23–25 Oct 2019
Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone
We had been hoping to be able to hold the conference on the originally scheduled period in October 2021 but given the pandemic situation we have decided to postpone the conference period to October 2022.

Black Hole ringdown as a probe for Dark Energy

23 Oct 2019, 16:00
Aula Gerace

Aula Gerace

Polo Fibonacci Edificio C Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa
talk Fundamental Interacions Talks on specific topics


Enrico Trincherini (Scuola Normale Superiore / INFN - Pisa)


I will discuss how a class of Dark Energy models can be tested by studying the gravitational waves emitted during the ringdown phase after a black hole merger.

Primary author

Enrico Trincherini (Scuola Normale Superiore / INFN - Pisa)

Presentation materials