Proceedings will be published online in "Il Nuovo Cimento - C" which is indexed on Scopus, ADS, INSPEC and INSPIRE.
All contributions (school mini talks, lecturers viewpoints and workshop oral presentations) will be published, after a peer review process, as indexed articles (with individual DOI and ISI numbers).
The length of your paper, including the author list, figures, and references, must be:
- Up to 4 pages for posters/mini-talks
- Up to 6 pages for oral contributions and invited talks at MAYORANA Workshop
- Up to 5 pages for teachers' views
The deadline for the submission is November 15th, 2023.
Template FILE:
You will find the instructions for authors and the template at this link:
The authors must scrupulously comply with the following indications:
it is mandatory to prepare the article in LaTeX with the test package and to provide the figures in .eps format
in the case that the authors use figures already published elsewhere, they will have to personally take care of the request for reproduction permits
Note that:
- A plagiarism check will be performed before publication
- the quality of the content is the responsibility of the authors - drafts will not be sent to the authors for correction
Instructions for sending the files will be communicated as soon as possible.
The proceedings of the MAYORANA School&Workshop are published in open access in Il Nuovo Cimento C Vol 047 Issue 6