18–24 set 2022
Palazzo Beltrani, Trani (Italy)
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Registration form

Aperto 10 mar 2022
Chiuso 12 apr 2022

The registration fee (500 EUR) includes all expenses: participation in the school, accommodation and meals. Only travel expenses are excluded.

Payment is due by 1 week after notification of the fellowship/partial support. Full refund available upon request by June 30th, 2022. Please contact us for special requests.

The school will be in presence only; no remote lectures are planned.

A certificate of attendance with recognition of 2 Higher Education Credits (HEC) will be given to students passing a final written exam (test with multiple answers), to be held on September 24th.

L'iscrizione è chiuso
Il periodo di iscrizione è scaduto.