giuseppe dattoli
4/5/17, 12:15 PM
A new coherent source of FEL type is under development at ENEA frascati.
The proposed device is a Coherent Auto-Resonance Maser (CARM) operating at 250 GHz, the proposal initially framed within the context of fusion research programs, has been originally conceived to provide a source for additional plasma heating. The peculiarity of the radiation, the frequency range and the intensity opens...
Massimo Petrarca
("Sapienza" University of Rome and Roma1-INFN)
4/5/17, 2:30 PM
In the last few years the possibility to produce high intensity THz pulses and high gradient electric fields ~40 MV/cm has been reported.
The same period of time can be considered as the dawn of acceleration schemes relying on laser-produced THz fields.
Even though the proposed acceleration methodologies triggered a certain interest of the accelerator scientific community, the results are...
Antonello Andreone
(Physics Department, University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN Naples Unit)
4/5/17, 3:00 PM
Amorphous Carbon (aC) is used to prevent or limit the insurgence of an electron cloud in the accelerator vacuum chamber. Since in the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) small bunches are used, a full electromagnetic characterization of the amorphous carbon conductivity is needed in the high frequency region (millimeter wave range and above), where no literature data are available.
Mariangela Cestelli Guidi
4/5/17, 3:30 PM
The LFN DaFne storage ring is a powerful source for Synchrotron Radiation (SR) in the FAR IR/THz domain (20µm-1mm). The brilliance of SR in this region is up to three order of magnitude higher than standard sources, opening the possibility to perform experiment in the solid, liquid and gas phase with application from material science to biology and chemistry. Case studies of experiments that...
GianPaolo Papari
(Physics Department, University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN Naples Unit)
4/5/17, 4:30 PM
Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is a powerful tool for investigating the electrodynamic response of any kind of material and/or metamaterial.
Using THz radiation (0.3-10 THz) one can retrieve in direct way essential information on material properties such as the refractive index and conductivity. These quantities are both described in terms of the complex dielectric function...
Antonio Davide Polosa
Gianluca Cavoto
4/5/17, 5:30 PM
An improved detection scheme for a light-shining-through-wall (LSW) experiment for axion-like particle searches is introduced. Extremely intense photon fluxes (from 100 kW to 1MW) from sources at frequencies in the sub-THz range are sent in an intense magnetic field where a photon to axion-like particle conversion is possible. A single photon detector in this frequency domain based on a...
Michele Caselle
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
4/6/17, 9:40 AM
The ANKA storage ring can generate brilliant coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in the THz range due to a dedicated low-αc -optics with reduced bunch lengths. At higher electron currents the emission of CSR is not stable, but occurs in powerful bursts caused by micro-bunching instabilities. This intense THz radiation is very attractive for users. However, the reproducibility of the...
Jose' Guillermo Garcia Lorenzana
4/6/17, 10:05 AM
I will present the SIMAP project proposal conceived within a collaboration among researchers from the INFN-cryogenic detectors laboratory, the ISC-CNR, IFN-CNR, and the Sapienza physics department. The aim of the project is to realize a prototype KID based on a high-Tc superconductor with the aim of lowering the operational costs for commercial applications in fields as medicine, astronomy,...
Daniele Di Gioacchino
4/6/17, 2:00 PM
D. Di Gioacchino, C. Gatti, A. Marcelli, S. Lupi, M. Lankhorst and N. Poccia
We recently assembled a nanometric pattern of niobium islands as a controllable regular fluxon-array used to investigate the phase transitions of stable and metastable states (vortex insulator-vortex metal state) in competing regular vortex configurations [1].
This system shows the evidence of Shapiro steps at...
Roberto Leoni
(Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie, CNR)
4/6/17, 2:25 PM
Si mostreranno i risultati ottenuti nello sviluppo di rivelatori superconduttori selettivi in frequenza che operano a frequenze THz. Il nostro approccio prevede l’integrazione di un hot electron bolometer (HEB), realizzato con un layer ultra sottile di nitruro di niobio (NbN) (3-5 nm), con un risonatore LC . Come è noto, il nitruro di niobio è il materiale di riferimento per la fabbricazione...
Alessandro Paiella
(Sapienza and ROMA1)
4/6/17, 2:50 PM
In this contribution, we are going to show the design and the electrical performance of the horn-coupled lumped element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) for the OLIMPO experiment. OLIMPO is a balloon borne mission, devoted to the study of the largest structures in the Universe, by detecting the Sunyaev-Zel’Dovich effect of the Comsic Microwave Background (CMB) photons crossing clusters of...