December 1, 2021
Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS)
Europe/Rome timezone

On the occasion of the next Borexino collaboration meeting, at the end of the data taking, we will hold an open "special session" in the afternoon of December 1st with a few talks for a recollection of the history and the achievements of Borexino throughout its three-decade long saga.

Gianpaolo Bellini and Frank Calaprice will remind the key moments of the vibrant scientific and intellectual endeavor which led to the construction of the experiment, while scientists both internal and external to the collaboration will review the major achievements and legacy of Borexino in the neutrino field. Other long-time Borexino friends will attend and give their tribute to the experiment.

Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS)
"E. Fermi" auditorium
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Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, the number of available seats is limited, based on conference room allowed capacity. Unfortunately requests above the maximum number will be rejected. Anyway, remote connection will be available for those who will not be able to attend in person.

Submission of registration form is mandatory in order to attend, both for remote and in-person attendees (deadline November 28, 2021). Details for remote connection will be sent via email only to registered participants.

The event will also be streamed on LNGS YouTube channel:

Registration form submission is required only for the external attendees of the open special session. Members of Borexino collaboration who will attend the Borexino general meeting (either in person or remotely) MUST NOT fill out this form.