Valery Gorbachev
(INR, Moscow.)
16/03/2011, 19:30
The search for sterile neutrinos, as well as for CP and CPT violation in the neutrino sector is now a field of most active investigation. The unexpectedly low capture rate of neutrinos in Ga source experiments in SAGE as well as in GALLEX can be explained by assuming transitions from active to sterile neutrinos occur with mass-squared difference ฮm2 about 1โ
eV2. This interpretation agrees with...
N. Sasao
(Okayama University)
16/03/2011, 19:32
We present some preliminary results of our experiment which aims to prove the principle of the โmacro-coherent amplification mechanismโ, a new amplification mechanism which exploits coherence of particles involved in de-excitation processes.
When this mechanism is in operation, decay rates, such as emission of neutrino-pair and photon from excited atoms, become proportional to N2 (not to N),...
Laura Cardani
(Universita di Roma La Sapienza)
16/03/2011, 19:33
In recent years important results have been obtained in the study of neutrino's properties, but the fundamental character of the particle (Dirac or Majorana) and its absolute mass are still open questions.
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (DBD) is a unique tool to discriminate the neutrino nature, since the observation of this rare process would imply that neutrinos are Majorana particles and...
Oleg Kalekin
(Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, University of Erlangen)
16/03/2011, 19:34
KM3NeT is a future European research infrastructure that will host a neutrino telescope with an instrumented volume of at least one cubic kilometre, located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea at a depth of several kilometres. Detection of high-energy neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources or from annihilation of dark matter particles will open a new window on the Universe. The...
Aurora Meroni
(SISSA, Trieste)
16/03/2011, 19:35
We consider the possibility of several different mechanisms contributing to the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay amplitude in the general case of CP nonconservation: light Majorana neutrino exchange, heavy left-handed (LH) and heavy right-handed (RH) Majorana neutrino exchanges, lepton charge non-conserving couplings in SUSY theories with R-parity breaking. If the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay...
Takashi Iida
(Queen's University)
16/03/2011, 19:36
SNO+ is a large scale liquid scintillator detector that is the successor experiment to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, located in SNOLAB near Sudbury, Canada. SNO+ is under construction and will detect neutrinos using a 12m diameter acrylic sphere filled with approximately 800 tonnes of liquid scintillator and monitored by about 10,000 photomultiplier tubes.
We plan to study solar...
Franco Buccella
(Universita di Napoli)
16/03/2011, 19:37
In the framework of the see-saw model and reasonoble hypotheses within SO(10), Dirac matrix with hyerarchical eigenvalues and mass and flavour eigenvectors related by a matrix similar to the CKM matrix, one may obtain the scenario where baryogenesis is realized through leptogenesis and get predictions for the neutrino masses in tritium and in double neutrino-less beta decays
Takashi Yoshida
(Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo)
16/03/2011, 19:38
If neutrinos are Majorana particles and have finite transition magnetic moment with about 10โ12ฮผB, where ฮผB is Bohr magnetons, a spin precession between a left-handed neutrino and a right-handed antineutrino with different flavor occurs in strong magnetic field. This is called resonant spin-flavor (RSF) conversion. Supernova (SN) neutrino event is one of the most promising neutrino events to...
Silvano Petrarca
(Universita di Roma La Sapienza)
16/03/2011, 19:39
We have evaluated the effect of neutrino masses on the long--range potential due to the exchange of a neutrino-antineutrino pair between two particles carrying weak charge. We considered in particular two electrons.
This brings up--to--date calculations present in the literature for massless neutrinos.
We considered for the first time the effect of a hypothetical neutrino magnetic moment on...
Alessandra Carlotta Re
(Universita' degli Studi e INFN di Milano)
16/03/2011, 19:40
Borexino is an experiment designed for realโtime detection of low energy solar neutrinos. It is installed at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory and started taking data in May 2007. So far, Borexinoโs main results are the first direct measurement of the 7Be solar neutrino signal rate, the measurement of the 8B solar neutrino flux, with 2.8 MeV energy threshold, and the observation of...
Luca Merlo
(Technische Universitรคt Mรผnchen)
16/03/2011, 19:41
I will present a supersymmetric flavour model based on the T' discrete group, which explains fermion masses and mixings. The flavour symmetry, acting in the supersymmetric sector, provides well defined sfermion mass matrices and the resulting supersymmetric spectrum accounts for sufficiently light particles that could be seen at LHC. Furthermore, several FCNC processes are switched on and they...
Daniela Bagliani
(Universita di Genova and INFN)
16/03/2011, 19:42
The neutrino mass scale is a relevant parameter of the theoretical framework beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Cosmology constrains to 10meV the sensitivity required for future neutrino mass experiments, that means a huge effort of improving present instrumentation and technology.
In this work we show a calorimetric approach for the direct measurement of the neutrino mass by...
Rino Persiani
(Universita di Bologna e INFN)
16/03/2011, 19:43
The ultimate background for all the experiments looking for rare events in underground laboratories is represented by muon-induced neutrons. Their typical flux is three order of magnitude smaller than the flux of neutrons produced by radioactivity, but the former have an harder energy spectrum and they can travel far away from the muon track, thus they are very difficult to shield.
Pomita Ghoshal
(SISSA, Trieste)
16/03/2011, 19:44
Building on earlier studies, we investigate the possibility to determine the type of neutrino mass spectrum (i.e., "the neutrino mass hierarchy") in a high statistics reactor electron antineutrino experiment with a relatively large KamLAND-like detector and an optimal baseline of 60 Km. We analyze systematically the Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms (FST and FCT) of simulated reactor...
Antonio Caciolli
(INFN, Padova)
16/03/2011, 19:45
Angela Di Virgilio
(INFN, Pisa)
16/03/2011, 19:46
It has been well known for many years that ring lasers, angular velocity inertial sensors, can be used to measure the Frame Dragging (Lense-Thirring effect) of the Earth provided that the sensor drift can be controlled sufficiently. The ring Laser G in Wettzell (Germany) has shown that a sensitivity of 20nrad/s/sqrt(Hz) can be achieved routinely. Both, sensitivity and accuracy improvements are...
Andrea Longhin
(INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
16/03/2011, 19:47
We present an optimization of the hadron focusing system for a low-energy high intensity conventional neutrino beam (Super-Beam) proposed on the basis of the HP-SPL at CERN with a beam power of 4 MW and an energy of 4.5 GeV.
The far detector would be a 440 kton Water Cherenkov detector (MEMPHYS) located at a baseline of 130 km in Fr\'ejus site.
The neutrino fluxes simulation relies on a new...
Alessandra Tonazzo
(APC Paris)
16/03/2011, 19:48
MEMPHYS is a proposed megatonโscale Water Cherenkov experiment to be performed deep
underground. It is dedicated to nucleon decay searches, neutrinos from supernovรฆ, solar and
atmospheric neutrinos, as well as neutrinos from a future SuperโBeam or ฮฒโBeam to measure
the mixing angle ฮธ13, the CP violating phase ฮด and the mass hierarchy. We will summarize the
latest studies on the physics...
Apostolos Tsirigotis
(Hellenic Open University)
16/03/2011, 19:49
We report on the evaluation of the performance of the Mediterranean Very Large Volume Neutrino
Telescope, KM3NeT. We present results of our studies concerning the capability of the telescope in
detecting/discovering galactic (steady point sources) and extragalactic, transient (Gamma Ray Bursts)
high energy neutrino sources as well as measuring ultra high energy diffuse neutrino fluxes....
Irina Shakiryanova
(INR, Moscow.)
16/03/2011, 19:50
The main goal of LVD detector is the search for neutrino bursts from gravitational stellar collapses in our Galaxy. Adding NaCl to the detector structure allow to increase neutron detection efficiency up to ~20% and thereby increase the number of antineutrino interactions according to standard collapse model. Also it make possible to detect more neutrino interactions for non-standart collapse model.
Olga Ryazhskaya
(INR, Moskow.)
16/03/2011, 19:51
Russian-Italian large volume detector LVD is located in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory underground at the depth of 3300 m w.e. Data of neutrons generated by muons from April 2003 were analysed to study the seasonal modulation of the cosmic ray penetrating component. Variations of neutron generated by muons were found with a time period of 1 year, with the maximum intensity in July in the...
Panagiotis Stamoulis
(IFIC Valencia)
16/03/2011, 19:52
The time projection chambers (TPCs) of the near detector complex, ND280, of the T2K experiment, are presently the main tool for both the tracking and particle identification of charged particles. The calibration of TPCs comprises two main steps: the "low level calibration" (requiring no resonstruction input), related to the charge calibration, and important for the particle identification; and...
Jeffrey Wilkes
(University of Washington, Seattle)
16/03/2011, 19:53
The T2K near detector suite at 280m distance from the J-PARC neutrino production target (ND280) consists of an on-axis detector (INGRID), and a set of tracking and scintillator detectors inside a 0.2T magnetic field, positioned at the same off-axis angle as the Super-Kamiokande far detector (P0D, SMRD, TPCs, FGD and ECALs). The ND280 detectors will be described, and examples of their...
Lorena Escudero
(IFIC, Valencia)
16/03/2011, 19:54
The peak energy of the very narrow-band neutrino beam that the T2K experiment uses, was selected in such a way that the big majority of neutrino interactions seen in the near detector complex of the T2K experiment, ND280, will be charged-current quasi-elastic (CCQE) interactions. One of the main components of ND280, is the "tracker": a system of alternating finely segmented...
Kose Umut
(INFN, Padova)
16/03/2011, 19:55
The OPERA experiment is based on a hybrid technology combining electronic detectors and nuclear emulsions.
OPERA collected muon-neutrino interactions during the 2008, 2009 and 2010 physics runs of the CNGS neutrino beam, produced at CERN with an energy range of about 5-35 GeV. A total of 5.3 1019 protons on target equivalent luminosity from the 2008-2009 sample has been analysed using the...
Pierrick Hanlet
(Illinois Institute of Technology & Fermilab)
16/03/2011, 19:56
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) is a high-precision, accelerator experiment being performed at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, using particle physics techniques. Its goal is the first demonstration, with 0.1% resolution, of the feasibility of reducing the transverse emittance (beam volume in 4D phase space) of a beam of muons by ionization cooling in low-Z absorbers....