Sep 11 – 15, 2017
Scuola di Architettura di Siracusa
Europe/Rome timezone

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission guidelines

To submit an abstract click the "Submit an abstract" link.

Please submit a 100-word text abstract suitable for early release. If accepted for presentation, this the abstract text will be included in the “Book of abstract” available on the site of the conference.

Please submit a 500-word text summary for technical review purposes. The Conference Organizing Committee is authorized to circulate your abstract to Conference Scientific members for review and selection purposes.

In order to start with the registration and/or abstract submission, one must have an account in the authentication system.

If you are a new user, you must create an account as EXTERNAL as follows.
1.      Click on the red button in the upper right corner of the page (Login button). The following page opens. Click “here” as indicated by the arrow in the picture.

2.      Fill the form and press “submit”. After the submission of your personal data, an e-mail will be sent to you. You must activate your account by clicking the link reported in such e-mail.

3.      So you have created your personal account and you can now register at the conference and/or submit an abstract.
This is the module of Abstract submission.

After abstract submission, an e-mail is automatically sent to the submitter as notification.

You can have an overview of the submitted abstract and check the submission status by clicking on “view my abstracts”.