5–6 Apr 2017
Sapienza Università di Roma e Sezione INFN di Roma
Europe/Rome timezone

The SPARC_LAB THz Source

5 Apr 2017, 11:25
Sala Lauree (Sapienza Università di Roma e Sezione INFN di Roma)

Sala Lauree

Sapienza Università di Roma e Sezione INFN di Roma


Enrica Chiadroni (LNF)


High peak power THz radiation with tunable spectral bandwidth is produced at SPARC_LAB as coherent radiation (CR) from relativistic, short (~100 fs) electron bunches. The characterization of the CR spectrum serves both as powerful longitudinal diagnostics of electron bunches that drive Free-Electron Lasers and plasma-based accelerators, and as intense source of THz radiation for studying ultra-fast and non-linear phenomena. The generation techniques of the SPARC_LAB THz source and its application, together with future perspectives, will be presented.

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