Physics Department is located in the Milano University Scientific Area and food shops, restaurants and pizzerias can be easily found close-by and at walking distance. Partecipants are encouraged to help themselves for the lunch meals. University of Milano has a canteen at walking distance from the Physics Department that partecipant are welcome to use.
The Social Dinner will take place in Milano Down-Town on Thursday evening at "Osteria del Treno". Osteria is located near to Central Railway Station easily reachable with Metro 1 and 2. The dinner will take place in the "Sala Liberty" and the menu will be typical Milanese style.
The Social Dinner will take place in Milano Down-Town on Thursday evening at "Osteria del Treno". Osteria is located near to Central Railway Station easily reachable with Metro 1 and 2. The dinner will take place in the "Sala Liberty" and the menu will be typical Milanese style.