ICFA Mini-Workshop on
DAFNE as Open Accelerator Test Facility in year 2020
The workshop will take place on December 17th, 2018 at the Touschek Auditorium, Frascati Laboratory of INFN, Italy.
The workshop is intended to discuss the interest from scientists to access the DAFNE e+ e- complex, which will conclude its physics program as collider in 2020. An infrastructure almost unique, that could open as Test Facility (DAFNE-TF) to the international community for studies of accelerator technologies and beam physics, for small experiments, and to be used as a test bed for enterprises active in the sector of components for accelerators.
Scientific Committee
L. Rivkin (EPFL and PSI, chair), C. Bloise (INFN-LNF), Y. Cai (SLAC), A. Ghigo (INFN-LNF), M. Giovannozzi (CERN), C. Milardi (INFN-LNF),
N. Pastrone (INFN-Torino), A. Variola (INFN-LNF)
O. R. Blanco Garcia (INFN-LNF), S. Caschera (INFN-LNF), A. De Santis (INFN-LNF), A. Drago (INFN-LNF, chair)
D. Ferrucci (INFN-LNF), M. Luciani (INFN-LNF)

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