Oct 15 – 18, 2017
Napoli, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Paper submission

Paper submission

Full papers from Conference contributions will be published in a Focus Issue of the journal Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP). Members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference will be Guest Editors for this special issue. The Guest Editors will select the papers for the Focus Issue at the end of the Conference, and the selected contributors will receive an invitation letter to submit their paper. Papers will be reviewed using the normal stringent EJMP review process. The papers will be grouped into a single issue preceeded by a brief editorial. These articles will be regular articles in EJMP.

The deadline for submission of the selected papers to EJMP for this Focus Issue is 31 December 2017.

Papers should be submitted electronically via the EJMP's website. Upon submission and on the cover page of the paper, please state clearly that this work was presented as part of the "International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications", and please select the submission flag "SI MCMA 2017".

The instructions for authors for EJMP can be found here.

Electronic submissions are processed here.  

We wish you much success in submitting your paper and please contact us at MCMA2017@na.infn.it should there be questions or concerns.