May 29 – 31, 2023
Venezia, Istituto Veneto di Lettere, Scienze ed Arti - Palazzo Franchetti
Europe/Rome timezone

The Muon4Future workshop aims to start a discussion that, for the first time, compares the results of the muon-based experiments, involving both the experimental and theoretical communities. Such a comparison is indispensable today since many of the discrepancies between the Standard Model and the measurements are concentrated in the muon sector. The purpose of the workshop is not only limited to examining the experiments currently carried out in data taking or already approved and/or under construction, but it also aims at discussing possible future proposals. The goal is to identify the most promising physics experiments and measurements that would allow to further test the Standard Model and search for new physics, comparing new ideas, relevant issues and related challenges.

The proceedings of the workshop will be published. A report containing the summary and the findings of the discussions of each session including  Wednesday afternoon, will be prepared and published. The session conveners will be the editors and the workshop participants the authors of such a publication.

The Workshop will be held in presence in Venice, at "Palazzo Franchetti" of the “Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti”.


The Workshop will have plenary sessions and talks are given by invited speakers.

To participate to the workshop a fee has to be paid and registration is mandatory through the relevant registration form on this site.
Before registering and make the payment, please visit the page "Fee and Payment" on this site, for all detailed instruction.

The Workshop is organized by INFN-Sezione di Padova with the support of the Physics and Astronomy Department of Padova University and the contribution of the INFN Headquarter

                                                                        with the collaboration of

                                                 the EU Project IFAST and the aMuse Project


Venezia, Istituto Veneto di Lettere, Scienze ed Arti - Palazzo Franchetti
Palazzo Franchetti
S. Marco, 2847, 30124 Venezia VE
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