Aurora Meroni
(SISSA, Trieste)
We consider the possibility of several different mechanisms contributing to the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay amplitude in the general case of CP nonconservation: light Majorana neutrino exchange, heavy left-handed (LH) and heavy right-handed (RH) Majorana neutrino exchanges, lepton charge non-conserving couplings in SUSY theories with R-parity breaking. If the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay is induced by, e.g., two ``non-interfering'' mechanisms (light Majorana neutrino and heavy RH Majorana neutrino exchanges), one can determine the absolute values of the two fundamental parameters, characterising these mechanisms, from data on the half-lives of two nuclear isotopes.
In the case when two ``interfering'' mechanisms are responsible for the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, the absolute values of the two relevant parameters and the interference term can be uniquely determined from data on the half-lives of three nuclei.
The method considered by us can be generalised to the case of more than two $\betabeta$-decay mechanisms. It has also the advantage that it allows to treat the cases of CP conserving and CP nonconserving couplings generating the $\betabeta$-decay in a unique way.