Oct 15 – 18, 2017
Napoli, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
Abstract submission

Accepted abstracts will be published in a Supplement of the journal Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP).

*************************************************************************** ******************New: late poster submission up to 15 July 2017.*****************
Late submission: Abstracts (350 words) only for POSTER presentation can be submitted from 19 June to 15 July.
Notification of poster acceptance by 30 July. *************************************************************************************
The deadline for submission of Abstracts for MCMA2017 is 1 May 2017.

Abstract submission starts on 1st March, 2017.

Notification of acceptance will be sent to the author on 15 June 2017.

The Abstract scheme is the following. This Abstract should be limited to 350 words. A Summary accompanying each abstract (to submit via the website side menu "Submit a new Abstract") may contain additional material.

For the abstract text please follow this template
The call for abstracts is closed.