Sep 10 – 14, 2018
Catania, Diocesan Museum
Europe/Rome timezone


The registration form will be also managed through the JACoW Scientific Programme Management System (SPMS) or by following the appropriate link in the ECRIS 18 website. The conference fee is payable in Euro (€) and it includes:
  1. materials of the conference including the abstract book
  2. welcome reception,
  3. coffee breaks,
  4. conference banquet (Wednesday 14th),
  5. conference excursion (Thursday 15th),
  6. visit of the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN in Catania (Friday 16th) and a night view of Catania downtown.
Fee table
  early payment
(before June 30th)
late payment
full fee €450 €500
discounted fee (students and retiree)* €300 €350

*Students must send to the address:, along with their registration form, a letter of support by their Head of Department or Supervisor, specifying their status and eligibility.

The accompanying person registration fee is € 200,00 and it includes the social dinner and the other social events.

The payments should be done exclusively in Euro by credit card through the following website:

Payments can be also done at the registration desk in EURO by cash or with the most common credit cards.