Session 18
- Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)
Nowadays, we have a highly accurate model of our Universe, but still, most of its content eludes our observation. The experimental efforts to decipher the nature of dark matter underwent amazing development in recent years. A new generation of large exposure high sensitivity detectors is ready to accept the challenge. In this contest, a multi-target multi-technology approach is needed to look...
Sterile neutrinos appear in minimal extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. If their mass is in the keV regime, they are viable dark matter candidates. In this talk both indirect astrophysical and cosmological limits and new ideas for laboratory-based searches will be presented. Special focus will be put on a possible future upgrade of the KATRIN experiment with a novel...
Virialized bosonic dark matter in our galaxy features a distinct spectral lineshape due to the velocity distribution of its constituents. If it can be resolved in an experiment, its expected evolution during Earth's propagation through the galaxy is a useful systematic check in case of a positive detection and can be used via pattern search algorithms to improve the sensitivity to galactic...