Fons Rademaker
11/29/11, 9:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The ROOT system has become the de facto standard in High Energy and
Nuclear Physics for the experiment independent software. ROOT provides
a powerful object data store that supports vertical data storage for
highly efficient data access during data mining. In addition the system
comes with a rich set of mathematical and statistical tools and a full
set of 2D and 3D graphical data...
Peter Elmer
(Princeton University)
11/29/11, 10:00 AM
Invited oral presentation
High Energy Physics (HEP) has a long tradition of pushing scientific
computing to its limits. In particular the use of very large datasets has
always been required in order to search for the rare phenomonen of interest
in the field. This presentation will describe the manner in which large
datesets are acquired, processed, managed and analyzed in HEP, using the Large
Hadron Collider...
Giuseppe Longo
11/29/11, 11:00 AM
The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth in both size and quality of scientific data sets. The exploitation of the useful information in these Massive Data Sets (MDS) has triggered the birth of new disciplines, the so called X-informatics, which are at the crossroads of domain expertise, computer science, mathematics and statistics. X-informatics is being recognized as the "fourth...
Alexander Gammerman
(University of London (Royal Holloway College))
11/29/11, 11:30 AM
Invited oral presentation
The application of traditional machine-learning algorithms to modern
high-throughput and high-dimensional (with many thousands of features)
data sets often leads to serious computational diculties. Several new
algorithms, foremost support vector machines (SVM) and other kernel
methods, have been developed recently with the goal of tackling highdimensional
problems. However, a typical...
11/29/11, 12:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
J. Vega, A. Murari*, S. González, A. Pereira, I. Pastor
Asociación EURATOM/CIEMAT para Fusión. Madrid (Spain)
*Associazione EURATOM/ENEA per la Fusione, Consorzio RFX. Padova (Italy)
Conformal predictors (CP) are a particular case of machine learning methods. Two important characteristics of conformal predictors should be mentioned. On the one hand, a unique hypothesis about the samples...
Andrea Murari
(Consorzio RFX)
11/29/11, 12:30 PM
Invited oral presentation
by A.Murari, J.Vega et al
Modelling is a fundamental aspect of scientific research. The typical goal of the scientific process is indeed the development of a successful mathematical model of the systems under study. In the last years, the role of data has increased in every aspect of the modelling phase. The availability of a large number of cheap measurements has resulted in many fields in...
John Howard
(The Australian National University)
11/29/11, 1:00 PM
Invited oral presentation
Motional Stark effect polarimetry of D-alpha emission from heating neutral beams is a standard diagnostic for inferring the internal magnetic field pitch angle in toroidal confinement devices. Due to technical limitations, the measurement is restricted to a modest number of independent measurement channels viewing across the machine mid-plane.
We have developed a simple and compact spatial...