Talks on specific topics: II
- Angela Dora Vittoria Di Virgilio (PI)
Talks on specific topics: III
- Barbara Patricelli (PI)
We study the collective dynamics of a clean Floquet system of cold atoms, numerically simulating two distinct realistic set-ups based on a regular chain of interacting Rydberg atoms driven by laser fields. In both cases, the population evolution and its Fourier spectrum display clear signatures of a discrete time crystal (DTC), exhibiting the appearance of a robust subharmonic oscillation...
I will discuss, making use of on-shell amplitude methods, a possible ultraviolet completion of tree-level gravitational amplitudes. Contrary to "top-down" constructions like string theory, I will follow a "bottom-up" approach, solely based on fundamental properties (unitarity, locality and causality).
In corpuscular gravity black holes are condensates at the critical point, with a large number of bound gravitons and no central singularity. This innovative approach moves away from the semi-classical picture of quantum field theory on curved backgrounds and considers self-gravitating systems as truly quantum. We shall introduce a bootstrapped Newtonian gravitational potential which includes...
We discuss the problem of how Majorana mass terms can be generated in low-energy systems. We show that, while these terms imply the Majorana condition, the opposite is not always true when more than one flavour is involved. This is an important aspect for the low-energy realizations of the Majorana mass terms exploiting superfluid pairings, because in this case the Majorana condition is not...
The idea that the area of a black hole (BH) horizon is quantized goes back to Bekenstein and Mukhanov [1,2,3]. The area is conjectured to be a multiple of the Planck area, but the constant of proportionality α is unknown and depends on the specific theory of quantum gravity. Expanding on this idea, recent studies [4,5] suggested that thermodynamic relations applied to an astrophysical Kerr BH...