Michael Alania
(Siedlce University), Dr
Renata Modzelewska
(Siedlce University)
06/09/2016, 16:30
We derive the daily GG index of approximately 60 GV galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) from the data observed with the Global Muon Detector Network (GMDN). GG index is the difference between intensities recorded in the geographically north- and south-viewing directional channels and designed to being the measure the north-south anisotropy free from the atmospheric temperature effect in the muon count...
Alba Zanini
(INFN Sezione di Torino)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Cosmic ray detectors with helium counters were developed over the years at the S.V.I.R.CO: Observatory and Terrestrial Physics Laboratory (Rome, National Institute for Astrophysics). Preliminary details of such kind of detectors were reported by Storini and Signoretti, 2009 [Adv. Space Res. 44, 1221-1231] and Signoretti and Storini, 2011 [Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans. 7, 11-14]. After several...
Lev Timofeev
06/09/2016, 16:30
Proposed a new method for measuring the cherenkov light from the extensive air shower (EAS) of cosmic rays (CR), which allows to determine not only the primary particle energy and angle of arrival, but also the parameters of the shower in the atmosphere - the maximum depth and "age".
For measurements Cherenkov light produced by EAS is proposed to use a ground network of wide-angle telescopes...
Witold Wozniak
(Polish Oil and Gas Company, Warsaw,Poland)
06/09/2016, 16:30
We analyze behavior of the diurnal anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) in two subsequent # 23 and #24 cycles of solar activity based on the hourly neutron monitor data. We study drift effects in diurnal GCR anisotropy caused by the gradient and curvature of the regular Heliospheric Magnetic Field (HMF), and due to the heliospheric neutral sheet. In order to thoroughly separate sectors of...
Alexander Mishev
(ReSolve Center of Excellence, University of Oulu, Finland)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The possible effect of solar variability, accordingly cosmic rays variation on atmospheric physics and chemistry is highly debated over the last years. According to several recent models the induced by cosmic rays atmospheric ionization plays a key role in several different processes. At recent, an apparent effect on minor constituents and aerosols over polar regions during major solar proton...
Alexander Mishev
(ReSolve Center of Excellence, University of Oulu, Finland)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The galactic cosmic rays are the main source of ionization in the Earth stratosphere and troposphere. The induced by primary cosmic ray particles ionization is important in various processes related to atmospheric physics and chemistry, specifically the minor constituents. The ion production in the atmosphere is enhanced compared to the average following major solar energetic particles events,...
Igor Petrov
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Long-term series of measurement of spectral transparency of the atmosphere (λ = 430 nm) and atmospheric optical thickness (AOT) measured by multimode photometer CE 318 in the region of Yakutsk array are analyzed [1]. Correlation of AOT with intensity of air showers with small energies 1015 – 1016 eV is found.
The variability of aerosol composition of the atmosphere during the registration...
Karel Kudela
(IEP SAS Kosice)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Since December 1981 a neutron monitor (NM) with 8 tubes is in operation at Lomnický štít (LS), 2634 m asl. Starting in March 2014 a muon detector of type SEVAN is providing continual data too. Barometric corrections for both types of measurements in various time intervals and for different pressure ranges are examined. Comparison of beta to those reported in other papers is done. For...
A. Bogdanov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The excess of muons, which was found in a number of experiments, can be explained in frame of a qualitative model involving a change of nucleus-nucleus interactions at TeV energies (in the center of mass system) with the production of heavy particles. Usage of this model leads to a shift of the EAS development maximum and the generation of high-energy muons and neutrinos. Appropriate...
Agnieszka Gil
(Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Siedlce University, Poland)
06/09/2016, 16:30
During the early declining phase of solar cycle 24 an enhanced variability associated with solar rotation was observed in cosmic rays intensity (measured by neutron monitors and space probes) and in solar wind and solar activity parameters. We notice that during the studied period this recurrence was quite stable. It was undoubtedly related to a periodical occurrence of large solar coronal...
Valerio Vagelli
06/09/2016, 16:30
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Consortium is developing the new generation of ground telescopes for the detection of ultra-high energy gamma-rays.
The Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) is participating to the R&D of a possible solution for the Cherenkov photon cameras based on Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) detectors sensitive to Near Ultraviolet (NUV) energies. The latest...
Anastasia Tezari,
Dimitra Lingri
(University of Athens)
06/09/2016, 16:30
In the frame of the comprehensive knowledge, detection and forecasting of the solar –terrestrial relations as well as space weather events, the ground based measurements of the network of neutron monitor constitutes a vital tool for these studies. This is mainly the raison that Athens Neutron Monitor Station (A.Ne. Mo.S) beyond of the provision of its real time data, has also developed...
Maria Abunina
06/09/2016, 16:30
The daily fluence of electrons was selected as the main characteristic of the behavior of electrons with energy> 2 MeV measured by GOES satellites at geostationary orbit, since it is closely related to malfunctions of satellite electronics. It is shown that the increases of high-energy magnetospheric electrons begin during major interplanetary and magnetospheric disturbances, but the beginning...
Michael Alania
(Siedlce University), Dr
Renata Modzelewska
(Siedlce University)
06/09/2016, 16:30
We present preliminary results of temporal changes of a surface air temperature based on the monthly data in Tbilisi (Georgia) for the period of 1881-2013 and in Warsaw (Poland) for the period of 1781-2013. We show that global centenary warming in Tbilisi and in Warsaw (northern hemisphere) has the some peculiarities: a) an average global warming effect \delta C = ~ (0.95 -1.10) C/per 100...
Anastasia Petukhova
(Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of SB RAS)
06/09/2016, 16:30
We have calculated the cosmic ray intensity in a magnetic cloud. It is supposed that the magnetic cloud near the Sun has the shape of a torus segment with a magnetic flux rope. The magnetic cloud is located inside the coronal mass ejection with the distribution of the radial velocity. The subsequent propagation of the ejection in interplanetary space is based on an analytic kinematic model....
Temir Zharaspayev
(National Research Nuclear University (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
06/09/2016, 16:30
Orbital experiment ARINA on the board of Russian satellite Resurs-DK1 launched in 2006 developed to study charged particle flux (electrons E ~ 3-30 MeV, protons E ~ 30-100 MeV) in near-Earth space, especially high-energy electron precipitation from the inner radiation belt caused by various geophysical and solar-magnetospheric phenomena. Precipitated electrons under certain conditions...
Juan A. Garzon
(Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The energy, mass and arrival direction of high energy primary cosmic rays are usually estimated measuring at the Earth's surface the properties of the secondary particles produced after their first collision at the high atmosphere. For such purpose, usually, arrays of detectors are used providing, some of them together, an estimate of the parameters defining the primary cosmic ray. Recent...
Alexey Leonov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Kashirskoe highway 31, Moscow, 115409, Russia)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The main goal for the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope mission is to perform a sensitive search for signatures of dark matter particles in high-energy gamma-ray emission. Measurements will also concern the following scientific goals: detailed study of the galactic center region, investigation of point and extended gamma-ray sources, studies of the energy spectra of Galactic and extragalactic...
Pavel Bezyazeekov
06/09/2016, 16:30
Tunka-Rex is detector for radio emission produced by cosmic-ray air-showers located in Siberia, triggered by Tunka-133, a co-located air-Cherenkov detector during night, and by the scintillator array
Tunka-Grande during day. Tunka-Rex has demonstrated that the radio technique can provide a cost-effective extension of existing air-shower arrays. Operating in the frequency range of 30-80...
Dorota Sobczynska
(University of Lodz)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The efficiency of the gamma/hadron separation worsens significantly at low energies in Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). This observed effect was partially explained by the occurrence of a hardly reducible hadronic background (i.e. detected images that are formed mainly by the light from a single electromagnetic or a single pi0 sub-cascade in the proton induced shower). IACTs also...
Anastasia Petukhova
(Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of SB RAS)
06/09/2016, 16:30
We have calculated the injection of solar energetic particles with relativistic energies in interplanetary space in the framework of the developed simulation of cosmic ray acceleration by shocks in the solar atmosphere. The comparison of the calculation results with particle injection in the Easter 2001 Solar Particle Event (April 15) shows that: 1) The levels of magnetic turbulence generated...
Ilya Usoskin
(University of Oulu)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Here we present an international GLE (Ground Level Enhancement of cosmic rays) database hosted by the University of Oulu. This database includes all available verified data from the neutron monitor network, for all GLEs since 1956 and a number of sub-GLE events of the last decade. This is an inheritance of previous similar databases developed in USA and Australia. We acknowledge work of...
Marek Siluszyk
(Siedlce University)
06/09/2016, 16:30
We investigate a relationship between the temporal changes of the rigidity R spectrum exponent G of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) intensity variation and the exponents Ny and Nz of the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the By and Bz components of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) turbulence in different periods of solar activity. We show that a temporal changes of the parameters G, and...
László Oláh
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the HAS)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Cosmic ray detection is a research area which finds various applications in tomographic imaging of large size objects. In this case, the background sources which contaminate cosmic muon signal require a good understanding of the creation processes, as well as
reliable simulation frameworks with high predictive power. One of the main background source is the ``soft component'', that is...
Anton Artamonov
(University of Oulu)
06/09/2016, 16:30
A new model of the family of CRAC models, CRAC:EPII (Cosmic Ray Atmospheric Cascade: Electron Precipitation Induced Ionization), is presented. The model calculates atmospheric ionization induced by precipitating electrons. The computations were carried out in the energy range of precipitating electrons between 20 keV and 500 MeV. The CRAC:EPII is based on Monte Carlo simulation: Compton...
Artem Abunin
06/09/2016, 16:30
In this paper we give the structure, characteristics and the first observational data muon detector area of 2×2 m^2. As a particle counter is used fiber optic scintillation detectors 1 m2 and 1 cm thick with light collection fibers, pasted in the regular order in the scintillation plate. The detector is combined with a neutron monitor, 10 cm of lead which is used for the absorption of the soft...
Karoly Kecskemety
(Wigner Research Centre)
06/09/2016, 16:30
According to the model of transfer of Jovian electrons to the Earth by a magnetic trap formed by interplanetary magnetic field lines connected with the Sun, the variations of high-energy electron fluxes should have 27-day periodicity due to the rotation of the Sun and therefore the magnetic trap as well. It turned out that in reality, under short-lived (about 1-3 solar rotations) magnetic...
Stepan Poluianov
(University of Oulu, Finland)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The era of direct measurements of solar energetic particles (SEP) is limited to the last few decades and largely overlaps with the Modern Grand Maximum of solar activity. However, for many purposes it is important to know the SEP flux on much longer time scale. This information can be obtained only using indirect proxies. Terrestrial ones, such as nuclides C-14 from tree trunks and Be-10 from...
Igor Petrov
(Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research)
06/09/2016, 16:30
In this paper, we present results obtained from the measurements of radio emission at frequency of 32 MHz with energy more than 1019 eV. Generalized formula that describe lateral distribution and depends on main characteristic of the air showers: energy E0 and depth of maximum Xmax was derived.
The formula has a good agreement with data at average and large distances from shower axis....
Alexander Mishev
(Oulu University)
06/09/2016, 16:30
In January 2005 nearly the end of solar cycle 23 the Sun, namely solar active region NOAA 10720 produced a sequence of powerful solar flares. The fifth of these flares (X7.1) produced solar energetic particles, causing a giant increase in the count rates of the ground-based cosmic ray detectors, namely neutron monitors (NMs), the maximum increase registered at southern polar stations. From the...
Bernd Heber
(Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu kiel)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Neutron monitors (NMs) are ground-based devices to measure the variation of cosmic ray intensities. They are reliable devices but difficult to install because of their size and weight. Therefore a portable mini neutron monitor (MNM) that can be installed as an autonomous station at any location that provides suitable conditions has been developed recently. The first continuous measuring mini...
Mariia Abunina
06/09/2016, 16:30
Muon telescope MUSTANG was elaborated in Greifswald University, and worked there during the period from 2007 to 2015. In July 2015 it was removed to Kiel University where it operates up to the present time. The geometrical response of the instrument as well as the corresponding asymptotic directions in accordance with the new location has been investigated. Accumulated data from this detector...
Vladimir Zirakashvili
06/09/2016, 16:30
Nonlinear model of diffusive shock acceleration is used for
investigation of the particle acceleration in old supernova remnants
W28 and W44.
We modeled the hydrodynamical evolution of the remnats, shock modification and
streaming instability produced by accelerated particles. Comparison with
avalable radio and gamma-ray data is given.
cristina consolandi
(university of hawaii)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Solar and heliospheric cosmic rays (SH)
In recent years, the increasing precision of direct cosmic rays measurements opened the door to indirect searches of dark matter with high-sensitivity and to more accurate predictions for radiation doses received by astronauts and electronics in space. The key ingredients in the study of these phenomena are the knowledge of the local interstellar spectrum (LIS) of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs)...
Anton Artamonov
(University of Oulu)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Computed yield functions of each of solar neutron telescopes in the SNT- network for solar neutrons is presented. The computations of cascade in the atmosphere were made by Monte Carlo using the GEANT4-based PLANETOCOSMICS tool. The yield function was validated against the measured data for solar neutron event of 24 May 1990.
Recalculated attenuation length in the atmosphere for neutrons is...
Anastasia Tezari
(University of Athens)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The primary components of radiation in interplanetary space are galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and solar cosmic radiation (SCR). GCR originates from outside of our Solar System, while SCR consists of low energy solar wind particles that flow constantly from the Sun and the highly energetic solar particle events (SPEs) that originate from magnetically disturbed regions of the Sun, which...
Sergey Koldashov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The results of observation of short-term and long-term variations of high-energy electron flux in the outer radiation belt, obtained in ARINA and VSPLESK satellite experiments, are presented. Scintillation spectrometers ARINA on board the Resurs-DK1 Russian satellite (2006 - 2016) and VSPLESK on board the International Space Station (2008 - 2013) have been developed in MEPhI. Both instruments...
Sergey Aleksandrin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI), Dr
Sergey Koldashov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)), Mr
Temir Zharaspayev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
06/09/2016, 16:30
Measurements of the ARINA instrument on board the Resurs-DK1 satellite (altitude ~600 km and inclination ~70 degrees, since 2006 till 2016) and the VSPLESK instrument on board the International Space Station (altitude ~400 km and inclination ~52 degrees, since 2008 till 2013) in low Earth orbits were presented in this report. Both instruments are identical in terms of physical layout. They can...
Ana Caramete
(Institute of Space Science)
06/09/2016, 16:30
One essential requirement for the accurate and precise detection of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) produced by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR), both with present and future space-based UV telescopes (e.g. TUS, KLYPVE EUSO), is the instrument in-orbit periodic calibration.
Here, we present the preliminary results of an extended study performed for finding the optimal configuration of a...
Juan A. Garzon
(Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The recent development of affordable cosmic ray detectors, with both good timing and tracking capabilities, makes very interesting to analyze the possibility of introducing new observables for improving the identification of primary cosmic rays. For such a purpose, a systematic analysis of the properties of cosmic ray showers, induced by light, medium and heavy primaries, in the range of...
Artem Abunin
06/09/2016, 16:30
The multidirectional muon telescope at Nagoya (35°09’N, 136°58’E) is the most successful at the point of construction multidirectional scintillation telescope. It is working since 1970 and has 17 independent directions: a vertical, on 4 inclined 30º, 49º and 64º and 4 azimuthal directions.
The temperature coefficients for all the directions of the Nagoya muon telescope were obtained using...
Khusnudin Nuritdinov
(Physical-Technical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Based on the experimental data "Pamir" in E0 = 5 • 1015-1017 eV were studied the spatial characteristics of the initial γ-families. As the spatial characteristics of the initial γ-families used the value R1E - length (mm) of the initial γ-quantum from the energy weighted center to the first particle with the maximum energy Emax (TeV). The value R1E is proportional to the transverse momentum...
Christian Steigies
(CAU Kiel)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Neutron monitors (NMs) continuously record the cosmic-ray (CR) primary intensity for more than 50 years.
Since the International Geophysical Year (IGY) 1957,
the IGY NM quickly became recognized as an efficient detector for the study of CRs
with a world data center (WDC) for CRs, which provides one hour averages of CR intensities, being established that same year.
The successor of IGY was...
R.P. Kokoulin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Local muon density spectra (LMDS) at various zenith angles have been reconstructed from the DECOR data on inclined muon bundles detected at a ground level. In comparison with the earlier DECOR results, the experimental statistics has been increased by 2-3 times for different ranges of zenith angle and muon bundle multiplicity and is now based on about 40,000 h of the setup operation. It is...
Ilya Usoskin
(University of Oulu)
06/09/2016, 16:30
A very unusual enhancement of production of cosmogenic isotopes in 775 AD was discovered recently. Although different hypotheses about its origin were proposed, it is a paradigm now that the event was caused by a (possibly a series of) extreme solar energetic particle (SEP) event with a very hard energy spectrum. It appears to be the strongest event over the Holocene thus serving as the upper...
Artur Tkachenko
06/09/2016, 16:30
Cosmic Rays below the knee (CR I)
The NUCLEON detector is in orbit since December 2014 and measuring energy spectrum of Cosmic Ray (CR) and charge composition at 100 GeV – 1000 TeV and Z = 1-30 respectively. The NUCLEON apparatus structure and operation, including the scintillator trigger system are described. Using the detector simulation program the systematic uncertainties in CR energy spectra and charge composition are discussed.
Alexei Struminsky
(Space Research Institute)
06/09/2016, 16:30
Possible values of cosmic ray (CR) ground level enhancements (GLE) registered by neutron monitor (NM) were estimated for ultimate solar proton spectrum using two different methods. Integral and differential ultimate spectra of solar protons were proposed by Struminsky (2015). The first method is based on statistical dependence of integral flux of >100 MeV solar protons observed by...
Nikola Veselinovic
(Institute of Physics, Belgrade)
06/09/2016, 16:30
The aim of the present work is to investigate possibility of utilizing a shallow underground laboratory for
the study of energy dependent solar modulation process and to find an optimum detector configuration
sensitive to primaries of widest possible energy range for a given site. The laboratory ought to be
equipped with single muon detectors at ground level and underground as well as the...
Artem Abunin
06/09/2016, 16:30
In this paper the geomagnetic cutoff rigidities for the World Network of muon telescopes were obtained by the method of trajectory calculations. Calculations were carried out for the period 1950-2020, with the annual resolution. Geomagnetic cutoff rigidities were obtained by the model Definitive Geomagnetic Reference Field for 1950-2015 and by the model of International Geomagnetic Reference...
Maria Abunina
06/09/2016, 16:30
The behavior of cosmic ray density and the anisotropy in the first hours of Forbush decrease is studied during the period 1957-2014. Only Forbush effects followed by the arrival of the interplanetary shock wave were considered. It is shown that already in the beginning of events the magnitude of the first spherical harmonic of anisotropy increases substantially, and its direction changes...