The preparation of the T-15MD tokamak for the first experiments has been almost completed now. The main parameters of T-15MD are: R = 1.48 m, a = 0.67 m, B = 2.0 T, Ipl = 2.0 MA. Scientific objectives of the T-15MD are: investigation of the particle and energy transport in the ITER-like plasma configuration; disruption mitigation system development; plasma turbulence investigations; plasma edge physics; divertor optimization and first wall materials investigations under reactor-like power load on the divertor plates; steady-state operation; investigations of the advanced tokamak regimes with the real time MHD activity and current density profile control. To meet this challenge, the tokamak should be equipped with state-of-art diagnostics, real time plasma control, auxiliary heating and current drive systems. Therefore, in the vacuum vessel design, a special attention was focused to the convenient placement of the diagnostics and heating systems.