Borexino General Meeting - Special Session

"E. Fermi" auditorium (Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS))

"E. Fermi" auditorium

Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS)


On the occasion of the next Borexino collaboration meeting, at the end of the data taking, we will hold an open "special session" in the afternoon of December 1st with a few talks for a recollection of the history and the achievements of Borexino throughout its three-decade long saga.

Gianpaolo Bellini and Frank Calaprice will remind the key moments of the vibrant scientific and intellectual endeavor which led to the construction of the experiment, while scientists both internal and external to the collaboration will review the major achievements and legacy of Borexino in the neutrino field. Other long-time Borexino friends will attend and give their tribute to the experiment.

    • BOREXINO: Greetings from INFN ad LNGS management
      Conveners: Antonio Zoccoli (Bologna University / President of INFN), Ezio Previtali (Milano Bicocca University / Director of LNGS)
    • BOREXINO: Part I
      Convener: Giovanni Fiorentini (University of Ferrara & INFN)
      • 1
        The longstanding adventure of Borexino, from ideas to stars
        Speaker: Gianpaolo Bellini (University of Milano & INFN)
      • 2
        The development and resolution of the solar neutrino puzzle: Borexino’s lasting legacy
        Speaker: Wick Haxton (University of California, Berkeley)
      • 3
        The uniqueness of the Borexino detector, a technological miracle
        Speaker: Frank Calaprice (Princeton University)
    • 5:25 PM
      Coffee break
    • BOREXINO: Part II
      Convener: Gioacchino Ranucci (INFN Milano)
      • 4
        The experience of working with a successful experiment from the NSF perspective
        Speaker: James Withmore (former NSF Program Director for Particle Astrophysics)
      • 5
        Borexino and the fundamental physics
        Speaker: Francesco Vissani (INFN - LNGS)
      • 6
        The role of Borexino in solar physics
        Speaker: Francesco Lorenzo Villante (University of L'Aquila & INFN)
      • 7
        The role of Borexino in the geoneutrino physics
        Speaker: Fabio Mantovani (University of Ferrara & INFN)