12th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics<br> Current Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Structure <br> Sant'Angelo d'Ischia, May 15-19, 2017

Sant'Angelo, olio, Edmondo Di Napoli (1938-2016)

This Seminar is the twelfth in a series of topical meetings started in 1986 on the initiative of Aldo Covello. The main aim of the Seminar is to focus on the progress made in recent years from both a theoretical and experimental point of view as well as on the role that nuclear structure may play in the context of fundamental physics.            
The Seminar will mantain the general spirit and intent of the earlier meetings of this series by providing to a group of researchers the opportunity to discuss their current work and confront their opinions.

Main topics

  • Advanced methods for nuclear structure studies
  • Nuclear structures studies through RIB experiments
  • Nuclear structure & fundamental physics
  • Special topics

Sponsored by:

Università di Napoli "Federico II"
Dipartimento di Fisica "E. Pancini" Università di Napoli "Federico II"
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"


Local organizing committee:

L. Coraggio
L. De Angelis
G. De Gregorio
T. Fukui

A. Gargano

N. Itaco
G. La Rana


Conference e-mail: spring2017@na.infn.it

  • Abdelhamid Bouldjedri
  • Abdurahim Okhunov
  • Abrosimov Valerii
  • Alberto Andrighetto
  • Alessia Francesca Di Pietro
  • Alex Brown
  • Alexandra Gade
  • Alexey Voinov
  • Amand Faessler
  • Amiram Leviatan
  • Andrea Jungclaus
  • andrea vitturi
  • Andreas Heusler
  • Andreas Zilges
  • Anna Zdeb
  • Avraham Gal
  • Beatriz Fernandez Dominguez
  • Bernard Schaeffer
  • Bruce Barrett
  • Carlo Barbieri
  • Carlos H. Dasso
  • Caterina Michelagnoli
  • Chong Qi
  • Chunlin Bai
  • Costel Petrache
  • Dang Nguyen Dinh
  • Diana Carbone
  • Dimitar Tonev
  • Dimiter Balabanski
  • Douglas Hasell
  • Dumitrescu Alexandru
  • Evgeny Epelbaum
  • Francesca Sammarruca
  • Francesco cappuzzello
  • Francesco Iachello
  • Francesco Recchia
  • Frederic Nowacki
  • Furong Xu
  • Gaurav Saxena
  • George Rosensteel
  • Giacomo de Angelis
  • Gilles de France
  • Giovanna Benzoni
  • Giuseppina Orlandini
  • Hanne Heylen
  • Harjeet Kaur
  • Henryk Witala
  • hesham mansour
  • Houda NAIDJA
  • Hung Nguyen Quang
  • igal talmi
  • Igor Izosimov
  • Imran Mohd
  • Ivan Grachev
  • Jan Kvasil
  • Jason Holt
  • Jerry Draayer
  • Jianguo Li
  • Jorge David Castaño Yepes
  • Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
  • Jose Maria Gomez
  • Joseph Ginocchio
  • Julius Wilhelmy
  • Junchen Pei
  • Kairat Kuterbekov
  • Karlheinz Langanke
  • Katharine Henninger
  • Konrad Arnswald
  • LAKOUNDJI Roland Riphat Geoffroy
  • Lidia S. Ferreira
  • Liliana Mabel Marinelli
  • Luis M Fraile
  • M. Nizamettin Erduran
  • Magda Cicerchia
  • Maha Abdel hakim
  • Mahmoud Kotb
  • Maitreyee Saha Sarkar
  • Manuela Cavallaro
  • Marco La Commara
  • Maria Grazia Pellegriti
  • Md Tofiz Uddin
  • Michelangelo Sambataro
  • Mihai Horoi
  • Mona Abdelghany
  • Moshe Gai
  • Mounia LAASSIRI
  • Muhammad Shahid
  • Nguyen Van Giai
  • Nicolae Sandulescu
  • Niyti Niyti
  • Norbert Pietralla
  • Nunzia Simona Martorana
  • Panos Georgoudis
  • parviz gulshani
  • Pavel Zarubin
  • payman sheriff
  • Peter Reiter
  • Peter Ring
  • Petr Vesely
  • Poves Alfredo
  • Pragati Pragati
  • Radu Budaca
  • Raquel Crespo
  • Roelof Bijker
  • Roman Sagaidak
  • Ruprecht Machleidt
  • S. Alireza Alavi
  • Shalom Shlomo
  • Shan-Gui Zhou
  • Silvia Monica Lenzi
  • Sofia Karampagia
  • Sonia Bacca
  • Taisiya Mineeva
  • Takaharu Otsuka
  • Toshio Suzuki
  • Ubirajara van Kolck
  • Umesh Garg
  • vahid Dehghani
  • Valentin Nesterenko
  • Valeria Della Rocca
  • Valerii Abrosimov
  • Viacheslav Samarin
  • Vikas Kumar
  • Vladimir Zelevinsky
  • Werner Richter
  • Winfried Leidemann
  • Yifei Niu
  • Yogendra Gambhir
  • Yoram Alhassid
  • Yury Tchuvil'sky
  • zeinab ranjbar
  • Zsolt Podolyak
L'agenda di questo meeting è vuota