4–9 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

Energy spectrum of cascade showers generated by cosmic ray muons in water

7 Sept 2016, 12:00
Aula Gialla (Torino Esposizioni)

Aula Gialla

Torino Esposizioni

oral Parallel


R.P. Kokoulin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)


The spatial distribution of Cherenkov radiation from cascade showers generated by muons in Cherenkov water calorimeter (CWC) NEVOD has been measured. This result allowed to improve the techniques of treating cascade showers with unknown axis by means of CWC response only. The techniques of selecting the events with high energy cascade showers and reconstructing their parameters are discussed. The results of measurements of the spectrum of cascade showers in the energy range 100 GeV – 30 TeV generated by cosmic ray muons at large zenith angles and their comparison with expectation are presented.

Primary author

R.P. Kokoulin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)


A.A. Petrukhin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) A.G. Bogdanov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) D.V. Chernov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) I.I. Yashin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) K.G. Kompaniets (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) N.S. Barbashina (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) S.S. Khokhlov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) V.A. Khomyakov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) V.D. Burtsev (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) V.V. Kindin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) V.V. Shutenko (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)

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