27 May 2019 to 1 June 2019
Hotel Hermitage
Europe/Rome timezone


Muon g-2 Elba Physics Week

Opened 16 Jan 2019
Closed 27 May 2019

You are kindly required to complete the final Registration Form by April 22nd.
To register and submit an abstract a INFN Indico Account is required. If you do not have one, please create your personal account by following the link "External Users" available in the prompt window that appears when you start the registration process.
The workshop organization will take care of the Hotel reservation. Please note that after this deadline we cannot guarantee an accommodation.
There is a registration fee of 150.00€ that includes bus transportation from Rome airport to the workshop site and vice versa (see Travel Information), coffee breaks, meeting material and social events.

The payment of the registration fee is different for INFN and NOT-INFN.

The payment of the registration fee will be done by the internal INFN procedure detailed below.
Instructions to fill in the "Modulo Missioni INFN": people travelling on INFN funds DO NOT have to fill the "Conference fee" section in the online INFN Travel Expenses Form (Modulo Missione). Instead, they will have to indicate, in the field Ulteriori Note of the above mentioned Form, that the conference fee will be paid by internal procedure ("La conference fee verrà pagata tramite storno fra sezioni").

Registration fee can be paid by bank transfer to:

c/o INFN-Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3,
I-56127 Pisa
Bank name: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Via San Francesco, 1 - 56127 Pisa
IBAN: IT 62 O 01030 14006 000001128808

Purpose: [Your full name], GMINUS2
(transfer fee at the sender's charge)

or on site at the Workshop Registration Desk (Hotel Hermitage) upon arrival. In addition to euros, US dollars will be accepted. Personal checks can only be accepted if drawn on an Italian bank. However, credit cards cannot be accepted for the payment of the registration fee.
The registration desk will open on Sunday, May 26th at 5:00 pm.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.