3–5 Oct 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

SNIP-based algorithm for gamma-ray spectrum analysis

4 Oct 2018, 14:30
1h 30m
Auditorium Hall (INFN-LNF, Italy)

Auditorium Hall



Dr Maciej Linczuk (Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronics Systems)


Scintillators are commonly used in many gamma-ray experiments because they are characterized by a good energy resolution and a rather high detection efficiency for a few MeV gamma-rays. Gamma-ray peaks, especially full energy, single escape and double escape peaks registered in scintillators, are relatively broad and observed on a high non-linear background. Any software dealing with the analysis of gamma-ray spectrum has to find peaks and estimate the following peak shape parameters: position, height, width, and a number of counts. The presented software was prepared for analysis of gamma-ray spectra registered in scintillators. Peak finding is based on the Sensitive Nonlinear Iterative Peak (SNIP) algorithm and peak analysis - on CERN ROOT libraries. An estimation process is automated with a limited number of input values. A sum of Gaussian and linear function is used to approximate peaks. Because such a function is nonlinear, an iterative method to find peak shape parameters has to be applied. As a result of a computation process, a mean value and a variance of the Gaussian function that corresponds to a location and a peak width are determined. In addition, measures of goodness of fit are computed, i.e. the number of degrees of freedom and results of χ2 tests. Results of estimation are presented graphically and saved to a text file. The software was written in C++ language. Gamma-ray spectra measured with scintillators were used to demonstrate properties of the prepared software. This scientific work was partly supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the framework of the scientific financial resources in the years 2015-2018 allocated for the realization of the international co-financed project.

Primary author

Dr Maciej Linczuk (Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronics Systems)


Prof. Izabella Zychor (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)

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