The CUORE cryostat is today’s largest and most powerful dilution refrigerator in the world. Thanks to its cryogenic performance, CUORE is the first bolometric experiment that has been able to reach the one-ton scale. The CUORE cryostat provides up to 6 µW at 10 mK and can cool down to 6.9 mK a mass of about 1.5 ton in a 4 weeks timescale. By offering an experimental volume of 1 m$^3$ and by delivering a uniform and constant sub-10-mK base temperature, the CUORE cryostat marks a fundamental milestone in low-temperature detectors field, opening the path for future ton-scale bolometric and calorimetric experiments searching for rare events. In this talk, we present the CUORE cryogenic infrastructure, with a particular focus on its critical subsystems in terms of cryogenic and noise performance.
Student (Ph.D., M.Sc. or B.Sc.) | N |
Less than 5 years of experience since completion of Ph.D | N |