7:30 PM
Opportunities of Gallium experiments with artificial neutrino sources for investigation of transition to sterile states
Valery Gorbachev
(INR, Moscow.)
7:32 PM
From paired super-radiance to neutrino mass spectroscopy using atoms
N. Sasao
(Okayama University)
7:33 PM
LUCIFER: A Scintillating Bolometer Array for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Laura Cardani
(Universita di Roma La Sapienza)
7:34 PM
Improving the KM3NeT sensitivity
Oleg Kalekin
(Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, University of Erlangen)
7:35 PM
Uncovering Multiple CP-Nonconserving Mechanisms of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Aurora Meroni
(SISSA, Trieste)
7:36 PM
SNO+ experiment as a Neutrino Telescope
Takashi Iida
(Queen's University)
7:37 PM
Leptogenesis in a scenario inspired to SO(10) with a compact spectrum for the right-handed neutrinos
Franco Buccella
(Universita di Napoli)
7:38 PM
Effects of Resonant Spin-Flavor Conversion of Supernova Neutrinos in Supernova Neutrino Event
Takashi Yoshida
(Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo)
7:39 PM
Remarks on the forces generated by two-neutrino exchange
Silvano Petrarca
(Universita di Roma La Sapienza)
7:40 PM
A road to reach higher precision in Borexino: the detector calibration campaigns
Alessandra Carlotta Re
(Universita' degli Studi e INFN di Milano)
7:41 PM
A T' flavour model for fermions and its phenomenology
Luca Merlo
(Technische Universität München)
7:42 PM
Beta spectroscopy with superconducting calorimeters for the direct measurement of the neutrino mass
Daniela Bagliani
(Universita di Genova and INFN)
7:43 PM
Monte Carlo simulation study of the muon-induced neutron flux in LNGS
Rino Persiani
(Universita di Bologna e INFN)
7:44 PM
Neutrino Mass Hierarchy Determination using Reactor Antineutrinos
Pomita Ghoshal
(SISSA, Trieste)
7:45 PM
The 14N(p,g)15O reaction and the metallicity of the Sun
Antonio Caciolli
(INFN, Padova)
7:46 PM
An array of ring-lasers to measure the Frame Dragging of the Earth
Angela Di Virgilio
(INFN, Pisa)
7:47 PM
A new design for the CERN-Frejus neutrino Super Beam
Andrea Longhin
(INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
7:48 PM
The MEMPHYS Project
Alessandra Tonazzo
(APC Paris)
7:49 PM
Discovery potential of a future very large underwater neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea
Apostolos Tsirigotis
(Hellenic Open University)
7:50 PM
Measurements of neutron spectra characteristics using NaCl in LVD
Irina Shakiryanova
(INR, Moscow.)
7:51 PM
Analysis of the temperature variations of neutrons generated by muons in the detector LVD.
Olga Ryazhskaya
(INR, Moskow.)
7:52 PM
he T2K TPC calibration tools and relation to physics results
Panagiotis Stamoulis
(IFIC Valencia)
7:53 PM
"Status and performance of ND280, the T2K near detectors"
Jeffrey Wilkes
(University of Washington, Seattle)
7:54 PM
Efforts towards a measurement of charged current quasi-elastic neutrino interactions in ND280.
Lorena Escudero
(IFIC, Valencia)
7:55 PM
Study of Neutrino Interactions Using the Electronic Detectors and Emulsion-Lead Targets of the OPERA Experiment
Kose Umut
(INFN, Padova)
7:56 PM
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Pierrick Hanlet
(Illinois Institute of Technology & Fermilab)