Rune Floberghagen
(European Space Agency)
03/10/2018, 09:00
ESA's magnetic field and geospace explorer constellation mission Swarm was launched in November 2013 and has ever since delivered on all its promises. In particular, the mission has offered new ways of mapping the rapid dynamics of Earth's outer core, the crystalline mantle, and the magnetisation of the rocks in the lithosphere. Concerning magnetic fields external to the Earth, the mission has...
Mencattini Arianna
(Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata)
03/10/2018, 09:45
pierre-philippe mathieu
03/10/2018, 11:00
The view from space has forever changed our vision on our home planet, revealing its beauty while pointing at the same time to its inherent fragility. This new perspective from above contributed to the emergence of the concept of Sustainable Development (SD), by convincing many of the need to (better) manage our (rapidly depleting) resources in a sustainable manner that would “meet the needs...
Luca Antonelli
(University of York)
03/10/2018, 11:30
X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) is an imaging technique based on the phase-shift of an X-ray photon induced by the refractive index. In particular, the phase-shift is related to the real part of X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) is an imaging technique based on the phase_shift of an X-ray photon induced by the refractive index. In particular, the phase-shift is related to the real part...
Nicola Toschi
(University of Rome 'Tor Vergata', Harvard Medical School)
03/10/2018, 12:00
Single modality neuroimaging has been a cornerstone of clinical as well as research applications in Neurology and Psychiatry (e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Ataxias, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy just to name a few) as well as in a wide range of other diseases with neurological implications like Primary open angle Glaucoma, Obesity, Diabetes, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome...
Pasquale Delogu
03/10/2018, 12:30
X-ray K-edge Subtraction (KES) Imaging is a procedure based on the acquisition of two images at different energies, one below and one above the K-edge of an element contained in a detail to detect. The technique allows highlighting the detail suppressing the background.
Most recent Photon Counting X-ray Detectors (PCXDs) have advanced spectral features, including multiple thresholds and...
Alessandro De Giacomo
(University of Bari)
03/10/2018, 14:30
In 2013 we proposed the Nanoparticle Enhanced Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NELIBS) [1] for enhancing the LIBS performances in terms of signal enhancement in several applications, spacing from metal sample analysis to biological samples [2].
After a few years several groups around the world have applied NELIBS in different applications. Although the promising results presented by...
Alessandro Curcio
03/10/2018, 15:15
A technique to measure the transverse phase space and the rms emittance of plasma accelerated electron beams is described. First tests have been performed at the SPARC-LAB test facility through the interaction of the ultra-short ultra-intense Ti:Sa laser FLAME with a He gas-jet target. The proposed technique seems to be promising for the detection of ultra-low (sub-micrometric) emittances of...
Paolo Craievich
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
03/10/2018, 15:35
A collaboration between DESY, PSI and CERN has been established to develop and build an advanced modular X-band transverse deflection structure (TDS) system with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force. The design of this Polarizable X-band (PolariX) TDS requires a very high manufacturing precision to guarantee highest azimuthal symmetry of the structure to...
Marco Galimberti
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
03/10/2018, 16:45
In the last years the power of the laser increases dramatically reaching Petawatt level. This unique high power is achieved mainly by decreasing the pulse duration down to tens of femtosecond. The characterization of this laser pulses requires special techniques, creating a research field on it’s on. In addition to that, the high power increases the difficulty of fully characterize this laser...
Mirko Salewski
(Technical University of Denmark)
03/10/2018, 17:05
The measurement of the energy spectra and densities of alpha-particles and other fast ions are part of the ITER measurement requirements, highlighting the importance of energy-resolved energetic-particle diagnostic for the mission of ITER. However, it has been found in recent years that the velocity-space interrogation regions of the foreseen energetic-particle diagnostics do not allow these...
Fabrizio Murtas
03/10/2018, 17:35
The Medipix collaboration has developed during last years
few chips able to readout silicon sensors with high space resolution
(50x50 microns). Medipix, Timepix and Timepix3 are the best and the most used.
Recently some other detectors have been coupled to this ASICs like GEMs and Diamonds.
A review of these new pix-based detectors will be presented with their performances and...
Gabriele Croci
(Università di Milano-Bicocca)
03/10/2018, 17:55
Born in the late 90’s, Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) have opened the way for the construction of detectors whose performance surpasses that of the previous generations in terms of spatial resolution, high-rate capability and increased radiation hardness. Micro-Mesh Gaseous Structure (Micromegas) and the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), the mostly used MPGD-type, are mature technologies...
John Pendry
(Imperial College London)
04/10/2018, 09:00
Building any device requires the use of materials and in electromagnetism it is often the case that nature does not provide what we need. Hence the concept of a metamaterial which adds the engineering subwavelength structure within a material to the choice of chemical composition. In this way entirely novel properties have been realised most prominent of which have been metamaterials with a...
sara cibella
04/10/2018, 09:45
Metamaterials based on split-ring resonators have been the subject of intense research efforts in the last two decades. Initially conceived to manipulate the magnetic response of solids [1], metallic metasurfaces have found applications in sensing [2] as well as in flat optics [3] .Among other features, the metallic split ring...
Zoltan Ollmann
(University of Bern)
04/10/2018, 10:05
We propose to use building blocks of THz metamaterials and THz plasmonics for advanced accelerators. Metamaterial building blocks and plasmonic structures allow for a precise control of the electromagnetic near-field distribution in a volume that is defined by the geometry of the structure. THz radiation with wavelengths on the order of a hundred micron is well matched to the transverse and...
Antonio Gliozzi
(Politecnico di Torino)
04/10/2018, 10:55
Phononic crystals (PCs) and acoustic Acoustic metamaterials (AMMs) are artificially structured composite materials that enable manipulation of the dispersive properties of elastic waves, exploiting Bragg scattering or the presence of localized resonances. Generally, they are periodic distributions of cavities or inclusions (scatterers) embedded in a matrix. Among their unique vibrational...
Francesco Volpe
(Columbia University)
04/10/2018, 11:15
The heating, current drive and diagnosis of magnetized plasmas relies heavily on the injection and emission of electromagnetic waves. The requirements for beam steering and focusing are stringent and, often, unique. As an example, perfect focusing of Electron Cyclotron Emission requires that higher frequencies be focused at larger distances from the receiver. This implies the need for a...
Ralf Hendrik Menk
(Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
04/10/2018, 11:35
Free electron lasers (FEL) and 3rd/4th-generation storage rings operating in the (soft) X-ray regime offer a unique combination of properties such as extreme brightness, ultra-short pulse duration as well as temporal and lateral coherence. These properties are anticipated and are actually being proven to provide new scientific opportunities for time resolved structural studies. This enables...
Michael WALSH
04/10/2018, 11:55
In southern France, 7 partners comprising of 35 nations are collaborating to build the world's largest tokamak.
This is a magnetic fusion device called ITER that has been designed to prove the feasibility of fusion. This project is now well advanced in its construction. This includes the buildings, the major components and the independent systems. Amongst these are the diagnostic...
Michael Walsh
(ITER Organization), Dr
Victor Udintsev
(ITER Organisation)
04/10/2018, 12:40
Integration of diagnostics in the ITER complex is a very important task that requires interfaces with other systems, like vacuum vessel, port plugs, buildings, vacuum systems and remote maintenance. The latter is particularly important as many diagnostics will have to be handled remotely during installation/removal, in order to carry out refurbishment, environmental and functional tests in the...
Gabriele Bigongiari
(Università di Siena/INFN-Sezione di Pisa)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Unambiguous measurements of the energy spectra and of the composition of cosmic rays up to the knee region, around 1 PeV, could provide important clues on their origin, acceleration mechanism, propagation, and composition. A space experiment dedicated to measurements in this energy region has to achieve a balance between the requirements of lightness and compactness, with that of a large...
Antonella De Ninno
04/10/2018, 14:30
Classical theories of electrolytes are based on the picture of a fully ionised gas [1] because it is assumed that, during the solution, salts are completely dissociated in ions. This makes the theoretical problem of the electrolytic solutions equivalent to the problem of a fully ionised gas.
We studied the water molecule organization in chlorides salts by using the methods of the classical...
Philip Martin
(Queen's University Belfast)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Imaging Plates (IPs), relying on photo-stimulated luminescence (PSL) are amongst the most popular and reliable detectors for laser driven particle acceleration experiments. IPs are composed of an active layer on top of a magnetic base [1]. The Fujifilm BAS-SR and BAS-MS brands of imaging plate also have a protective layer over the active layer, however the BAS-TR, which this presentation will...
Aodhan McIlvenny
(Queen's University of Belfast)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Laser driven ions have gained significant attention due some of their unique properties making them a potential source of high energy radiation for a range of applications including particle therapy. Current facilities produce particles up to ~100 MeV with an ultra-short duration (~1ps at the source)1. Some of these facilities, typically the ones based on Ti:Sapphire, ultra-short pulse lasers,...
Valentina Gabbarini
(Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy, 00133)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Bacteria, viruses and fungi may proliferate in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, representing a serious concern in healthcare settings, due to the occurrence of nosocomial infections in vulnerable patients. Detection and classification of biological agents are not easy, especially at an early stage of contamination and when more than one species are aerodispersed. Our...
Francesca Fumian
(Joint NBC Defence school of Rieti)
04/10/2018, 14:30
During the latest decades, an increasing of threats associated to CBRN events took place.
For what regards break-out of chemical and radiological compounds, several episodes have occurred, such as unwanted industrial leakage, intentional use of chemical weapons by non-state actors or smuggling of nuclear material, that, by materializing a global threat, have conducted to casualties the actors...
Bohdan Bieg
(Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Polarimetry measurement results are used in tokamak plasma equilibrium codes as a constraint, decreasing the measurement uncertainty in determination plasma current, safety factor and density profile. In numerical codes, instead of solving rigorous equation of polarimetric state evolution, approximate analytical expression could be used to increase computing efficiency. In this paper is...
Afra Romano
(ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (RM), Italy)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Studies of runaway electrons in tokamaks are essential to improve prediction and control of plasma disruptions, for a reliable application on nuclear fusion [1]. The potential damage of such a localised beam of highly-energetic particles striking the vessel wall is substantial, particularly in view of future large tokamaks, such as ITER, since the runaway generation rate increases...
Pasquale Gaudio
(Universita Roma2 Tor Vergata), Dr
edmondo giovannozzi
(enea frascati), Mr
riccardo Rossi
(Universita Roma2 Tor Vergata)
04/10/2018, 14:30
The absolute calibration in Thomson Scattering (TS) systems is done usually by measuring the scattered light by a gas like Nitrogen or Hydrogen at a given pressure[1,2]. The Raman lines of Nitrogen or Hydrogen are used to avoid the stray light at the laser wavelength. Since the measured signal can be accurately calculated knowing the cross section from this signal the spatial emission profile...
Martina Salvadori
(Sapienza University of Rome and ENEA)
04/10/2018, 14:30
A promising field of application of the X-ray radiation generated by intense laser-matter interaction is the contact-microscopy of biological samples. In order to optimize the yield on the desired spectral window, it is fundamental to have accurate characterization of this emitted radiation. To this purpose, an experimental campaign is underway with the three-nanosecond phosphate Nd:glass...
Massimo Piccinini
(ENEA Frascati)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Recently, novel solid-state radiation detectors, based on the photoluminescence of stable point defects in lithium fluoride (LiF) crystals, have been used for advanced diagnostics of the segment up to 27 MeV of the TOP-IMPLART proton linear accelerator for protontherapy applications, under development at ENEA C.R. Frascati.
Due to the peculiar particle-matter interactions, in the LiF...
Teddy Craciunescu
(National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Raadiation Physics, Bucharest, Romania)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Gamma-ray diagnostics are some of the most important tools for the fast-ion studies in fusion devices. Intense gamma-ray emission is produced when fast ions (fusion products, ICRF driven ions and NBI-injected ions) react either with plasma fuel ions or with the plasma impurities such as beryllium and carbon [1]. On JET, the gamma-ray emission measurements are routinely used to interpret...
Benedetta Baiocchi
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
04/10/2018, 14:30
A certain number of plasma parameters can be diagnosed with a technique implemented in the last decades in several tokamak devices, which exploits the detection of emissions due to Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) of a probe radiation by plasma ion populations. Since the beginning, this diagnostic was mainly developed to locally measure the spectral power density which gives information...
Kathryn Polin
(Queen's University Belfast)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Due to the phenomenon of the Bragg Peak, the use of charged particle beams in cancer treatment allows for precise energy deposition in a tumour, whilst largely reducing the dose deposited to the surrounding healthy tissue in comparison with treatment from traditional photon radiotherapy. However, the residual dose that is deposited to the surrounding area is non-negligible and may result in...
Paweł Linczuk
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Plasma magnetic confinement with tokamak device usage is a complex phenomenon. To understand it clearly, various diagnostics must be used. One of them is plasma impurities monitoring, which can be done with measurement of their soft X-ray radiation. Our system implements such functionality [1].
Done from scratch with Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) based detector, analog and digital (with...
benedetta baiocchi
(IFP CNR Milano), Dr
francesco paolo orsitto
(CREATE Consortium and ENEA Frascati), Dr
william Bin
(IFP CNR Milano)
04/10/2018, 14:30
The low temperature kinetic model was introduced in the context of interpretation of Collective Thomson Scattering measurements. The key hypothesis of the model is related to the physical as- sumption that in the context of unmagnetised plasma the phase velocity of the plasma fluctuations which scatter the incident beam is higher than the thermal velocity of the electrons. The physics scheme...
Giuseppe Galatola Teka
04/10/2018, 14:30
Proto-Sphera is an innovative plasma confinement concept based on the formation of a toroidal plasma around an axial screw pinch which provides the toroidal magnetic field. Optical emission (OE) from the Proto-Sphera device is detected by a compact spectrometer array covering the range 235-790 nm with the resolution from 0.09 nm in UV to 0.14 nm in IR. Plasmas formed in both Argon and Hydrogen...
J. Chrzanowski
(Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland), Dr
francesco paolo orsitto
(CREATE Consortium and ENEA Frascati)
04/10/2018, 14:30
The study is dedicated to the evaluation of the effects of the input polarisation angle with the respect to the toroidal magnetic feld on the values of the Faraday Rotation, Cotton-Mouton phase shift angle (and then ellipticity) . The need of this evaluation is connected to the optimisation of the polarimetry quantities in view of having a complete information related to magnetic fields,...
Giulia Becatti
(University of Pisa)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Lanthanum hexaboride hollow cathodes have been the prime choice for high power Hall thruster applications, under development for the next generation of manned and robotic interplanetary missions. In this scenario, SITAEL is actively developing high current hollow cathodes capable of providing discharge current in the range 10-100 A to be coupled with high power Hall thrusters.
Despite the...
Fabrizio Consoli
(ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Radiofrequency-microwave electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) of high intensity generated by powerful pulsed laser-matter interaction are a very hot topic of research. They are often detrimental for active diagnostics placed around the interaction region, but could be used for diagnostic purposes or for application to studies on materials and devices in these extreme conditions. This is a common and...
Maciej Linczuk
(Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronics Systems)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Scintillators are commonly used in many gamma-ray experiments because they are characterized by a good energy resolution and a rather high detection efficiency for a few MeV gamma-rays. Gamma-ray peaks, especially full energy, single escape and double escape peaks registered in scintillators, are relatively broad and observed on a high non-linear background. Any software dealing with the...
Gerardo Claps
04/10/2018, 14:30
The x-rays and gammas diagnostic on Laser Produced Plamas (LPPs) is a challenging task. In both cases the photons emission comes in burst that last from few tens of ps to few ns, depending on the power and the laser pulse time width. A measurement of the photon flux cannot be performed using traditional diagnostics systems. In this work we propose the innovative usage of two detectors: the...
Zhimeng Hu
(Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
04/10/2018, 14:30
A time-of-flight enhanced diagnostic (TOFED) neutron spectrometer has been developed as a neutron emission spectroscopy for plasma physics study in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). The TOFED was previously installed in a shield positioned inside the EAST experimental hall, but could not work well because of high γ-ray background. A new neutron diagnostic house was...
Riccardo Rossi
(1Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy, 00133)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Nowadays, the monitoring of air in the environment is crucial to prevent chemical poisoning and disease onsets. Among the several techniques used to monitor the environment, the DIAL method has a very interesting approach. It is a remote technique able to give linear, areal or volumetric information. The range can be very large (until than 2 km) and the response is fast. Contrariwise, the...
Salvatore Macis
(Università Roma Tor Vergata)
04/10/2018, 14:30
One of the main goals of the next generation of accelerators is to use cavities with higher RF fields, reducing significantly the length of particle accelerators. In order to accomplish these objectives is necessary to reduce the overheating effects due to the RF and to the electrical breakdown that induce damages on the surface of any RF device. In order to accomplish these objectives is...
David Rohrbach
(University of Bern)
04/10/2018, 14:30
In a free-electron laser a beam of relativistic electrons is moving in vacuum trough a magnetic undulator producing electromagnetic radiation with high brightness and narrow bandwidth. In order to build a table-top source one has to reduce the undulator periodicity. One approach for realizing such mini-undulator is by laser micromachining permanent magnets or by electroplating a magnetic...
Valentina Scuderi
(ELI-Beamlines, IoP-ASCR; INFN-LNS)
04/10/2018, 14:30
Significant challenges in the detection of laser-accelerated ions result from the high flux (10$^{10}$-10$^{12}$ ions/pulse) and the short bunch duration (0.1 - 1 ns near the source), which are intrinsic to laser-driven sources. While the progress towards the stringent requirements of such applications (higher energies, repeatable generation, mono-chromaticity) will be facilitated by the...
Mario Galletti
(Instituto Superior Tecnico)
04/10/2018, 14:30
The complete characterization of the laser pulse parameters was made using a new algorithmic method: GRenouille/FrOG (GROG), based on the 1D Conjugate Gradient Minimization Method. The purpose is, analyzing experimental FROG/GRENOUILLE traces, to accurately retrieve intensity and phase both in the temporal and spectral domain so as to completely characterize an Ultra Short High Power laser...
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión. CIEMAT)
04/10/2018, 16:30
The statistical learning theory allows the estimation of functional dependency from a given collection of data. It includes discriminant analysis, regression analysis and the density estimation problem. It is used to obtain data-driven models to relate heterogeneous quantities with the aim of making predictions. In science, statistical learning is an essential theory to find relationships...
A Model Falsification Approach to Learning in Non-Stationary Environments for Experimental Design
Andrea Murari
(RFX Consortium and PMU)
04/10/2018, 16:50
The application of machine learning and advanced statistical tools to complex physics experiments becomes very problematic, when the i.i.d. (independent and identical distribution) hypothesis is not verified, due the varying conditions of the systems to be studied. In particular, new experiments have to be executed in unexplored regions of the operational space. As a consequence, the input...
Michela Gelfusa
(Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, via del Politecnico 1, Roma, Italy)
04/10/2018, 17:10
Accurate prediction of catastrophic events is becoming an important area of investigation in many research fields. In Tokamaks, detecting disruptions with sufficient anticipation time is a prerequisite to undertaking any remedial strategy, either for mitigation or for avoidance. Traditional predictors based on machine learning techniques can be very performing, if properly optimised, but tend...
Teddy Craciunescu
(National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Raadiation Physics, Bucharest, Romania)
04/10/2018, 17:30
Coupling and synchronization are common phenomena that occur in nature, e.g. in biological, physiological and environmental systems, as well as in physics and engineered systems. Depending on the coupling strength, the systems may undergo phase synchronization, generalized synchronization, lag synchronization and complete synchronization [1]. Lag or intermittent lag synchronization, where the...
Emmanuele Peluso
(University of Rome Tor Vergata)
04/10/2018, 17:50
Synchronization can be defined as the coordination of events to operate a system in harmony. It is important in the operation of manmade systems and in the investigation of natural events. In the last decade or so, synchronization of multiple interacting dynamical systems has become a lively field of study for control. In Magnetic Confinement Nuclear Fusion, various pacing concepts have been...
Tommaso Andreussi
04/10/2018, 18:10
Hall thruster (HT) technology is a mature propulsive option for orbit-raising and station-keeping of satellites, benefiting from both widespread R\&D activities and heritage of in-space applications. A typical Hall thruster assembly essentially consists of an acceleration channel, often made of ceramic material, a magnetic circuit and two electrodes, i.e. the anode and the cathode. The...
Giorgio Dilecce
05/10/2018, 09:00
Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) is nowadays a well established and widely used technique in gas discharges research, and one might wonder if there is really anything left to understand and investigate about it. The answer is yes, of course. The need for further deepening of the knowledge about LIF basically comes from its application to atmospheric pressure discharges, that is to highly...
Yuri Evangelista
05/10/2018, 09:45
High energy radiation from celestial objects is one of the most powerful diagnostic tools to access and understand the mechanisms underlying the most energetic and violent phenomena in our Universe. The X-ray range (0.5-20 keV) is particularly suitable for this investigation thanks to a mature detector and optics technology. Spectral, timing and polarimetric radiation signatures at these...
James Rosenzweig
05/10/2018, 11:00
In recent years, the need for much higher field strength acceleration and focusing in high energy electron beams has yielded a push towards developing new devices and instruments based on plasmas. We review the most compelling of these new scenarios: plasma wakefield acceleration up to TeV/m; unprecedented strong focusing lenses; and ultra-high strength undulators. As these physical systems...
Sergey Pikuz
05/10/2018, 11:45
In experiments with pico- and femtosecond optical laser pulses of relativistic intensities exceeding 1021 W/cm2 the laser energy is efficiently converted to X-ray radiation, which is emitted by hot electron component in collisionless processes. In turn, the intense X-ray radiation effectively ionizes the matter inside out, providing a large population of exotic states called hollow ions, and...
Fabrizio Consoli
(ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati)
05/10/2018, 12:15
The measurement of intense electromagnetic fields in the radiofrequency-microwave regime in experiments of laser interaction with matter is a hot topic both in laser-plasma particle-acceleration context and in inertial-confinement-fusion one. Fields up to MV/m intensity are generated in powerful interactions, but their characterization is a very delicate and complex issue, especially when...
Mattia Cipriani
(ENEA - CR Frascati)
05/10/2018, 12:35
The use of high-power femtosecond lasers to accelerate particles through the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) process is one of the most active fields of research of the last years. Protons have been produced in facilities worldwide, with energies up to tens of MeVs. For some applications the main requirement is to maximize the particle flux in a specific energy range. For aneutronic...
marco valisa
(Consorzio RFX)
05/10/2018, 15:00
The main mission of the Divertor Test Tokamak (DTT) is to explore viable solutions to the power exhaust issues in a fusion reactor. The ultimate goal will be to qualify and control in various divertor configurations DEMO relevant heat flux densities to the wall while preserving the integrity of both the plasma facing components and the plasma performance. Experiments will involve tailored...
Alexander Oraevsky
(TomoWave Laboratories, Inc.)
05/10/2018, 16:30
This lecture will discuss recent advances in the development and clinical translation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional laser optoacoustic ultrasonic imaging systems with applications in detection of cancer, guiding surgery and monitoring therapeutic interventions. Specific examples will include in vivo molecular and functional images in small animals and the most recent breakthroughs...
Giuseppe Galatola Teka
(ENEA - FSN, Frascati (RM), Italy)
05/10/2018, 17:00
The PROTO-SPHERA (PS) [1] experiment at Frascati ENEA Research Centre produce a Spherical Torus (ST) around a Plasma Centerpost (PC). The PC is an arc discharge driven by DC voltage between two annular electrodes.
This alternative and stable magnetic configuration is obtained without the internal toroidal coils and without the central ohmic transformer of a traditional tokamak. In fact, the...
Filipe da Silva
(Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
05/10/2018, 17:20
Reflectometry simulations are particularly important since they permit to assess the measuring capabilities of existing experimental systems and to predict the performance of future ones. We present a brief overview of reflectometry together with a short introduction to the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method for the simulation of reflectometry. The goal is to prepare the listener for...
Paulo Jorge Gonçalves Varela
(Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
05/10/2018, 17:40
The ITER Plasma Position Reflectometry (PPR) diagnostic is planned to be used to measure the plasma edge density profile at or near four pre-defined locations distributed both poloidally and toroidally in the ITER vacuum vessel. The measured density profile will then be provided in real-time to the Plasma Control System, which will use it to derive a supplementary contribution to the magnetic...
Jorge Sousa
(Instituto Superior Técnico)
05/10/2018, 18:00
Near steady-state operation of plasmas in fusion machines controlled by systems with high acquisition channel density require much reduced downtime (High Availability or HA). To achieve adequate HA for scalable, high performance systems, various techniques can be applied:
• Serviceability - remote hardware management, modules hot-swap, modularity, firmware update support;
• Fault detection...