4–9 Sept 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

First Results from CO.R.A. Project

8 Sept 2016, 17:15
Aula Blu (Torino Esposizioni)

Aula Blu

Torino Esposizioni

oral Parallel


Alba Zanini (TO)


CO.R.A. (acronym for COsmic Rays in Antarctica) is a new international project carried out in the frame of a collaboration between Argentine (UNLP [Universidad Nacional de La Plata] and IAA [Istituto Antártico Argentino]) and Italian (INFN [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare] and IAPS/INAF [Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali dell' Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica]) Institutions. The aim of the project is to evaluate the composition and the characteristics of the secondary cosmic radiation in atmosphere at the Marambio Antarctic Base (64° 13’S – 56° 43’W, 196 m a.s.l.), with particular attention to the environmental dosimetric data. The acquisition of such kind of data is relevant for the knowledge of the biological being exposure at high latitudes as for the one at high altitudes. To this end, several passive and active detectors (both for electromagnetic and charged components and for the neutron component covering different energy intervals) were selected and used in measurements campaigns. A detailed description of the project and of the used instruments is presented together with the first results obtained from the recorded data during 2013 and 2015. Moreover, our results were compared with the past few data available for the Antarctic region.

Primary author

Alba Zanini (TO)

Presentation materials