Parallel: Parallel 1B
- Anatoly Petrukhin (NRNU MEPhI)
Parallel: Parallel 1A
- Erwin FLUECKIGER (Physikalisches Institut / University of Bern)
Parallel: Parallel 2A
- Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu)
Parallel: Parallel 2B
Parallel: Parallel 3B
- Rosa Coniglione (LNS)
Parallel: Parallel 3A
- Igor Yashin (National Research Nuclear University MEPHI)
Parallel: Parallel 4B
- Joerg Hoerandel (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Parallel: Parallel 4A
- Karoly Kecskemety (Wigner Research Centre)
Parallel: Parallel 5B
- Andrew Taylor (DIAS)
Parallel: Parallel 5A
Parallel: Parallel 6A
- Olivier Deligny (CNRS/IN2P3 - IPN Orsay)
Parallel: Parallel 6B
- Sergey Ostpachenko
Parallel: Parallel 7B
- Mirko Boezio (TS)
Parallel: Parallel 7A
- Valeria Di Felice (ROMA2)
Giuseppe La Vacca
05/09/2016, 16:30
The search for cosmic positron anisotropy has been performed using particles collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. The positron to electron ratio is consistent with isotropy at all energies and angular scales. The analysis of the positron to proton ratio yields consistent results.
Patrick Kรผhl
(University of Kiel)
05/09/2016, 16:45
Measurements of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) spectra near Earth over timescales of a solar cycle are crucial in order to understand the solar modulation of these particles. While the more recent, sophisticated instruments like AMS and PAMELA provided high precision data of these spectra, they can only provide long-term measurements in the near future. On the other side, the Electron Proton...
Alexander Karelin
05/09/2016, 16:45
The study of a large-scale anisotropy was done for the hadronic component of cosmic rays in the energy range 1 โ 20 TeV/n using the data of the PAMELA experiment. However the statistics available was low to carry out its direct measurement. But the amplitude and phase of anisotropy can be obtained under an assumption that it exists and has a dipole form. The uncertainties of these values can...
Silvia Manconi
(Universitร degli Studi di Torino)
05/09/2016, 17:00
High energy cosmic ray electrons and positrons probe the local properties of our Galaxy. In fact, electromagnetic energy losses limit the typical propagation scale of GeV-TeV electrons and positrons to a few kpc. In the diffusion model, nearby and dominant sources may produce an observable dipole anisotropy in the cosmic ray fluxes.
We present a detailed study on the role of anisotropies...
Riccardo Munini
05/09/2016, 17:00
The satellite-borne PAMELA experiment has been continuously collecting data since 15th June 2006,
when it was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome to detect the charged component of cosmic rays over a wide energy range and with an unprecedented statistics. The apparatus design is particularly suited for particle
and antiparticle identification. Moreover, the PAMELA long flight duration...
Anastasia Petukhova
(Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of SB RAS)
05/09/2016, 17:15
Acceleration of solar energetic particles by coronal mass ejection shocks is considered. We have studied the influence of the region behind the shock front on the acceleration process. The external boundary of the coronal mass ejection and the shock front are specified as coordinated segments of spherical surfaces with the different radii. In the calculation we consider nonstationarity of the...
Anatoly Erlykin
(P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow)
05/09/2016, 17:15
Evidence for a local Single Source of cosmic rays is amassing by way of the recent precise measurements of various cosmic ray energy spectra from the AMS-02 experiment. To observations of individual cosmic ray nuclei, electrons, positrons and antiprotons must now be added the determination of the boron-to-carbon ratio and the energy spectrum of lithium to 2000 GV with high precision. Our...
Dimitra Lingri
(University of Athens)
05/09/2016, 17:30
After a prolonged and deep solar minimum at the end of Solar Cycle 23, the current Cycle 24 is one of the lowest cycles. These two periods of deep minimum and mini-maximum are connected by a period of increasing solar activity. The Forbush decreases in cosmic ray intensity from January 2008 to December 2014 are studied. We perform a statistical analysis of 617 events using the IZMIRAN database...
Valerio Formato
05/09/2016, 17:30
AMS-02 is a wide acceptance high-energy physics experiment installed on the International Space Station in May 2011 and it has been operating continuously since then. AMS-02 is able to separate cosmic rays light nuclei ($1\leq Z \leq 8$) with contaminations less than $10^{-3}$ .
The ratio between the cosmic rays Boron and Carbon fluxes is known to be very sensitive to the properties of the...
Yang LI
(University of Geneva)
05/09/2016, 17:45
A precision measurement of the flux ratio of Carbon to Helium in primary cosmic rays with rigidities from 2 GV to 2 TV is presented. Precision measurement of the Carbon flux, based on 8 million events, together with the variation of the flux spectral index with rigidity is also presented.
Wolfgang Menn
(University of Siegen)
05/09/2016, 18:00
On the 15th of June 2006, the PAMELA satellite-borne experiment was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and it has been collecting data since that time. The apparatus comprises a time-of-flight system, a magnetic spectrometer ( permanent magnet) with an silicon-microstrip tracking system, an imaging calorimeter built from layers of silicon -microstrip detectors interleaved with plates of...
Florian Gatรฉ
06/09/2016, 11:00
The very low statistics of cosmic rays above the knee region make their study possible only through the detection of the extensive air showers (EAS) produced by their interaction with the constituents of the atmosphere. The Pierre Auger Observatory located in Argentina is the largest high energy cosmic rays detection array in the world, composed of fluorescence telescopes, ground particle...
Alexander Mishev
(Oulu University)
06/09/2016, 11:00
The solar cycle 23 provided several strong ground level enhancements. The period of end October - beginning of November 2003 was characterized by a strong cosmic ray variability and a sequence of three GLEs, which have been observed by worldwide neutron monitor network. In order to estimate possible atmospheric and space weather effects it is important to derive the solar energetic particle...
Yulia Kazarina
06/09/2016, 11:15
The study of primary cosmic rays in the energy range 10^16-10^19 eV is of special interest since in this range a transition from galactic to extragalactic sources is supposed. The Tunka-133 array in the Tunka Valley (close to lake Baikal, Russia) detects air-Cherenkov emission of extensive air showers (EAS) initiated by cosmic rays in the energy range of 10^16.5 - 10^18 eV. In 2012, it was...
Dmitry Gromushkin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
06/09/2016, 11:30
The report is devoted to the results of the EAS neutron component investigations by means of the PRISMA-32 setup. The setup consists of 32 en-detectors and enables to register the delayed thermal neutrons accompanying showers. For registration of thermal neutrons, the scintillator based on 6Li isotope is used in the detectors. The following results of processing of experimental data over a...
Eleanna Asvestari
(ReSoLVE centre of excellence, University of Oulu, Finland)
06/09/2016, 11:30
We present the result of an analysis of the hardness of most (59 out of 67) Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) events recorded by the worldwide neutron monitor network. We calculated the event-integrated omnidirectional fluence of protons above 30MeV (F30) and above 200MeV (F200) using a reconstruction by Tylka and Dietrich, and considered their ratio F200/F30 as the measure of the spectrum...
Igor Yashin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPHI)
06/09/2016, 11:45
Experimental complex NEVOD is located at MEPhI campus (Moscow) and is the only in the world that allows to conduct a fundamental (astroparticle physics) and an applied (monitoring and forecasting the state of near-terrestrial space) research with the use of cosmic rays on the surface of the Earth over the entire range of zenith angles (from 0 to 180 degrees) in a record energy range (1 โ 10^10...
Rolf Bรผtikofer
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
06/09/2016, 12:00
Within the Horizon 2020 project HESPERIA, we are developing a software package for the direct inversion of Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) based on data of the worldwide network of Neutron Monitors (NMs). The new methodology to study the release processes of relativistic solar energetic particles (SEPs) makes use of several models, including: the propagation of relativistic SEPs from the Sun...
Ivan Shulzhenko
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
06/09/2016, 12:00
At the experimental complex NEVOD-DECOR (MEPhI, Moscow), investigations of muon bundles at different zenith angles are based on the analysis of the local muon density spectra (LMDS). However, this technique of primary particle energy estimation has rather low accuracy (ฯ(lgE0) ~ 0.4) due to contribution of extensive air showers of different energies registered at different (random) distances...
Hiroko Miyamoto
(Univ. Torino & INFN Torino)
06/09/2016, 12:30
The TurLab facility is a laboratory, equipped with a rotating tank, located at the Physics Department of the University of Torino. It consists of a 5 m diameter tank, which is used for fluid-dynamics studies. The system has been built mainly to study problems where system rotation plays a key role in the fluid behaviour such as in atmospheric and oceanic flows at different scales.
The tank...
Natalia Agafonova
(Institute for Nuclear Research RAS)
06/09/2016, 14:30
The LVD detects the cosmic ray muons at mean energy of 280 GeV and muon-induced neutrons. The result of analysis of seasonal modulations of muon-induced neutrons is presented. Based on the data from three towers during 16 years the parameters of neutron variations are defined. Sources of muon-induced neutron seasonal variations are both the change of muon flux intensity and the change in muon...
Arnold Wolfendale
(Durham University)
06/09/2016, 14:30
An analysis of the energy spectra of cosmic rays (CR) and particularly the precise data from the AMS-02 experiment leads us to propose that there is evi-
dence to support our previous claim that the Local Bubble (LB) in the interstellar medium (ISM) is correct. It is suggested that the bulk of CR below about 100 GV come from the large number of supernova remnants (SNR) in the LB and...
Mihailo Savic
(Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade)
06/09/2016, 14:45
In Low Background Laboratory at Institute of Physics Belgrade, plastic scintillators are used to continuously monitor flux of the muon component of secondary cosmic rays. Measurements are performed on the surface as well as underground (25 m.w.e depth). Temperature effect on muon component of secondary cosmic rays is well known and several methods to correct for it are already developed and...
Davide Grandi
06/09/2016, 14:45
HelMod is a code accounting for the transport of Galactic cosmic rays through the inner heliosphere down to Earth. It is based on a 2-D Monte Carlo approach and includes a general description of the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the diffusion tensor, thus, properly embedding the particle drift effects. The model has been tuned in order to fit the data observed outside the ecliptic plane...
Renat Sibatov
(Ulyanovsk State University)
06/09/2016, 15:00
Many modern calculations of galactic cosmic rays propagation (GalProp, Dragon, Usine and other codes) are based on the use of the local diffusion model acceptable for the Brownian motion (Bm) of a heavy particle through the system of uniformly distributed uncorrelated (i.e. non-interacting) with each other molecules. However, about 60 years ago it has been found that the Bm model is unable to...
Semen Khokhlov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
06/09/2016, 15:15
Results of investigations of near-horizontal muons in the range of zenith angles of 85 โ 94 degrees are presented. In this range, so-called โalbedoโ muons (atmospheric muons scattered in the soil into the upper hemisphere) are detected.
Measurements have been conducted with the NEVOD-DECOR experimental complex located in MEPhI. The basis of the complex is the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD...
David Benyamin
(The Hebrew University)
06/09/2016, 15:15
Over the years, significant effort has been devoted to understanding cosmic ray propagation in the galaxy, based on the energy dependence of the secondary to primary ratios in galactic cosmic rays. We develop a fully three dimensional numerical code describing the diffusion of cosmic rays in the Milky Way. This code enables us to explore a model in which a large fraction of the cosmic ray...
Natalia Barbashina
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
06/09/2016, 15:30
Muon hodoscope URAGAN detects the flux of cosmic ray muons on the Earthโs surface simultaneously from various directions (hodoscope mode). This allows study the energy, angular and spatial-temporal characteristics of variations of the cosmic ray muon flux during Forbush decreases (FD). These characteristics are obtained for the FDs detected in the period from 2006 to 2014. The results of the...
Moon Moon Devi
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
06/09/2016, 15:30
The current large area cosmic ray detector arrays measure the net flux and arrival-time of the charged particles produced in an extensive air shower (EAS). The detection and measurement of the individual charged particle tracks will help in identifying the primary cosmic ray and in probing the anomalies in QCD interactions at high energies, which is beyond the reach of the current...
Ivan Astapov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
06/09/2016, 15:45
According to CACTus catalog, during periods of high solar activity every day up to tens of coronal mass ejections are observed. Such ejections have an impact on the flux of cosmic rays that permeate the space around us. Unlike most ground cosmic ray detectors, muon hodoscope URAGAN (MEPhI) allows to investigate not only the integrated counting rate of registered particles, but also the spatial...
Pablo Guerrero Rodrรญguez
06/09/2016, 15:45
We present an analysis of LHC data on ultra-forward inclusive hadron production in proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions. The probed kinematical regime features the onset of gluon saturation effects controlled by a perturbative momentum scale Qs. The assumption of a partonic spectrum dominated by gluon saturation of the target, which we describe with a BK-evolved unintegrated gluon...
Anton Artamonov
(University of Oulu)
06/09/2016, 16:00
A new model of the family of CRAC models, CRAC:PPII (Cosmic Ray Atmospheric Cascade: Proton Precipitation Induced Ionization), is presented.
The model calculates atmospheric ionization induced by precipitating protons. The CRAC:PPII is based on Monte Carlo simulation. The simulations were performed using GEANT 4 simulation tool PLANETOCOSMICS with NRLMSISE 00 atmospheric model. It...
Vladimir Zirakashvili
06/09/2016, 16:00
The inverse problem of cosmic ray transport of ultra-high energy cosmic rays is considered. The analysis of Auger data on energy spectrum, energy dependence of mean logarithm of atomic mass number and its variance allows definite conclusions on the shape of the source spectrum in the frameworks of the inverse problem approach. The discussion on regularization procedure for considered ill-posed...
A. Bogdanov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)
06/09/2016, 16:15
Study of the energy characteristics of EAS muon component with an increase the primary particle energy can be a key to solving the "muon puzzle" โ the problem of muon excess in EAS observed in several experiments.
Such investigations are currently being conducted in the NEVOD-DECOR experiment on detection of inclined muon bundles. Cherenkov water detector NEVOD measures the energy deposit of...
Alexander Mishev
(Oulu University)
07/09/2016, 11:00
An important topic in the field of space weather is the precise assessment of the impact of solar energetic particles on atmospheric processes and air crew exposure, specifically during eruptive events on the Sun. For this purpose an adequate information about solar energetic particle (SEP) specrum is necessary. Since SEP possess an essential isotropic part, specifically during the event...
Rosa Coniglione
07/09/2016, 11:00
KM3NeT is a neutrino observatory being constructed in the deep sea of the Mediterranean. Located on the Northern hemisphere and with a much better angular resolution and improved sensitivity the Km3net-Arca telescope will be the optimal imstrument to follow up the search for the sources of the high-energy neutrino flux reported by the IceCube observatory at the South pole. The KM3NeT...
Jannik Hofestadt
07/09/2016, 11:15
ORCA (Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) is the low-energy branch of KM3NeT, the next generation underwater Cherenkov neutrino detector in the Mediterranean. Its primary goal is to resolve the long-standing unsolved question whether the neutrino mass ordering is normal or inverted by measuring matter oscillation effects with atmospheric neutrinos. The ORCA design foresees a dense...
Tomasz Fuchs
(TU Dortmund)
07/09/2016, 11:30
IceCube is a cubic kilometer detector array located at the geographic South Pole. Its 5160 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) are used to detect secondary muons produced either in neutrino interactions with ice or bedrock, or in cosmic ray air showers. In recent analyses of the overall neutrino flux the astrophysical component outweighs the expected prompt component which is produced mainly by...
Alessandro Bruno
(Department of Physics, University of Bari; INFN sezione di Bari, Italy.)
07/09/2016, 11:30
The PAMELA satellite experiment, operating since June 2006, is providing precise observations of the cosmic-ray radiation in low Earth orbits. In particular, PAMELA is accurately measuring the fluxes of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) related to solar flares and coronal mass ejections in a large interval (>80 MeV), encompassing the low energy observations by other space-based instruments and...
Igor Petrov
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research)
07/09/2016, 11:45
Neutrino air showers can be formed in any part of the atmosphere passing a long was in the matter due to its physical properties. In general, air showers produced by neutrinos are highly inclined and formed near the ground level, i.e. young showers. Therefore, one should expect a large number of peaks in the signal of such air showers [1, 2, 3].
The goal of our work is to search for air...
Sergey Koldobskiy
07/09/2016, 11:45
The first study results for variations of galactic deuteron spectra during 23 and beginning of 24 solar cycles are presented in this work.
The data obtained in PAMELA experiment were used in analysis. The solar modulation effect for deuteron spectra in energy range 70 โ 600 MeV/n is clearly seen. It is shown that galactic deuteron spectrum can be studied in frame of modulation processes as...
R.P. Kokoulin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
07/09/2016, 12:00
The spatial distribution of Cherenkov radiation from cascade showers generated by muons in Cherenkov water calorimeter (CWC) NEVOD has been measured. This result allowed to improve the techniques of treating cascade showers with unknown axis by means of CWC response only. The techniques of selecting the events with high energy cascade showers and reconstructing their parameters are discussed....
07/09/2016, 12:00
The China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) aims to contribute to the monitoring of earthquakes from space. This space mission, lead by a Chinese-Italian collaboration, will study phenomena of electromagnetic nature and their correlation with the geophysical activity. The satellite will be launched in 2016 and will host several instruments onboard: two magnetometers, an electrical field...
Ilya Usoskin
(University of Oulu)
07/09/2016, 12:15
A reconstruction of major solar energetic particle (SEP) events can be done for the distant past (centennia-millennia) by using data on the cosmogenic isotopes 14C and 10Be in stratified and independently datable terrestrial archives (tree trunks or polar ice cores). However, the energy spectrum of SEP is hardly possible to evaluate directly. Here we use a new index, the integral fluence of an...
Gabriela Emilia Pavalas
(Institute of Space Science)
07/09/2016, 12:15
Strange quark matter (SQM), composed of approximately equal numbers of up, down and strange quarks, could be the ground state of hadronic matter. Stable lumps of SQM, named nuclearites, may be present in the cosmic radiation and reach the Earth with non-relativistic velocities.
The ANTARES neutrino telescope, located in the Mediterranean Sea, is sensitive to the signal of massive nuclearites ...
S.A. Alavi
(Department of physics, Hakim Sabzevari university, Iran)
07/09/2016, 12:30
We study three neutrino mixing and oscillations and find the pattern of oscillations in nuclear media and strong magnetic fields using effective Hamiltonian. We observe that for high energy neutrinos, neutrino oscillations are suppressed in the presence of nuclear media. We compare our results with neutrino oscillation in vacuum and also with other works done for two flavour neutrino...
cristina consolandi
(university of hawaii)
07/09/2016, 16:15
A precision measurement of the proton flux in primary cosmic rays with rigidity from 1 GV to 1.8 TV is presented based on 300 million events. The results show that the proton flux is smooth and exhibits no sharp structures with rigidity. The detailed variation with rigidity of the flux spectral index is presented. The spectral index is progressively hardening at high rigidities. Solar effect...
Agnieszka Gil
(Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Siedlce University, Poland)
07/09/2016, 16:15
We established that the amplitudes of the 27-day variations of the galactic cosmic rays intensity and several parameters of solar activity (SA) and solar wind (SW) manifest quasi-recurrent changes with various periodicities. Among those periodicities is a clearly seen cyclicity consisting of 3 to 4 Carrington rotations period (3-4 CRP). We ascribe this phenomenon to the existence of a spatial...
Michael Alania
(Siedlce University)
07/09/2016, 16:30
Our attention is attracted by the temporal changes of an anomaly increase of the galactic cosmic, ray ( GCR) intensity โN(t) in the minimum phase of Forbush decrease (Fd) observed by neutron monitors on June 22, 2015. We make an ad hoc assumption for alternative explanations of the temporal changes of an anomaly increase of the GCR intensity: (1) that changes (denoted as โNR(t)) are...
Alexander Panov
07/09/2016, 16:30
The NUCLEON satellite experiment is designed to investigate directly cosmic ray nuclei energy spectra and chemical composition from 100 GeV to 1000 TeV and atomic charge range up to Z30. The effective geometric factor of the NUCLEON equipment is more than 0.2 m2sr for nuclei and 0.06 m2sr for electrons. The satellite with the equipment was launched in 26 December 2014.
The report presents...
Fabio Gargano
(INFN Bari)
07/09/2016, 16:45
Cosmic Rays below the knee (CR I)
The DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) satellite was launched on December 17, 2015 and is in data taking since few days after.
It was designed in order to properly work for at least three years and, thanks to its large geometric factor (about 0.3 m2 sr for protons and nuclei), is integrating one of the largest exposure for galactic cosmic ray studies in space.
It is primarily optimized...
Juan A. Garzon
(Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
07/09/2016, 16:45
At the end of March 2016, the TRAGALDABAS detector, located at the Univ. of Santiago de Compostela (42.876298,-8.560372), has completed its first year of life taking data regularly, at a duty efficiency close to 95% of the time. TRAGALDABAS (acronym of "TRAsGo for the Analysis of the nuclear matter Decay, the Atmosphere, the earth's B_field And the Solar Activity) is a cosmic ray detector...
Mateja Dumbovic
(Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb)
07/09/2016, 17:00
Forbush decreases are short-term depressions in the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux caused by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and corotating interaction regions (CIRs). Changes in GCR flux is of interest for many open questions regarding Earth weather/climate issues, as well as space travel, adding to the importance of understanding and modeling of Forbush decreases. In our study...
Beatrice Panico
07/09/2016, 17:00
The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) is one of the payloads of the CSES space mission. The CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) mission will investigate the structure and the dynamic of the topside ionosphere, will monitor electric and magnetic field and high energy particle fluctuations, searching for their correlations with the geophysical activity, in order to contribute to the...
Maria Abunina
07/09/2016, 17:15
Variations of the cosmic ray vector anisotropy observed on Earth are closely related on the condition of near Earth interplanetary medium. The hourly characteristics of vector anisotropy obtained by the global survey method from the data of world wide neutron monitor network during 1957-2013 allow us to investigate connection of the cosmic ray anisotropy with the solar wind parameters....
Nicolรฒ Masi
07/09/2016, 17:15
Cosmic ray (CR) propagation from sources to the observer is described mainly as diffusion at high energies, while at low energies there are several other physical processes involved, both in the interstellar space and in the heliosphere. In this work we derive the Local Interstellar Spectra (LIS) of CR species outside the Heliospheric boundary. The proposed LIS are tuned to accommodate both,...
(Academia Sinica)
07/09/2016, 17:30
We present the results of the scan of the parameter space for cosmic ray (CR) injection and propagation of Two-Halo-Model (THM). A Bayesian analysis is performed with Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC). In THM, the propagation halo is divided into two different regions along the z-axis: inner and outer, where CRs will suffer from different propagation effects. We use proton and other...
Anna Wawrzynczak
(Siedlce Univesity)
07/09/2016, 17:45
We present the stochastic simulation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) particles transport in the heliosphere. With this approach, we model the short-time changes of the GCR intensity at the Earth orbit. The model is grounded on the numerical solution of the set of the stochastic differential equations (SDEs) corresponding to the non-stationary Parker transport equation (PTE). We introduce the...
Catia Grimani
(University of Urbino "Carlo Bo")
08/09/2016, 11:00
The antimatter-to-matter ratio in cosmic rays must fit, at once, in the overall scenario of secondary particle production
in the interstellar medium and of antiparticle generation in
astrophysical and, possibly, exotic sources. In order to estimate the dark matter contribution, for instance, the role of all possible astrophysical sources should be definitely excluded or subtracted. Several...
Piero Galeotti
(Physics Dept. and INFN, Torino)
08/09/2016, 11:00
Two major problems, still associated with the SN1987A, are: a) the signals observed with the gravitational waves detectors, b) the duration of the collapse. Indeed, a) the sensitivity of the gravitational wave detectors seems to be small for detecting gravitational waves and, b) while some experimental data indicate a duration of order of hours, most theories assume that the collapse develops...
Elena Orlando
(Stanford University)
08/09/2016, 11:15
The interest on cosmic-ray (CR) propagation models has increased in the recent years, thanks to their fundamental role in analyzing and interpreting data from a broad spectrum of observatories. More and more precise observations and particular studies require detailed and sophisticated modeling, such as GALPROP. This code has been of fundamental support of many observatories. We have used...
Sami Caroff
08/09/2016, 11:30
A precision measurement by AMS-02 of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays will be presented. Over the last two decades, there has been a strong interest in the cosmic ray positron fraction which exhibit an excess of high energy positrons whose origin is still highly uncertain. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a general purpose high-energy particle physics detector...
Marco Garbini
(INFN Bologna)
08/09/2016, 11:30
Astronomical and cosmological observations indicate that a large amount of the energy content of the Universe is made of dark matter. The most promising dark matter candidates are the so-called WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). The search for these particles is performed with various experimental approaches.
The XENON Project, at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), is...
Timur Dzhatdoev
(SINP MSU Moscow)
08/09/2016, 11:45
The great majority of works on extragalactic gamma-ray propagation accounted for only two elementary processes: the absorption of primary gamma-rays and adiabatic losses. However, recently a number of experimental results were obtained that indicate the presence of a cascade (secondary) component in gamma-ray blazar spectra. We describe and characterize the main signatures of the cascade...
Manuela Vecchi
(Sรฃo Carlos Institute of Physics, University of Sรฃo Paulo)
08/09/2016, 12:00
We present a precise measurement of the combined electron plus positron flux from 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV, based on the analysis of the data collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. The statistics and the high resolution of AMS-02 detector provide a precision measurement of the flux. The flux is smooth and reveals new and distinct information. AMS measurements...
Carlo Francesco Vigorito
(University & INFN Torino)
08/09/2016, 12:00
The Large Volume Detector (LVD) has been continuously taking data since 1992 at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (L'Aquila, Italy). The experiment is sensitive to neutrino bursts from gravitational stellar collapses with full detection probability over the Galaxy. We have searched for neutrino bursts in LVD data taken in 8124 days of livetime operation.
No evidence of neutrino signals...
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
08/09/2016, 12:15
The existence of Dark Matter (DM) is still one of the most challenging open problem in astrophysics. Indirect detection with gamma-rays is a promising way to try detecting this mysterious component of the Universe in the contest of a Weakly Interactive Massive Particle. N-body simulations predict that DM should produce sub-halos in our Galaxy. We use the most updated simulations that include...
Vladimir Mikhailov
08/09/2016, 12:15
We present a measurements of electron and positron fluxes below the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity in wide energy range from 50 MeV to several GeV by the PAMELA magnetic spectrometer. The instrument was launched on June 15th 2006 on-board the Resurs-DK satellite on
low orbit with 70 degrees inclination and altitude between 350 and 600 km. The procedure of trajectories calculations in the...
Francesco Nozzoli
08/09/2016, 12:30
A precision measurement of the antiproton to proton ratio in the primary cosmic rays in the rigidity range from 1 to 450 GV based on 350,000 antiproton events collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station will be presented. The antiproton-to-proton flux ratio reaches a maximum at โผ20 GV and is rigidity independent above 60.3 GV.
vitor de souza
08/09/2016, 16:45
Air-showers measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory were analyzed in order to extract the depth of maximum (Xmax).The results allow the analysis of the Xmax distributions as a function of energy (> 10^17.8 eV). The Xmax distributions, its mean and standard deviation are analyzed with the help of shower simulations with the aim to interpreted the mass composition. The mean and standard...
Grigory Protopopov
(Branch of JSC โUnited Rocket and Space Corporationโ-โInstitute of Space Device Engineeringโ)
08/09/2016, 17:00
In the paper we present processing results of flight data from different spacecrafts and different orbits during different solar proton events in 2012. We use data from the elements of Roscosmos space radiation exposure on electronic components (dose sensors developed by Institute of Space Device Engineering and placed onboard of more than 20 spacecraft on navigation orbit), from dose sensors...
Francesca Bisconti
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
08/09/2016, 17:15
EUSO-TA is a pathfinder experiment for the space based JEM-EUSO mission for the detection of
ultra-high energy cosmic rays.
EUSO-TA is a fluorescence detector installed in front of the Black Rock Mesa fluorescence
detectors of the Telescope Array (TA) experiment, in Utah (USA). At the TA site, an Electron
Light Source and a Central Laser Facility are installed for calibration purposes,...
Alexei Struminsky
(Space Research Institute)
08/09/2016, 17:30
Extreme cosmic ray event around AD775, revealed by 14C annual tree-ring analysis, is believed to be the greatest solar proton event (SPE) on a multi-millennial time scale. We aim to study the effect of extreme SPEs on the production of different cosmogenic radionuclides and to compare the predictions with measured isotopic imprints in terrestrial and lunar samples. Simulations of isotope...
Tiina Suomijarvi
(IN2P3-CNRS, Universiteฬ Paris- Sud)
08/09/2016, 17:30
The Pierre Auger Observatory studies cosmic rays with energies exceeding 10^17 eV. The construction of the observatory in Malarguฬe, Mendoza, Argentina, was completed in 2008 and several important results have been published. In particular, Auger has confirmed the cosmic- ray flux suppression at the highest energies. Presently it is not possible to determine whether the suppression is due to...
Stepan Poluianov
(University of Oulu, Finland)
08/09/2016, 17:45
Relation between cosmic rays and production of cosmogenic radionuclides is important for many reasons and, particularly, is crucial for several widely used approaches in cosmic ray, heliospheric and atmospheric studies. We present new consistent precise computations of the production of five cosmogenic radionuclides Be-7, Be-10, C-14, Na-22 and Cl-36 in the Earth's atmosphere. For the first...