International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA2017)
Napoli, Italy
Napoli, Italy
Centro Congressi Federico II, Via Partenope 36, 80121 Napoli, Italy
Antonio Leal, Paolo Russo(NA), Philippe Després(
Developers and users of Monte Carlo techniques applied to Medicine in the clinic, industry and academy, are invited to participate to MCMA2017 for presenting, discussing and exchanging information on the scientific and technical innovations in application areas including medical radiation sources, radiation therapy treatment planning in conventional and in particle therapy, brachytherapy, radiation dosimetry, radiation shielding, radiation imaging and nuclear medicine, radiobiology, and their connection with the technology of inverse optimization, deformable image registration, machine learning techniques, parallel and GPU computing, etc.
MCMA2017 follows previous related meetings in Montreal, Canada in 2001, 2004, 2007, 2011; in Ghent, Belgium in 2006; in Cardiff, UK in 2009; in Seville, Spain in 2012; and in Québec City, Canada in 2014.
The scientific programme can be foundhere.
The book of abstracts can be found here.
The supplement of the European Journal of Medical Physics containing the abstracts can be accessed here.
The Conference is organized by
Università di Napoli Federico II and INFN Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy
Venue: Centro Congressi Federico II
Address: Via Partenope 36, 80121 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39 081 2535706 / +39 081 2537395 Fax: +39 081 2535729
Updates on MC codes physics
MC physics and geometric input
MC models for radiation sources and beams
MC approaches in brachytherapy
GPU/parallel implementations and deterministic methods
Application in imaging and nuclear medicine
MC in particle therapy
MC Treatment planning and evaluation
MC applications in microdosimetry
MC applications in IGRT and dosimetry
MC in radiobiology
For scientific info, please contact us via email at
Conference services:
The official Conference agency for registration, hotel booking and companion programme is:
"effe erre congressi srl"
Please referto the "registration info" link on the left side menu in this main page. EXCURSIONS The programme of excursions can be found here. The corresponding booking info can be found here.
Abstract submission
The deadline for submission of Abstracts for MCMA2017 is 1 May 2017. Late abstract submission only for posters extended to 15 July 2017.
Accepted abstracts (for presenters regularly registered before 15 July 2017) will be published in a Supplement of the journal Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP).
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the author on 15 June 2017.
Notification of acceptance for late poster submissions will be sent to the author by 30 July 2017.
Focus Issue of Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics
Full papers from Conference contributions will be published in a Focus Issue of Physica Medica on April 2018. This will be a regular issue of EJMP dedicated to the highlights of the MCMA2017 Conference. Members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference will be Guest Editors for this Focus Issue. Papers will be reviewed using the normal stringent EJMP review process. The deadline for submission of papers to EJMP for this Focus Issue is 31 December 2017. Papers published in this Focus Issue will be available for free download from the journal's website up to 31 December 2018.
Papers should be submitted electronically via the EJMP's website, after the Conference. Upon submission and on the cover page of the paper, please state clearly that this work was presented as part of the "International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications", and please select the submission flag "SI MCMA 2017".
The instructions for authors for EJMP can be found here.
Electronic submission are processed here.
We wish you much success in submitting your paper and please contact us at should there be questions or concerns.