Special session: Advanced techniques of acceleration
- Enrica Chiadroni (LNF)
Special session: Advanced techniques of acceleration
- Enrica Chiadroni (LNF)
Special session: Advanced techniques of acceleration
- Alexander Oraevsky (TomoWave Laboratories, Inc.)
Alessandro Curcio
03/10/2018, 15:15
A technique to measure the transverse phase space and the rms emittance of plasma accelerated electron beams is described. First tests have been performed at the SPARC-LAB test facility through the interaction of the ultra-short ultra-intense Ti:Sa laser FLAME with a He gas-jet target. The proposed technique seems to be promising for the detection of ultra-low (sub-micrometric) emittances of...
Paolo Craievich
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
03/10/2018, 15:35
A collaboration between DESY, PSI and CERN has been established to develop and build an advanced modular X-band transverse deflection structure (TDS) system with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force. The design of this Polarizable X-band (PolariX) TDS requires a very high manufacturing precision to guarantee highest azimuthal symmetry of the structure to...
Angelo Biagioni
03/10/2018, 15:55
Plasma confinement represents a crucial point for plasma-based accelerators. For this reason, since each plasma parameter, such as the degree of ionization, the plasma temperature and the electron density, can affect the electron beam parameters, an accurate measurement of the plasma properties must be performed. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to detect the plasma temperature...
Marco Galimberti
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
03/10/2018, 16:45
In the last years the power of the laser increases dramatically reaching Petawatt level. This unique high power is achieved mainly by decreasing the pulse duration down to tens of femtosecond. The characterization of this laser pulses requires special techniques, creating a research field on it’s on. In addition to that, the high power increases the difficulty of fully characterize this laser...
James Rosenzweig
05/10/2018, 11:00
In recent years, the need for much higher field strength acceleration and focusing in high energy electron beams has yielded a push towards developing new devices and instruments based on plasmas. We review the most compelling of these new scenarios: plasma wakefield acceleration up to TeV/m; unprecedented strong focusing lenses; and ultra-high strength undulators. As these physical systems...