John Oertel Oertel
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
11/28/11, 9:00 AM
Tutorial lecture
From NIF to Dark Matter: Extreme Measurements
John A. Oertel
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87544
One of the major advantages of working at a National Laboratory is the opportunity to contribute to a diverse collection of physics experiments and the unique diagnostic technologies to make the measurements. It seems that the most interesting physics and...
Mihai Datcu
(German Aerospace Center DLR)
11/28/11, 9:45 AM
Tutorial lecture
Abstract During the past years, our capability to store, organize, and access large volumes of data has greatly exceeded our capability to extract information from the data. This has led to an enormous problem in accessing the data content, to extract the meaningful and useful information and knowledge. Thus, there have been developed new concepts and methods to deal with large data sets as:...
Simone Atzori
(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
11/28/11, 11:00 AM
Invited oral presentation
The investigation and the understanding of the reasons underlying an earthquake have been greatly improved thanks to the exploitation of radar images acquired from satellite. Following the pioneer applications in the eighties, Interferometry from Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) gained a prominent role as source of geodetic data; the capability of measuring small deformations of few...
Andrea Torre
(ThalesAlenia Space),
Giuseppe Angino
(ThalesAlenia Space)
11/28/11, 11:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The potentiality of multichannel SAR, to provide wideswath and high resolution at the same time, has been described in many papers in the last past years. The scope of this paper is to address some of the architectural and technological aspects related to the implementation of a multichannel receiver for a multibeam SAR, with the objective to provide some solutions for different configurations...
Alexander Oraevsky
(TomoWave Laboratories, Inc.),
Angelo Ferrario
(Quanta System S.p.A.,)
11/28/11, 12:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
In 1880 Alexander Bell heard “a pure musical tone” in a closed gas volume that had absorbed a modulated sunlight beam. Later discoveries revealed that detection of ultrasound resulting from the optical absorption of modulated laser energy represents a very sensitive means for detection of various molecules in gases and liquids. Biomedical applications of laser optoacoustics exploded after...
Piero Fossati
(Fondazione CNAO)
11/28/11, 12:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
Over the past years radiotherapy has undergone a substantial development that has led to improved outcome (both in terms of survival and toxicity) and widening of indications. This is mainly due to more advanced dose delivery techniques that allow performing curative treatments without exceeding normal tissues tolerance limits. These new developments cannot be fully exploited without an...
Didier Mazon
(CEA Cadarache)
11/28/11, 1:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
D. Mazon1, D. Vezinet1, D. Pacella2, D. Moreau1, L. Gabelieri2, A. Romano2, P. Malard1
1) Association EURATOM-CEA, CEA Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
2) Associazione Euratom-ENEA, C.R. Frascati, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati, (Roma)
This paper is focused on the X-ray tomography system set-up at Tore Supra and the recent developments made to get precise...