24–26 May 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Dynamic evolution of a solar flare current sheet

24 May 2021, 15:01


Contributed talk Onset of flare energy release Science Question 2


Dr Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)


Current sheets play a key role in solar flares as they are the locations where magnetic energy is liberated through reconnection and is converted to other forms. Yet, their formation and evolution during the impulsive phase of a flare remain elusive. In this talk, we will report new observations of a current sheet formation and subsequent evolution in the early stages of a solar flare. In particular, we will present multiphase evolution of a dynamic current sheet from its formation to quasi-stable evolution and disruption. Implications for the onset and evolution of reconnection will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)


Prof. Eric Priest Dr Xin Cheng

Presentation materials