Jun 14 – 18, 2021
Online Workshop
Europe/Rome timezone

WIMP Direct Detection -- Experimental Status and Outlook 2021

Jun 18, 2021, 2:50 PM
Online Workshop

Online Workshop


Federica Petricca (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)


Nowadays, we have a highly accurate model of our Universe, but still, most of its content eludes our observation. The experimental efforts to decipher the nature of dark matter underwent amazing development in recent years. A new generation of large exposure high sensitivity detectors is ready to accept the challenge. In this contest, a multi-target multi-technology approach is needed to look into the different mass regions of possible dark matter candidates to maximise the detection probability. The most sensitive techniques opening new frontiers of this search will be reviewed together with a glance on future perspectives.

Speaker Federica Petricca

Primary author

Federica Petricca (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)

Presentation materials