Rosanna Depalo
% Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract
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% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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{\small \it Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8, NPA8: 18-23 June 2017, Catania, Italy}
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\TITLE{A new measurement of the $^{6}$Li(p,$\gamma$)$^{7}$Be cross section at LUNA}\\[3mm]
%%% Authors and affiliations are next. The presenter should be
%%% underlined as shown below.
\AUTHORS{R. Depalo$^{1,2}$ for the LUNA collaboration }
{\small \it
\AFFILIATION{1}{Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy}
\AFFILIATION{2}{INFN - Sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy}
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\centerline{Contact email: {\it rdepalo@pd.infn.it}}
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%%% Abstract proper starts here.
The detection of $^{6}$Li in stars is a powerful tool for understanding the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as well as the early stellar structure and evolution.\\
In stars, lithium is quickly destroyed during the pre-main sequence and main sequence phases, at temperatures of about 2 MK. Theoretical predictions of lithium abundances in the stellar surface are strongly dependent on the input physics and in many cases non-standard processes are required to explain the observed abundances [1].\\
The $^{6}$Li depletion proceeds mainly through the $^{6}$Li(p,$\alpha$)$^{3}$He reaction. This reaction has been studied by many groups, and in order to explain the angular distribution of the emitted alpha particles, an R-matrix fit of the experimental data requires the contribution of both negative and positive parity excited states [2]. \\
Although the existence of positive parity excited states in $^{7}$Be has never been confirmed experimentally,
a recent measurement of the $^{6}$Li(p,$\gamma$)$^{7}$Be cross section revealed a possible resonance-like structure at center of mass energy of 195 keV [3]. The observed S-factor is reproduced by an R-matrix fit assuming the existence of an excited state with E $\approx$ 5800 keV and J$^{\pi}$ = (1/2$^{+}$, 3/2$^{+}$).\\
A new measurement of the $^{6}$Li(p,$\gamma$)$^{7}$Be cross section at proton energies between 50 and 400 keV has been performed at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics. The poster provides a description of the experimental setup and preliminary results of the data analysis.
\noindent [1] E. Tognelli et al. A\&A \textbf{548}, A41 (2012)\\
\noindent [2] J. Cruz et al. J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. \textbf{35}, 014004 (2008)\\
\noindent [3] J. J. He et al. Phys. Lett. B \textbf{725}, 287-291 (2013)\\
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Primary author
Rosanna Depalo