It can monitor both the fluctuations of the fundamental FEL emission and its high-order harmonic content. The design...
Paolo Cardarelli
(INFN sez. Ferrara and Physics Department University of Ferrara)
11/29/11, 2:58 PM
The characterization of novel x-ray sources includes the measurement of the photon flux and the energy distribution of the beam produced.
The aim of BEATS2 experiment at INFN-LNF is the study of medical applications of an x-ray source based on Thomson relativistic backscattering. This source is expected to produce pulsed quasi-monochromatic x-ray beam with an instantaneous flux of 10^20 ph/s...
Schirin Heidari Bateni
(Physics Department, University Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146 Rome, Italy)
11/29/11, 2:59 PM
Novel X-ray imaging detectors based on photoluminescence of color centers in lithium fluoride have been proposed and tested for extreme ultraviolet, soft and hard X-rays up to 10 keV. For the first time we present the optical characterization of LiF crystals and thin films irradiated at the TOPO-TOMO beamline of synchroton light source Anka (Karlsruhe, Germany) in the energy range (2-40 keV)...
G. Morlino
(Univ. Firenze)
11/29/11, 3:00 PM
Tutorial lecture
We review the basic features of particle acceleration theory around collisionless shocks in astrophisical environments.
Special attention will be devoted to observational and theoretical facts about acceleration of Galactic cosmic rays in supernova remnants, discussing the arguments in favor and against a connection between cosmic rays and supernova remnants, the so-called supernova remnant...
F. Frassetto
(National Research Council of Italy-Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies (CNR-IFN), via Trasea 7, 35131 Padova, Italy)
11/29/11, 3:00 PM
We present the instrument that is used for the spectral and intensity diagnostics of the SPARC FEL test facility. The SPARC FEL is composed by a high brightness accelerator providing a high quality beam at energies between 110 and 180 MeV and an undulator beam line composed by six, variable gap, modules. The flexibility offered by the variable gap configuration of the SPARC undulator and the...
Pasquale Gaudio
(Associazione EURATOM-ENEA - University of Rome “Tor Vergata” , Roma, Italy)
11/29/11, 3:01 PM
Internal magnetic measurements are essential to obtain reliable and accurate magnetic reconstructions in the interior of the plasma column in Tokamaks. In the last years, polarimetry has been increasingly used to provide global constraints to equilibrium codes. JET polarimeter1 has four vertical and four lateral chords, whose arrangement is similar to the topology of the diagnostic foreseen...
Michela Gelfusa
(University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
11/29/11, 3:02 PM
On JET the magnetic topology is normally derived from the code EFIT, which solves the Grad-Shafranov equation with constraints imposed by the available measurements, typically the pick-up coils. Both the code and the measurements are expected to perform worse during ELMs. To assess this hypothesis, various statistical indicators, based on the values of the residuals and their probability...
Onofrio Tudisco
11/29/11, 3:03 PM
The plasma density in tokamaks, as in many laboratory plasmas, is measured using plasma optical properties at appropriate wavelength. The mostly applied technique is the interferometry but also other techniques as the reflectometry, polarimetry and time-of-flight radar are employed. Recently in FTU, a CO/CO2 scanning interferometer and a time-of-flight radar (denominated refractometry) has...
Zwinglio Guimarães-Filho
(IFS-PIIM, Aix-Marseille Univ.)
11/29/11, 3:04 PM
Tore Supra is a French tokamak with a circular cross section of 2.4m of major radius and 0.7m of minor radius. The ECE diagnostic of Tore Supra [J.-L.Ségui, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 (2005) 123501] has 32 channels which signals can be recorded in two acquisition rates: the slow mode, at 1kHz, which register the ECE measurements during the whole discharge and the fast acquisition mode, recently...
Christopher Watts
(Iter Organization)
11/29/11, 3:05 PM
The operation of ITER requires high-quality estimates of the plasma density over multiple regions in the plasma for plasma evaluation, plasma control and machine protection purposes. Although the density regimes of ITER are not very different from those of existing tokamaks (10^18 – 10^21 m^-3), the severe conditions of the fusion plasma environment present particular challenges to...
Kumar Ajay
(Institute For Plasma Research)
11/29/11, 3:07 PM
Passive CX-NPA has been designed and developed for the Aditya tokamak ion temperature measurement. Ion temperature measurements have been carried out by the energy analysis of passive Charge Exchange (CX) neutrals escaping out of the ADITYA-tokamak (Minor radius a = 25 cm, major radius R = 75 cm) plasma using a 45-degree Electrostatic Parallel Plate Analyzer [EPPA]. The upgraded the EPPA with...
Edoardo Alessi Alessi
(CNR Istituto di Fisica del Plasma "Piero Caldirola")
11/29/11, 3:08 PM
Tokamak plasmas are prone to various kind of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities which may affect the
energy and particle confinement time or lead in some cases to disruptive plasma termination. Such
instabilities take the form of magnetic islands driven by the reduction of bootstrap current where the
pressure profile is flattened (Neoclassical Tearing Modes) or by the radial gradient of the...
Bohdan Bieg
(Maritime University of Szczecin)
11/29/11, 3:09 PM
The polarization state of the infrared beam reflected from a metallic cube-corner retroreflector (CCR) is analyzed using the Mueller matrix formalism, as it was suggested by Segre and Zanza [1]. In a given paper polarization changes of an electromagnetic beam reflected from CCR are studied in a rather wide range of parameters: complex reflection coefficients of metalic surfaces, beam...
Janusz Chrzanowski
(Maritime University of Szczecin)
11/29/11, 3:10 PM
The modern plasma polarimetry is based on Stokes vector formalism (SVF) suggested and developed in depth by Segre (see [1] and cited there references). Segre’s equations describe evolution of the Stokes vector along the ray in the weakly inhomogeneous and weakly anisotropic plasma. Alternative approach – Angular Variables technique (AVT) suggested by Czyż, Bieg, Kravtsov [2] in distinction to...
Luca Giacomelli
(Milano-Bicocca University)
11/29/11, 3:11 PM
Abstract. Fast neutron monitors are being developed for accelerator applications such as the study of neutron-induced single event effects (SEE) in microelectronics components, which are been recognized as a key threat to the reliability of advanced electronic systems. A new beam line (CHIPIR) dedicated to neutron SEE testing is being built at the ISIS spallation source (UK) to provide fluxes...
Francesco Pegoraro
(university of pisa)
11/29/11, 3:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
The development of Extreme Field Science will make it possible to
explore novel phenomena, to study processes of basic importance
for physics, and to model in the laboratory processes of key
importance for relativistic astrophysics. Experiments in this field
will allow allow us to model in a terrestrial laboratory the state
of matter that is thought to occur in cosmic Gamma Ray...
Matteo Passoni
(Politecnico di Milano)
11/29/11, 4:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
Ion acceleration from solid targets irradiated by high-intensity pulses is a burgeoning area of research, attracting a phenomenal amount of experimental and theoretical attention worldwide. Key to this interest are the ultra-compact spatial scale of the accelerator and the properties of the laser-driven ion beams, under several aspects markedly different from those of "conventional"...
Marco Velli
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
11/29/11, 5:00 PM
Tutorial lecture
The magnetic field is fundamental to solar activity and shapes the interplanetary environment, as clearly shown by the full three dimensional monitoring of the heliosphere provided by the measurements of the Helios, Ulysses, SOHO, ACE, Wind, STEREO and Voyager spacecraft. Magnetic fields are also the source for coronal heating and the very existence of the solar wind; produced by the sun’s...
Martino Marisaldi
(INAF-IASF Bologna)
11/29/11, 5:45 PM
Lightning and thunderstorm systems in general have been recently recognized as powerful particle accelerators, capable of producing electrons, positrons, gamma-rays and neutrons with energies as high as several tens of MeV. In fact, these natural systems turn out to be the highest energy and most efficient natural particle accelerators on Earth. Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) are few...
11/29/11, 8:30 PM
(King's College London)
11/30/11, 9:00 AM
Invited oral presentation
X-ray spectroscopy is a powerful tool for diagnosing the emission characteristics of x-ray sources. It may also be used in characterizing the elemental and chemical states present in compound materials, including the spatial distribution of these states. This presentation will describe the appropriate spectroscopic techniques along with examples of their use. The possibility of using...
Nathalie Picqué
(Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik)
11/30/11, 9:45 AM
Introduced in the late 1990s, laser frequency combs have revolutionized precise measurements of frequency and time. The regular pulse train of a mode-locked femtosecond laser can give rise to a regular comb spectrum of millions of laser modes with a spacing precisely equal to the pulse repetition frequency. Optical frequency combs have enabled the development of new ultra-precise optical...
Luisa Caneve
11/30/11, 10:20 AM
Invited oral presentation
The application of laser-based techniques as analytical tools in materials science is widespread and very promising by now, also due to the continuous development of the laser technology.
In particular, the Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique is a molecular spectroscopy based on the interaction of the ultraviolet radiation emitted by a laser with the matter. This technique, for a...
Maria Guglielmina Pelizzo
11/30/11, 11:00 AM
Invited oral presentation
Multilayer coatings are key elements in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range due to the fact that they provide significant reflectance in normal incidence optical configurations. Since their working principle is based on an interferential effect, they perform only in a limited spectral range, therefore having also filtering properties. For this reason they are largely used in imaging...
aniello mennella
(Università degli Studi di Milano - Dipartimento di Fisica)
11/30/11, 11:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The ESA Planck satellite, launched on May 14th, 2009, is the third generation space mission dedicated to the measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the first light in the Universe. Planck observes the full sky in nine frequency bands from 30 to 857 GHz and is designed to measure the CMB anisotropies with an unprecedented combination of sensitivity, angular resolution and control...
Alexandre Semerok
(CEA Saclay)
11/30/11, 12:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
Tritium retention on plasma facing components (PFCs) of tokamak vacuum chamber is seen as a serious problem for a secure operation of modern nuclear fusion installations. Tritium surface cartography with tritium overall content determination is required for consecutive detritiation of PFCs. To achieve this goal, one may apply the spectroscopic analysis of the plasma produced by laser ablation...
Ronaldo Bellazzini
11/30/11, 12:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
The Gas Pixel Detector, recently developed and continuously improved by Pisa INFN in collaboration with IASF-Roma of INAF, can visualize the tracks produced within a low Z gas by photoelectrons of few keV. By reconstructing the impact point and the original direction of the photoelectrons, the GPD can measure the linear polarization of X-rays, while preserving the information on the absorption...
Tobias Wilken
(Laser Spectroscopy Division)
11/30/11, 1:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
The past years have seen the birth of precision spectroscopy in astrophysics. Outstanding scientific questions can be tackled with this technique. Possible slow variations of fundamental constants, such as the fine structure constant or the electron-proton mass ratio, may be detected or limited in magnitude by observing fine structure multiplets in gas clouds and comparison with current...
Danilo Giulietti
11/30/11, 3:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
Several diagnostics based on electromagnetic radiation are used to measure temperature and density in laser-produced plasmas. They can essentially grouped in two categories. A first involves the analysis of the emission spectrum from the plasma. The typical temperature of a laser-produced plasmas being in 10-10^3 eV range, most of the emission lies in the ultra-violet to the soft X-ray...
Luca Labate
(Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory - IPCF, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
11/30/11, 3:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
A new diagnostic tool has recently been developed, which allows to get 2D X-ray images of ICF relevant plasmas with simultaneous energy encoded information. This is achieved by using a pinhole camera scheme in which a CCD camera, forced to operate in the single-photon regime, is used as a detector. The use of this method, initially limited to a single-pin-hole, multi-shot basis, has recently...
Anthony J.H. Donné
(FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen)
11/30/11, 4:30 PM
Tutorial lecture
In the future generation of fusion reactors, the power generated by the fusion reactions substantially exceeds the external input power (Pfusion/Pin ≥ 50). Twenty percent of the generated fusion power is carried by the charged alpha particles that carry a large fraction of the plasma kinetic energy and can collectively drive certain types of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) modes, while they can...
laure vermare
11/30/11, 5:15 PM
Invited oral presentation
Magnetic confinement fusion, which is one of two major branches of fusion energy research, has experienced major progress during the last decades. However, performances of actual magnetic confinement machines, such as tokamaks, are limited by the development of micro-turbulence that generates most of the radial transport of heat and particles. The prediction and the control of energy...
Alessandro Cianchi
11/30/11, 5:45 PM
The new frontier in the particle beam accelerator is the so called plasma acceleration. Using the strong electric field inside a plasma is possible to achieve accelerating gradients order of magnitude larger in respect to the actual technologies. Different schemes have been proposed and several already tested, producing beams of energy of several GeV. Mainly two approaches are followed: the...
Cesare Lobascio
(Thales Alenia Space - Italia)
11/30/11, 6:15 PM
Invited oral presentation
Human spaceflight is a challenging endeavor, requiring a high degree of environmental control and life support for astronauts comfort and safety. The control of environmental conditions in a broad sense is of paramount importance, involving the monitoring of both natural and artificial environmental parameters. The International Space Station (ISS) is the main current human space...
G. Longo
(Univ. Napoli)
Invited oral presentation
Piergiorgio Picozza
Tutorial lecture
Cosmological observations are giving us a coherent picture of the Universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy. There are increasingly convincing evidences that non-baryonic dark matter is the building block of all structures in the Universe. The favorite candidates for the non-baryonic component are neutral weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP’s) with a mass in the range between...
Antonius Donne
(FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen)
Invited oral presentation
In the future generation of fusion reactors, the power generated by the fusion reactions substantially exceeds the external input power (Pfusion/Pin ≥ 50). Twenty percent of the generated fusion power is carried by the charged alpha particles that carry a large fraction of the plasma kinetic energy and can collectively drive certain types of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) modes, while they can...
Calvin Domier
(University of California at Davis)
2D Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI) is a unique radiometric technique for real time imaging of the high temperature structures and fluctuations in toroidal fusion devices with high spatial and temporal resolution. Since the initial prototype system installed on the TEXTOR tokamak, it has matured into a powerful diagnostic tool for plasma visualization with systems installed on major...
John Oertel Oertel
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Tutorial lecture
John A. Oertel
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87544
One of the major advantages of working at a National Laboratory is the opportunity to contribute to a diverse collection of physics experiments and the unique diagnostic technologies to make the measurements. It seems that the most interesting physics and thus the measurements are in extreme physical...
Maria Guglielmina Pelizzo
Invited oral presentation
Fabrizio Consoli
(ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati)
The research on Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is mainly developed using high power laser facilities. In this context the diagnostics of particle flows is a delicate issue, due to the fast timescales and to the strong electromagnetic and radiative contributions. The discrimination of the different particles emitted by the plasma is therefore not trivial, and it requires the use of several...
Giovanni Morlino
(INAF/Osservatorio di Arcetri)
Tutorial lecture
We review the basic features of particle acceleration theory around collisionless shocks in astrophisical environments.
Special attention will be devoted to observational and theoretical facts about acceleration of Galactic cosmic rays in supernova remnants, discussing the arguments in favor and against a connection between cosmic rays and supernova remnants, the so-called supernova remnant...
Aniello Mennella
(Univ. Milano)
Invited oral presentation
Tetyana Antonova
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik)
Employing frequencies high than 13.56 MHz in capacitively coupled plasma reactors may result in a greatly improved performance in industrial plasma applications. For plasma diagnostic at such frequencies the method of emission spectroscopy is mostly preferable, since it is insensitive to discharge frequency (in contrast to Langmuir probe measurements). In this work we perform spectroscopic...
Nathalie Picque
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik)
Tutorial lecture
Danilo Giulietti
Invited oral presentation
Several diagnostics based on electromagnetic radiation are used to measure temperature and density in laser-produced plasmas. They can essentially grouped in two categories. A first involves the analysis of the emission spectrum from the plasma. The typical temperature of a laser-produced plasmas being in 10-10^3 eV range, most of the emission lies in the ultra-violet to the soft X-ray...
francesco paolo orsitto
(enea frascati)
Invited oral presentation
this is a test abstract to check indico
Sergey Tolstyakov
(Ioffe Institute)
The Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostics for ITER divertor will operate using a number of optical elements placed inside the vacuum chamber. The survival of front-end optical components has been discussed since the ITER project started. Nevertheless, no solution guaranteeing operational stability of all in-vessel optical components in ITER has been found up to now.
Because of possible...