29 May 2023 to 1 June 2023
Europe/Rome timezone


Here you can find the list of affiliated hotels with contracted rates for the conference.

Reservation should be made personally by the participants directly contacting the hotels.

Important: no booking service provider (e.g. booking.com) should be used in order to be included in the list of the school attendees and get the contracted rates.

Reservation code for participants is “SUPERNOVA” and must be mentioned when booking the room.

Rooms will be available until the deadline below on “first come, first served” basis.

Reservation will still be possible though after those dates, but availability of rooms will no longer be guaranteed.

Shuttle bus service from affiliated hotels to conference venue will be available during the conference days. Timetable is available on section Travel / Shuttle schedule.

All hotels are located in the west side of town and are very close to motorway A24 and Amiternum bus station (final bus stop for main long distance buses).
Many restaurants and bars are available in the western area as well as urban buses and taxi cabs. The old town centre is not faraway: many bars, pubs, restaurants and places of interest are located downtown as well as main city monuments.

Hotel Azzurro
Rates: single use 72 euro, double room 84 euro
Deal deadline: April 14, 2023
Address: via Giovanni Di Vincenzo, 67100 L’Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 318054
Email: info@hotelazzurro.it
Website: www.hotelazzurro.it
Hotel Canadian
Rates: single use 65 euro, double room 85 euro
Deal deadline: April 30, 2023
Address: Strada Statale 17, 67100 L’Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 316120
Email: canadian@canadianhotel.it
Website: www.canadianhotel.it
Hotel My Suite
Rates: single use 100 euro, double room 120 euro
Deal deadline: April 30, 2023 
Address: Strada Statale 17, 67100 L'Aquila
Phone: +39 0862 315757
Email: prenotazioni@mysuitehotel.it
Website: www.mysuitehotel.it