4–9 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Programme

The conference program will be organized in morning plenary sessions and afternoon parallel sessions.
A special poster session will be organized, with accompanying refreshments.
All sessions will take place at the Torino Esposizioni complex, located in Corso Massimo d'Azeglio, 15.
The Symposium program will cover the following topics:

1. Solar and heliospheric cosmic rays (SH)
2. CRs at Earth and Planets (GEO)
3. Dark Matter (DM)
4. Cosmic Rays below the knee (CR I)
5. Cosmic Rays above the knee (CR II)
6. High Energy gamma rays (GR)
7. High Energy muons and neutrinos (MN)
8. Future instrumentation in cosmic ray research (INS)
  • Solar and heliospheric cosmic rays (SH)

  • CRs at Earth and Planets (GEO)

  • Dark Matter (DM)

  • Cosmic Rays below the knee (CR I)

  • Cosmic Rays above the knee (CR II)

  • High Energy gamma rays (GR)

  • Future instrumentation in cosmic ray research (INS)

  • Neutrinos (NU)