First Circular

The 12th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics “Current Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Structure” will be held in Sant’Angelo d’Ischia (one of the most beautiful and famous villages of Ischia, a volcanic island located in the bay of Naples) from May 15 to 19, 2017.
It is sponsored by the University of Naples “Federico II”, the Second University of Naples, the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the Department of Physics “E. Pancini” of the University of Naples “Federico II”.

The Seminar Center will be at the Miramare Hotel.

This Seminar is the twelfth in a series of topical meetings to be held every two or three years in the Naples area; the series began with the Sorrento meeting in May 1986 and continued with the Capri meeting in May 1988, the Ischia meeting in May 1990, the Amalfi meeting in May 1992, the Ravello meeting in May 1995, the S. Agata meeting in 1998, the Maiori meeting in May 2001, the Paestum meeting in May 2004, the Vico Equense meeting in May 2007, the Vietri sul Mare meeting in May 2010, and the Ischia meeting in May 2014 dedicated to Aldo Covello, who has been the promoter of this series.

The main aim of the Seminar is to focus on the progress made in recent years in nuclear structure studies from both a theoretical and experimental point of view as well as on the role that nuclear structure plays in the context of fundamental physics.

The Seminar will maintain the general spirit and intent of the earlier meetings of this series by providing to a group of researchers the opportunity to discuss their current work and confront their opinions.

The main topics to be covered are:

  • Advanced methods for nuclear structure studies

  • Nuclear structure studies through RIB experiments
  • Nuclear structure & fundamental physics
  • Special topics

The program will consist of both invited and contributed talks. The Seminar Proceedings will be published. A registration fee will be charged which will include a copy of the proceedings.
If you wish to take part in the Seminar, please fill in the application form. The second circular providing detailed information on the program, contributions and accommodation will appear on our Web site by mid February.